סיכום לכל מדע מערך יסודות שעליו הוא עומד ועושה, בין אם ברמה של מושג ותוכן, או ברמת תכנית הלימודים והמונח , מקום בו מדעי האדם מתמודדים עם בעיות רבות המתחילות במסגרת מדע יחיד ומידת הייחודיות שלו והאינטראקציה שלו עם מדעים אחרים, דרך בעיית תכנית הלימודים, עד לבעיית המונח . בדרך זו היה צורך להתייחס למונח כמשהו רגיש, אם לא מסוכן.מדע המונח נחשב לאחד מענפי הבלשנות היישומית כיום, והוא נחשב למדע בולט, עד שהוא הפך למדע עצמאי בפני עצמו. הכרת המונח מדע היא כזו שתורמת לאיחוד בסיס המחקר עליו יכולים לסמוך מדענים, והוא תורם רבות לתיאום בין מחקרים ומחקרים שונים, והוא תורם להגברת הידע של הקורא שאינו מתמחה במדע זה כתוצאה מחיסול הפרעה טרמינולוגית. ומדע התרגום נחשב למלא תפקיד חשוב בהתמודדות עם המינוחים.באמצעות זה, נושא זה נחשב, הנחשב במדע המונח המיוחד, לדעת כיצד והשיטה שאחריה מתרגמים בהתמודדותם עם המונח תוך תרגום של משמעויותיו של הקוראן הנובל לשפה העברית.
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease activity plays a central role in causing disability both directly and via indirect effects mediated through joint damage. Evaluation of RA disease activity is therefore important to predict the outcome and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions during follow-up. Clinical disease activity index (CDAI) is new simple tool for measurement of disease activity.
Objectives: To assess validity and reliability of CDAI in comparison to disease activity score-28 joints (DAS28) in Iraqi patients with active RA.
Patients and Methods: Sixty nine Iraqi RA patients were included in this study. All patients were fulfilling the ACR classification criteria and active. Full history was taken and comple
In the tenth century, Turks began to convert into Islam and adopted for official and literary use the Arabic language to study the teachings of the new religion they believed in. The use of many of the loanwords have become absolute in the Ottoman period, but even in Modern Turkish a large number of loanwords from Arabic can be often recognized because they are not subject to the strict rules of Turkish. Yet, some of these words lost its original meaning and acquired new different Turkish meaning. Moreover, some of the Arabic nouns of singular form in Turkish, modified the plural Turkish form. The present study entitled “the adaptation and the different modifications of borrowed Arabic Plurals in Modern Turkish” sheds light on
... Show MoreÖnsöz
Bu tez Türkçe'de -yor ekinin kullanışları başlığını taşımaktadır.
Bilindiği gibi, bu ek Türkçe'de bir çok sayıda görev ve işlev yüklenebilmektedir. Bu ek Türkiye Türkçesinde en sık kullanılan şimdiki zaman ekidir. Bu ek hem şekil hem zaman ifade eder. Ayrıca da bu ekin çeşitli kullanışları verdır.
Bu ekle ilgili kaymalar çok açık olup örnekleri de son derece fazladır
Sıfat - Fiillere Osmanlıcada fer’i fiil adı verilmektedir. Sıfat - fiiller için çeşitli kaynaklarda, kılın adı (kılın sanı[1]), ortaç[2], sıfat - fiil (sıfat - eylem[3]), partisip[4], isim - fiil[5] gibi terimler kullanılmıştır.
Sıfat - fiiller, isim- fiiler gibi fiilden türerler. Aldıkları belli başlı ekler vardır. Bu eklere sıfat - fiil ekleri denir.sıfat - fiiller, cümlede bir sıfat gibi görev yaparlar. Sıfatlar gibi isimlerin önün gelirler ve onları nitelerler tıpkı bir sıfat gibi ismin hal eklerini alab
... Show MoreLinking adverbials are used to organize and bridge together extended stretches of discourse to make the text coherent. They are explicit indicators of the communicative function of the sentence and writers use them to let their readers follow what has already been said and to help them anticipate what is about to follow.
Linking adverbials include those relations of addition, enumeration, summation, apposition and so on. Through the use of these adverbials, the writer is able to organize and develop his ideas and help the reader follow him from one sentence to another. Thus, a linking adverbial is a semantic relation used to show the way in which what is to follow is systematically connected to what has gone before. So, they have anap
El tema de esta investigación está directamente relacionado con el papel del léxico en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua en el sistema de enseñanza universitariairaquí, donde se llevó a cabo la investigación empírica y la propuesta de criterios de la selección de léxico español.
Este estudio se ha centrado concretamente en los alumnos irakíes de nivel elemental que estudian elespañol como segunda lengua extranjera. Con el fin de conocer los estilos de enseñanza-aprendizaje del vocabulario practicado en las aulas, de determinar las faltas en la selección léxica y realizar propuestas de mejorar la competencia léxica, hemos efectuado el an
... Show MoreThis research is an attempt to concern with important subject in Arabic language and criticism . Its conception concern with poet’s ability on transmitting from one subject to another in the same poem without effect on the reader or listener in order not to effect on reader or listener through reading poetry this concern had been taken by many critics and rhetorical which lead to architecture design those the
مما لاشك فيه أنّ اندفاعنا للقيام بهذه الدراسة المتواضعة له أسبابه ، أهمها إن بعض الأبنية الصرفية مازالت مغمورة في ركام الدراسة قابعة تحت غبار الزمن على أساس أنها خارجة عن القواعد الصرفية الأساسية من غير مسوغ لهذا الخروج ، وهذه محاولة جادة للوقوف على بعضها ، لكي ننفض عنها الغبار لتخرج إلى النور ،
The researches to discover useful ways to represent the agents and agent-based
systems are continuous. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language
used for software and non software modeling systems. The aim of this paper is: using UML
class diagram to design treasury pharmaceuticals agent and explain its internal action. The
diagram explains the movement of the agent among other nodes to achieve user's requests
(external) after it takes them. The paper shows that it is easy to model the practical systems by
using agent UML when they are used in a complex environment.
يتناول البحث تعليم اللغة العربية وما لها من أثر بين التراث والمعاصرة إذ يعُد مقياس رقي أي مجتمع من المجتمعات مقدار عنايته بلغته القومية ، فهي وسيلته واداته للتفاهم في مواجهة المواقف المختلفة التي تتطلب الكلام ، والاستماع ، والقراءة ، والكتابة ، هي دلالة تحضره وتقدمه في احواله المختلفة ، وهي الشرط الاساس في بقائه ونمائه ، فبدونها يغيب موضوع الحديث عن مفهوم المجتمع القومي لاي شعب من الشعوب ..