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The anatomical features of Agave americana L. leaf have been described, transverse sections of the leaf have been examined, the epidermis is single-layered on both surfaces, the stomata are sunken and mesophyll is (2-3) layers of parenchyma cells, vascular bundles are collateral type. The pollen of A. americana was studied. The observation was made with L.M. (Light microscope) and S.E.M. (Scanning electron microscope) to determine the significance of pollen features as taxonomic characters. The pollen was monades, homopolar, monosulcate, and with large size, subprolate in shape from P/E ratio (Polar axis/ Equatorial diameter) and furrow length and width, exine thickness and ornamentation.

Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Anatomical features of Fraxinus ornus L. growing in Iraq
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Fraxinus ornus L. is considered as a special species that is frequently planted as a decorative tree in most of the country. The cross-sections of the root and stem are circular in shape and in the secondary growth stage, the vascular tissue in the root and stem consists of secondary xylem in radial rows and the type of vessels in the xylem are ring pours wood. Epidermal cells of leaves undulate on the upper and lower side, hairs are uniseriate and unicellular and the stomata appeared in the abaxial surface only is anomocytic type. The vertical-section of blade leaf includes upper epidermis and lower epidermis followed by the palisade layer and spongy layers. The cross-section of petiole horseshoe shape and the vascular bundles are cover

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Anatomical study of Solanum nigrum L. from Solanaceae family growing in Iraq
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Abstract<p>The most important features that we have reached through this study, are shown the cross-section of root were in the secondary growth stage and the epidermis of leaf were studded by stomata complex, the type of it was anomocytic that’s mean no have subsidiary cells around the guard cells, the mesophyll bifacial also the midrib region of leaf like the pear and the vascular bundle located in the center crescent in shape. The cross-sections of petiole ovate shape with two ears in the lateral side and the vascular bundles crescent in shape. The cross-section of fruits circular component of three-layer the outer layer pericarp, mesocarp, and the endocarp, surrounding the ovary or the see</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 28 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Membrane Science And Technology
Morphological and Anatomical Study of Some Species of Ziziphus L. (Rhamnaceae) Growing in Iraq
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The genus Ziziphus is one of the Family Rhamnaceae and consists of more than 170 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. All the species in the genus are of economical and medical importance. This study was conducted to identify the morphologically and anatomically features of the genus in Iraq.  The field survey was conducted across the study area where 4 species (Ziziphus jujube, Z. mauritiana, Z. nummularia and Z. spina-christi) were collected and used in the study.  The result showed that there is variation in morphological and anatomical features among the species in the stem cross-section and longitudinal section of leaves also the differences appeared in the epidermis of leaves.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Anatomical and Palynological study of Ricinus communisL.from Euphorbiaceaein Iraq
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  The anatomical study showed the epidermis leaves of Ricinus communis L.glabrous and withparacytic pattern, also the midrib of leavescomposedfrom a pyramidal shapearea with a circular tip like ascamel humpfrom the upper side consisting of supported collenchyma tissue, and the cross section of leaf petiole formed as an ovate shape as for the cross section of stem was a circular, also observed many druces crystaland aleuron grains that are spread in the cortex area. Pollen grain appeared under a scanning electron microscope that tricolporate, either the surface pattern was reticulate and the shape of pollen grain prolate spheroidal to subprolate

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Study of Steroidal Sapogenin “Tigogenin” Present in the Leaves of Agave americana Cultivated in Iraq
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The presence of the most important steroidal sapogenin “Tigogenin” in the leaves of Agave americana  cultivated in Iraq was detected. The absence of any study concerning the Tigogenin content of this medicinal plant in Iraq, and the industrial importance of Tigogenin depending on its role as a precursor in the synthesis of some steroidal drugs, acquired this study its value. This search include extraction,  isolation,  purification and dentification of Tigogenin from the leaves of Agave americana. Extraction of this compound was carried out using two methods. Identification of this compound is carried out by using thin layer chromatography (TLC) where three different mobile phase have been use

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 15 2017
Journal Name
8th International Conference On Agricultural, Environment, Biology And Medical Sciences
Anatomical features of (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) growing in Iraq
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Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms or Water hyacinth is a fertile floating aquatic widespread in worldwide. The form of plants and the anatomy parts of this plant were studied. The most important feature was obvious the air chamber with intercellular spaces by amazing arrangement. As well can notice aerenchyma tissue allow the parts of plants floated on the surface of water located in the ground meristem of root, petiole and in the mesophyll of leaves also presence of two type of crystals raphides and styloid crystals was noted of various member in the plant in addition appear astrosclereids around the air chambers, to support the plant parts from the unsuitable environmental conditions such as the speed of water flow or floods or high leve

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Comparative anatomical study of genus Oxalis L. (Oxalidaceae) in Iraq
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The present study included the collection of fresh samples of species of genus Oxalis and examined the anatomical characteristics of the stem, scape, petiole, leaf and pedicel

Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Pollen Morphology of Stachys L. Spp. Growing in Iraq
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The present work included new information about pollen of eighteen Spp. of Stachys  L. in Iraq ;showed their importance in diagnostsis.

Pollen shapes in equatorial view were ellipsoid in most spp .and spherical - subspherical ,  spherical - subprolate and  subprolate -

ellipsoid in others; while they were spherical - subspherical in polar

view . Pollen was tricolpate except St.iberica  M.B.georgica Rech.f. &

Ten. Which has tetracolpate and that was new for the genus.

The smallest pollen were seen in St.kotschyi  Boiss. & Hohen. but the biggest were in St.benthamiana Boiss.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Palynological Study of the Genus Arabis l.(Brassicaceae)
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Pollen morphology of 4 species (A. aucheri , A. auriculata, A. caucasica, A. nova) belonging to the genus Arabis L. in Iraq was examined by light microscope and scanning electron microscope to determine the significance of pollen features as a taxonomic characters. The results showed pollen grains of the species were monades, homopolar, tricolpate, and with medium size, but the species varied in shapes (polar and equatorial view), colpus length and width, exine thickness and exine ornamentation. Pollen colors were brown convert to brownish yellow.

Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research was aimed to study the pollen morphology for the genus Pterocephalus(Vaill)  from Dipsacaceae family in Iraq, and to utilize these feathers in isolating the species as valuable taxonomic traits for enriching Iraqi flora. The study included characteristics of the type, shape, size, sculpturing and apertures, as well as determining the full dimensions using light microscopy as well as numerical analysis of this species and draw polygonal shapes and denderogram  convergence between species. The results of the study of pollen and polygonal forms showed significant differences in the characteristics at the level of each species, which helps to identification the genus species, as it was found that the pollen was a tricolp

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