Several methods have been developed for routing problem in MANETs wireless network, because it considered very important problem in this network ,we suggested proposed method based on modified radial basis function networks RBFN and Kmean++ algorithm. The modification in RBFN for routing operation in order to find the optimal path between source and destination in MANETs clusters. Modified Radial Based Neural Network is very simple, adaptable and efficient method to increase the life time of nodes, packet delivery ratio and the throughput of the network will increase and connection become more useful because the optimal path has the best parameters from other paths including the best bitrate and best life link with minimum delays. The results show how the proposed routing algorithm produces higher speed comparing with Dijkstra algorithm and finds the optimal path in addition to shortest path. Proposed routing algorithm depends on the group of factors and parameters to select the path between two points in the wireless network.
The limitations of wireless sensor nodes are power, computational capabilities, and memory. This paper suggests a method to reduce the power consumption by a sensor node. This work is based on the analogy of the routing problem to distribute an electrical field in a physical media with a given density of charges. From this analogy a set of partial differential equations (Poisson's equation) is obtained. A finite difference method is utilized to solve this set numerically. Then a parallel implementation is presented. The parallel implementation is based on domain decomposition, where the original calculation domain is decomposed into several blocks, each of which given to a processing element. All nodes then execute computations in parall
... Show MoreIn this paper, a Modified Weighted Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (MW-LEACH) protocol is implemented to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with mobile sink node. The Quality of Service is measured in terms of Throughput Ratio (TR), Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) and Energy Consumption (EC). The protocol is implemented based on Python simulation. Simulation Results showed that the proposed protocol provides better Quality of Service in comparison with Weighted Low Energy Cluster Hierarchy (W-LEACH) protocol by 63%.
Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is gaining significant attention due to its applications in smart health offering cost-effective, efficient, ubiquitous, and unobtrusive telemedicine. WBASNs face challenges including interference, Quality of Service, transmit power, and resource constraints. Recognizing these challenges, this paper presents an energy and Quality of Service-aware routing algorithm. The proposed algorithm is based on each node's Collaboratively Evaluated Value (CEV) to select the most suitable cluster head (CH). The Collaborative Value (CV) is derived from three factors, the node's residual energy, the distance vector between nodes and personal device, and the sensor's density in each CH. The CEV algorithm operates i
... Show MoreThis paper presents a new design of a nonlinear multi-input multi-output PID neural controller of the active brake steering force and the active front steering angle for a 2-DOF vehicle model based on modified Elman recurrent neural. The goal of this work is to achieve the stability and to improve the vehicle dynamic’s performance through achieving the desired yaw rate and reducing the lateral velocity of the vehicle in a minimum time period for preventing the vehicle from slipping out the road curvature by using two active control actions: the front steering angle and the brake steering force. Bacterial forging optimization algorithm is used to adjust the parameters weights of the proposed controller. Simulation resul
... Show MoreIn this article, we design an optimal neural network based on new LM training algorithm. The traditional algorithm of LM required high memory, storage and computational overhead because of it required the updated of Hessian approximations in each iteration. The suggested design implemented to converts the original problem into a minimization problem using feed forward type to solve non-linear 3D - PDEs. Also, optimal design is obtained by computing the parameters of learning with highly precise. Examples are provided to portray the efficiency and applicability of this technique. Comparisons with other designs are also conducted to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed design.
Ad-Hoc Networks are a generation of networks that are truly wireless, and can be easily constructed without any operator. There are protocols for management of these networks, in which the effectiveness and the important elements in these networks are the Quality of Service (QoS). In this work the evaluation of QoS performance of MANETs is done by comparing the results of using AODV, DSR, OLSR and TORA routing protocols using the Op-Net Modeler, then conduct an extensive set of performance experiments for these protocols with a wide variety of settings. The results show that the best protocol depends on QoS using two types of applications (+ve and –ve QoS in the FIS evaluation). QoS of the protocol varies from one prot
... Show MoreThe important device in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is the Sink Node (SN). That is used to store, collect and analyze data from every sensor node in the network. Thus the main role of SN in WSN makes it a big target for traffic analysis attack. Therefore, securing the SN position is a substantial issue. This study presents Security for Mobile Sink Node location using Dynamic Routing Protocol called (SMSNDRP), in order to increase complexity for adversary trying to discover mobile SN location. In addition to that, it minimizes network energy consumption. The proposed protocol which is applied on WSN framework consists of 50 nodes with static and mobile SN. The results havw shown in each round a dynamic change in the route to reach mobi
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