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Connectivity and rendezvous in distributed DSA networks
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In this paper, we use concepts and results from percolation theory to investigate and characterize the effects of multi-channels on the connectivity of Dynamic Spectrum Access networks. In particular, we focus on the scenario where the secondary nodes have plenty of vacant channels to choose from-a phenomenon which we define as channel abundance. To cope with the existence of multi-channels, we use two types of rendezvous protocols: naive ones which do not guarantee a common channel and advanced ones which do. We show that, with more channel abundance, even with the use of either type of rendezvous protocol, it becomes difficult for two nodes to agree on a common channel, thereby potentially remaining invisible to each other. We model this invisibility as a Poisson thinning process and show that invisibility is even more pronounced with channel abundance. Following the disk graph model, we define and characterize connectivity of the secondary network in terms of the available number of channels, deployment densities, number of transceivers per node, and communication range. When primary users are absent, we derive the critical number of channels which maintains super-criticality of the secondary network. When primary users are present, we characterize and analyze the connectivity for all the regions: channel abundance, optimal, and channel deprivation. Our results can be used to decide on the goodness of any channel rendezvous algorithm by computing the expected resultant connectivity.

Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Role of Interleukine-33 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
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The inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are heterogenous chronic inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The most widely accepted etiopathogenic hypothesis for these disorders suggests an immune mediated process.
Objective: This study was performed to evaluate the role of interleukine-33 in pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease and to correlate their levels with the disease activity and/or severity.
Methods: Fifty five subjects with inflammatory bowel disease (41 ulcerative colitis patients and 14 Crohn’s disease patients) their ages range from 16-65 years and 25 apparently healthy volunteers their ages and sexes were matched with the patients were participated i

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of journalism in the fight against terrorism
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The media plays an important role in a number of functions performed by them. Press is one of those media which had and still have a clear role in addressing the various issues, topics, and events. Journalism is no longer as expressed by owners of the liberal theory – it seeks to raise the instincts – but it began to excite the minds of readers to meet their needs. At the same time, it does not neglect the search for the truth and work to deliver it to readers. Some have identified a set of tasks carried out by the press including the interest in public affairs, the needs of the community, work to provide happiness, what is beneficial and useful and combat the negative phenomenon and to address the deviations facing society. The comi

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simulation of Longitudinal Stability Of Helicopter In Forward Flight
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The present work describes the development of code for trim and longitudinal stability analysis of a helicopter in forward flight. In general, particular use of these codes can be made for parametric investigation of the effects of the external and internal systems integrated to UH-60 helicopters. A forward flight longitudinal dynamic stability code is also developed in the work to solve the longitudinal part of the whole coupled matrix of equations of motion of a helicopter in forward flight. The coupling is eliminated by linearization. The trim analysis results are used as inputs to the dynamic stability code. The forward flight stability code is applied to UH-60 helicopter.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Henry Tudor administrates The Throne Of England In (1485AD)
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The Era of Henry VII is the king who established the Tudor as they ruled England for
(24) years .He made drasfic changes in British Economy and the state of the country was
stable and secure.
Thes economic achievement of make him Qualified to be called The founder of the
modern English History .
On the basis of that significance to study one of the development stages of one of the
developed societies presently, i.e. the English society, this thesis came under the title (The
Internal Policy in England 1509-1547) to examine the overall political, economic and social
positions England passed through. The thesis also indicated the intensive labor state suffered
by the English society with all its sections, especial

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Place of Reading Comprehension in Second Language Acquisition
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The present study aims to show the importance of ESL reading ability in acquiring English as a second language. The study involves 92 college students (males and females) from the Department of English at Nizwa College of Applied Sciences, Sultanate of Oman. They represent two groups, the foundation year students and the first year English majors. A number of tests were used to measure students’ overall proficiency in English as well as their reading ability (i.e., the ability to contribute to the main idea of the text, scanning, skimming, to derive word meanings from context, to use a dictionary to find meanings, definitions, to identify prefixes, antonyms and synonyms). Students’ ability to read was correlated to their proficiency

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Google Classroom in Teaching Writing Composition for College Students
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Technology plays a vital role in all walks of life, one of these is Education. Google Classroom is one of the educational tools that are free of cost and recently has gained popularity within a short period in many countries, including Iraq. The primary purpose of this study is to explore the Google Classroom use in EFL learners' composition writing. The sample of the study is EFL Second-year College students from the College of Science for Women /Computer Science Department, which consisted of (35) students who have implemented Google Classroom for at least one semester in their classroom. The students were asked to finish two uncompleted paragraphs that have the only main idea and write a suitable conclusion to each one. The results sh

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Motivated Lamentations of Imam Hussein in modern Iraqi poetry
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The Fountain of poetry Canot be suddenly flow or flood from emptiness. but it is streams and motives drive it to move . Forward tat Calmness and latent in depth of poet ,and try to Chang it in to high wives , go in to details inside the seas of poetry ,to sail threw it on the ships of poetry in creative styel to reach to the point from imaginary meaning , so every poet has direction to competein poetry poetsin Lament of Imam Hussain, There versification of poetry didn’t come from emptiness , but there was clashes motive them threw Calling the personality of Imam Hussain to learn lesson in avery beautiful and greative styel ,to be the expression poem from many sides in the personality of Imam Hussain from that events and facts that happ

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Following the Example of Prophet (PBUH) in Reciting Qur'an
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The Almighty Allah has addressed His followers by advising them to follow the example of the prophet (PBUH). Allah says:  (INDEED IN THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH YOU HAVE A GOOD EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW). So, He was a true and everlasting example for the people to follow and imitate in all aspects of life. Knowledge and learning, especially Qura'nic knowledge, are among the priorities.

The present study is concerned with how to follow the Prophet example (PBUH) in the field of Qur'an reciting. It aims at showing His instructions on Qur'an reciting, and how He was followed by His Companions. The present study falls into an introduction and four sections. Section One deals with the commands given by Allah to follow His prophet. Second Two

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Variation in the degree of Continentality climate of Iraq
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This research paper is about thevariationin the degree of Continentality climate of the
Iraq during (40) years for a number of climate station. Using Poresof formula, it is found out
that the climate of Iraq ranges between extreme Continentality and very extreme
Continentality, and that the Continentality degree is characterized with extreme frequency
from one year to another. In certain years, the degree of climate Continentality decreases
while in other years it rises in such a way that there is no similarity in the Continental degree
from one year to another for the same station.
As for the general trend of the degree of Continentality, the last years had noticed
special variations, which are divided in to thre

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Social Aspect of Vertical Landscape in Residential Buildings
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The great raise and development of residential buildings in modern cities worldwide as a result of urban extends leads to environmental and social problems, that make the designers looking for more complicated and innovative solutions. To encounter these, most advanced technologies in construction had been used resulting buildings had become higher, which was moved away from the land called residential housing. And with the development of these buildings, increase in the inhabitants inside; generate distant from nature, which increased the need for interactive outdoor recreational spaces open green in its high sections, was an alternative or complementary option to outer space at the ground level. Therefore, the research problem has emer

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