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Efficient routing algorithm for VANETs based on distance factor
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There has been a great deal of research into the considerable challenge of managing of traffic at road junctions; its application to vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) has proved to be of great interest in the developed world. Dynamic topology is one of the vital challenges facing VANET; as a result, routing of packets to their destination successfully and efficiently is a non-simplistic undertaking. This paper presents a MDORA, an efficient and uncomplicated algorithm enabling intelligent wireless vehicular communications. MDORA is a robust routing algorithm that facilitates reliable routing through communication between vehicles. As a position-based routing technique, the MDORA algorithm, vehicles' precise locations are used to establish the optimal route by which the vehicles may reach their desired destinations. By determining the route containing the maximum distance with the minimum number of hops, MDORA minimizes the control overhead. The final aspect of the paper is to compare gains of MDORA with those of existing protocols such as AODV, GPSR-L and HLAR in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio and average delay. From the analysis, it will be evident that the performance of MDORA is far better than the other protocols.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Computers, Communications, Control & Systems Engineering (ijccce)
Efficient Iris Image Recognition System Based on Machine Learning Approach
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
An efficient multistage CBIR based on Squared Krawtchouk-Tchebichef polynomials
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Abstract<p>Image databases are increasing exponentially because of rapid developments in social networking and digital technologies. To search these databases, an efficient search technique is required. CBIR is considered one of these techniques. This paper presents a multistage CBIR to address the computational cost issues while reasonably preserving accuracy. In the presented work, the first stage acts as a filter that passes images to the next stage based on SKTP, which is the first time used in the CBIR domain. While in the second stage, LBP and Canny edge detectors are employed for extracting texture and shape features from the query image and images in the newly constructed database. The p</p> ... Show More
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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems I: Regular Papers
Crosstalk-Aware Multiple Error Detection Scheme Based on Two-Dimensional Parities for Energy Efficient Network on Chip
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Achieving reliable operation under the influence of deep-submicrometer noise sources including crosstalk noise at low voltage operation is a major challenge for network on chip links. In this paper, we propose a coding scheme that simultaneously addresses crosstalk effects on signal delay and detects up to seven random errors through wire duplication and simple parity checks calculated over the rows and columns of the two-dimensional data. This high error detection capability enables the reduction of operating voltage on the wire leading to energy saving. The results show that the proposed scheme reduces the energy consumption up to 53% as compared to other schemes at iso-reliability performance despite the increase in the overhead number o

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Proposed Hybrid Algorithm for Generate Database Index Key Based on Image Contents
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  This paper deals with proposing new lifting scheme (HYBRID Algorithm) that is capable of preventing images and documents which are fraud through decomposing there in to the real colors value arrays (red, blue and green) to create retrieval keys for its properties and store it in the database and then check the document originality by retrieve the query image or document through the decomposition described above and compare the predicted color values (retrieval keys)  of the query document with those stored in the database. The proposed algorithm has been developed from the two known lifting schemes (Haar and D4) by merging them to find out HYBRID lifting scheme. The validity and accuracy of the proposed algorithm have been ev

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 23 2022
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Face mask detection based on algorithm YOLOv5s
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Determining the face of wearing a mask from not wearing a mask from visual data such as video and still, images have been a fascinating research topic in recent decades due to the spread of the Corona pandemic, which has changed the features of the entire world and forced people to wear a mask as a way to prevent the pandemic that has calmed the entire world, and it has played an important role. Intelligent development based on artificial intelligence and computers has a very important role in the issue of safety from the pandemic, as the Topic of face recognition and identifying people who wear the mask or not in the introduction and deep education was the most prominent in this topic. Using deep learning techniques and the YOLO (”You on

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design Active Filter Based on Genetic Algorithm
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The  lossy-FDNR  based  aclive  fil ter has an  important   property among  many  design  realizations. 'This includes  a significant reduction in component count particularly in the number  of OP-AMP which consumes   power.  However  the·  problem  of  this   type  is the  large component spreads  which affect the fdter performance.

In  this  paper   Genetic   Algorithm   is  applied   to  minimize   the component  spread   (capacitance  and  resistance  p,read). The minimization of these spreads allow the fil

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Modified Radial Based Neural Network for Clustering and Routing Optimal Path in Wireless Network
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Several methods have been developed for routing problem in MANETs wireless network, because it considered very important problem in this network ,we suggested proposed method based on modified radial basis function networks RBFN and Kmean++ algorithm. The modification in RBFN for routing operation in order to find the optimal path between source and destination in MANETs clusters. Modified Radial Based Neural Network is very simple, adaptable and efficient method to increase the life time of nodes, packet delivery ratio and the throughput of the network will increase and connection become more useful because the optimal path has the best parameters from other paths including the best bitrate and best life link with minimum delays. The re

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An algorithm for binary codebook design based on the average bitmap replacement error (ABPRE)
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In this paper, an algorithm for binary codebook design has been used in vector quantization technique, which is used to improve the acceptability of the absolute moment block truncation coding (AMBTC) method. Vector quantization (VQ) method is used to compress the bitmap (the output proposed from the first method (AMBTC)). In this paper, the binary codebook can be engender for many images depending on randomly chosen to the code vectors from a set of binary images vectors, and this codebook is then used to compress all bitmaps of these images. The chosen of the bitmap of image in order to compress it by using this codebook based on the criterion of the average bitmap replacement error (ABPRE). This paper is suitable to reduce bit rates

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2022
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A Computationally Efficient Gradient Algorithm for Downlink Training Sequence Optimization in FDD Massive MIMO Systems
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Future wireless networks will require advance physical-layer techniques to meet the requirements of Internet of Everything (IoE) applications and massive communication systems. To this end, a massive MIMO (m-MIMO) system is to date considered one of the key technologies for future wireless networks. This is due to the capability of m-MIMO to bring a significant improvement in the spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. However, designing an efficient downlink (DL) training sequence for fast channel state information (CSI) estimation, i.e., with limited coherence time, in a frequency division duplex (FDD) m-MIMO system when users exhibit different correlation patterns, i.e., span distinct channel covariance matrices, is to date ve

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Efficient text in image hiding method based on LSB method principle
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The steganography (text in image hiding) methods still considered important issues to the researchers at the present time. The steganography methods were varied in its hiding styles from a simple to complex techniques that are resistant to potential attacks. In current research the attack on the host's secret text problem didn’t considered, but an improved text hiding within the image have highly confidential was proposed and implemented companied with a strong password method, so as to ensure no change will be made in the pixel values of the host image after text hiding. The phrase “highly confidential” denoted to the low suspicious it has been performed may be found in the covered image. The Experimental results show that the covere

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