Preferred Language
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With the emergence of globalization,‎ international and diplomatic relations have developed among countries and led to the creation of new words, concepts and diplomatic terminology. The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze the types of written, oral and nonverbal diplomatic language and to shed light on the types of diplomatic translation/interpretation. In addition to that, the thesis investigates the role of translator/interpreter when translating diplomatic texts and interpreting diplomatic speeches in international conferences, organizations, etc. It also tackles the difficulties faced during translation/interpretation and how to overcome these problems and find appropriate solutions for them. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the challenges faced upon translation/interpretation of diplomatic ‎language, especially ambiguity.‎‏ ‏The types of ambiguity in diplomatic texts ‎have been analyzed at the levels of word, phrase and sentence.‎‏ ‏It has been found that the ‎ambiguity used in the diplomatic texts, treaties and agreements between ‎parties is deliberate, serving the interests of their countries.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Data-Driven Approach for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: Eygpt
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Corpus linguistics is a methodology in studying language through corpus-based research. It differs from a traditional approach in studying a language (prescriptive approach) in its insistence on the systematic study of authentic examples of language in use (descriptive approach).A “corpus” is a large body of machine-readable structurally collected naturally occurring linguistic data, either written texts or a transcription of recorded speech, which can be used as a starting-point of linguistic description or as a means of verifying hypotheses about a language.  In the past decade, interest has grown tremendously in the use of language corpora for language education. The ways in which corpora have been employed in language pedago

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
An Evaluative study for the Arabic language course program: An Evaluative study for the Arabic language course program
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Language is one of God’s blessings to human beings through which he
distingushed them from other creatures, then how if this language was arabic.
God honored this language and in which he descended his Gracious Boole
that gave it glory and magnificance, and made it an immortal revelation to the
arab nation in their poetry, oration, history and human tendency to the life of
knowledge, mind leadershipe, innovation and progress.
This study aimed at evaluating the arabic language come program for
the new teachers. The sample was of (25) participants who were shown a
questionaire consisting of (60) items distributed on (9) fields. Then, the data
was processed statisically by using preauency rate, Kai s

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Aggressive Language in Literature: A Pragmatic Approach
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Aggression is a negative form of an anti-social behavior. It is produced because of a particular reason, desire, want, need, or due to the psychological state of the aggressor. It injures others physically or psychologically. Aggressive behaviors in human interactions cause discomfort and disharmony among interlocutors. The paper aims to identify how aggressive language manifests itself in the data under scrutiny in terms of the pragmatic paradigm. Two British literary works are the data; namely, Look Back in Anger by John Osborne (1956), and The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter (1957). This paper endeavors to answer the question of how aggressive language is represented in literature pragmatically? It is hoped to be significant to

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Visual Modeling Language for Agent Treasury Pharmaceutical
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The researches to discover useful ways to represent the agents and agent-based
systems are continuous. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language
used for software and non software modeling systems. The aim of this paper is: using UML
class diagram to design treasury pharmaceuticals agent and explain its internal action. The
diagram explains the movement of the agent among other nodes to achieve user's requests
(external) after it takes them. The paper shows that it is easy to model the practical systems by
using agent UML when they are used in a complex environment.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Language and Difference: Heidegger, Saussure, and Derrida
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Although the concept of difference is as old as the foundational concept of similarity, the modern (and contemporary) understanding of difference as a working notion that not only differentiates, but also approximates conflicting elements in an all encompassing system owes a great deal to the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). An idealist to the backbone, Hegel bequeathed to modern philosophy the postulation that the identity of an individual rests not in itself but in the relationship that individual‟s identity entertains with other members of society. In his classic Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel explains how humans come to consciousness (pivotal concept in Idealism) through a strenuous, albeit apparently i

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
Effect of prey type on some reproductive aspects in crustacean zooplankton Macrocyclops albidus (Copepoda:cyclopoida)
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The experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of prey type (Artemia nauplii, mosquito larvae and paramecium) on some reproductive aspects in crustacean zooplankton M. albidus which included reproductive period, post reproductive period, period spend to egg appearance and the period from appearance of egg to nauplii releasing. Results revealed that females fed on mosquito larvae had the highest mean of postreproductive period and lowest mean of the period spend to egg appearance, which differed significantly (P < 0.05) compared with the means of females who fed on Artemia nauplii and paramecium on the other hand the differences were not significant in reproductive period and the period from appearance of egg to nauplii releasing.

Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Immunological and Cytological Aspects .of The Breast and Uterus Can.cer Patients After Radiotherapy
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The- role of radiotherapy in immunological and  cytological function of  patients.  with  of  breast 'tDd   uterus  were  investigared: Using n:>sette forming T lYJi'lphl)Cytes, white  blood  cell's and lymphocytes  count  and  distributiQn  of  micronuclei  as  parameters . After  irradiation . the number  of  peripheral   blood  lymphocytes and vvhite blood  cells  was  reduced  . The  percentage of ro:sette Jorming  T

ly mphocytes   were· alsu  decreased   while  NBT  percentage  Of poly

morpho  nudcocyte

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Some Demographic Changes on Some Oral Immune Aspects in Periodontal Disease Patients
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Periodontal diseases (PD) are worldwide diseases of humans either in childhood or adults. The present study aimed to find the correlation between some demographic and saliva immunological factors including the determination of saliva TLR-2, IL6, CRP, and α- amylase in patients with periodontal diseases. For this purpose, 60 patients out of which 33were males and 27 were females participated in this study from different Dental treatment Centers (Amirya Specialized Dental Center and Almaamon Specialized Dental Center ) in Baghdad/ Iraq, for the period starting from November / 2021 to February / 2022. Both age ranges for patients and control are (13-70) years, and patients’ mean ages are 34.29±15.01. Additionally, the c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Using the Image in Teaching Arabic Language Vocabulary to Non-Native Speakers: The Experience of the Arabic Language Institute - King Abdul-Aziz University - as a Model: آمال موسى عباس الإمام
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The study aims to demonstrate the importance of instructional methods in teaching Arabic language as a second language or teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers. The study is in line with the tremendous development in the field of knowledge, especially in the field of technology and communication, and the emergence of many electronic media in education in general and language teaching in particular. It employs an image in teaching vocabulary and presenting the experience of the Arabic Language Institute for Non-Speakers-King Abdul-Aziz University. The study follows the descriptive approach to solve the problem represented by the lack of interest in the educational methods when teaching Arabic as a second language. Accordingl

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Plain Language Movement and Legal Translation : An Analytical Study of Two Translations of a Contract of Lease from Arabic into English
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The present paper addresses one of the most challenging topics in translation; namely legal translation in the framework of two different approaches; the classical (formal) and the more recent (functional). The latter approach is the outcome of the process of simplifying legal language known technically as Plain Language Movement. The advent of this movement dates back to the 1950s, in response to the widely-held complain about the awkwardness of the legal register. Within this framework, the salient features of legal language, at the various linguistic and textual levels, underwent reconsideration in favor of more publicly digested expressions. The paper then subjects two translations of a lease contract to analysis in the ligh

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