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Atmospheric Emissions Effects and Mechanism
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Humanity's relationship with the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution, the world's population has grown at an exponential rate, and this has a major environmental effect. Deforestation, pollution, and global climate change are just a few of the negative consequences of population and technological growth. Particulates, Sulphur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the primary pollutants that harm our health. These contaminants may be directly emitted into the atmosphere (primary pollutants) or formed in the atmosphere from primary pollutants reacting (secondary pollutants. Tropospheric ozone is created When water reacts with volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the presence of sunlight, nitrogen dioxide is produced. is formed when NO is oxidized, as Sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxides react with water, acid rain results. These contaminants have negative consequences for human health (low concentrations cause eye, nose, throat, and lung irritation) and the environment, as they contribute to acidification and eutrophication, as well as the formation of particulates and tropospheric ozone (photochemical smog). Electricity production and the combustion of fossil fuels in high-temperature manufacturing processes is the primary source of SO2 and NOx. Particulates are as a direct product of any type of industrial combustion or heating. Particulates and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are two types of contaminants. also linked to traffic and transportation. All these molecules of greenhouse gases that penetrate the atmosphere It's called atmospheric emissions. In order to meet the Paris Agreement's goal of maintaining a 1.5°C average global temperature increase, net CO2 emissions must reach zero by 2050, implying that the amount entering the atmosphere must exceed the amount absorbed by natural and technological sinks.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Atmospheric Mixing on Spectral Reflectivity in Sentinel Images of Baghdad Province
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The lowest layer of the atmosphere is called the atmospheric mixed layer, characterized by small-scale, irregular air motions defined by winds that change in speed and direction. Aerosol radiative effects impact the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), which holds most aerosols in the lower atmosphere. Aerosol absorption and scattering both lower the quantity of solar energy that reaches the ground, which has an impact on the spectral signature of the land coverings. In this study, 51 locations in downtown Baghdad were chosen for four different types of land cover (water bodies, farms, open areas, and residential areas) for Sentinel 2 satellite imagery, and the time the pictures were taken was 8:00 am ( 22 March, 22 June, 20 September,

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Practical Investigations for CO Emissions Emitted From Single Cylinder S. I. Engine Fueled With Different Kinds of Hydrocarbon Fuels and Hydrogen
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Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Natural gas (NG) and hydrogen were all used to operate spark ignition internal combustion engine Ricardo E6. A comparison of CO emissions emitted from each case, with emissions emitted from engine fueled with gasoline as a fuel is conducted.

The study was accomplished when engine operated at HUCR for gasoline n(8:1), was compared with its operation at HUCR for each fuel. Compression ratio, equivalence ratio and spark timing were studied at constant speed 1500 rpm.

CO concentrations were little at lean ratios; it appeared to be effected a little with equivalence ratio in this side, at rich side its values became higher, and it appeared to be effected by equivalence ratio highly, the results s

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Mechanism of Using of Income Tax in Achievable of Economic Targets in Iraq
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The present study is concerned with the role of income tax in implementing economic goals in Iraq and treating the problems and pitfalls in the Iraq economy.

The study also aims at investigating the role of income tax in attracting promising favorite effects into economy.

The study was performed on data covering the period (2003 - 2012) with respect to the variables of (income tax, oil profits) as independent variables and (private consuming expenditure, private investmental expenditure, and standard figure of prices) as dependent variables. To analyze these data, a number of statistical descriptive and analytical techniques were used such as (percentage, standard variance, mediums, F test, T test and SPSS). It has been c

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Developing a Prosthesis Design using A Gearbox to Replicate the Human Hand Mechanism
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Prosthetic is an artificial tool that replaces a member of the human frame that is  absent because of ailment, damage, or distortion. The current research activities in Iraq draw interest to the upper limb discipline because of the growth in the number  of amputees. Thus, it becomes necessary to increase researches in this subject to help in reducing the struggling patients.  This paper describes the design and development of a prosthesis for people able and wear them from persons who have amputation in the hands. This design is composed of a hand with five fingers moving by means of a gearbox ism mechanism. The design of this artificial hand has 5 degrees of freedom. This artificial hand works based on the principle of &n

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Environmental Chemical Engineering
A critical review describes wastewater photocatalytic detoxification over Bi5O7I-based heterojunction photocatalysts: Characterizations, mechanism insight, and DFT calculations
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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The mechanism of addition and subtraction in the industrial product and its relation to employment pressure: بـــان محمد شـاكر الطائي
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The Significance of this research comes as a result of the development occurring in various life fields including the field of technical and technological development in the domain of industrial products which are in direct touch with the receiver, and because the study of deletion and addition mechanism didn't Find the Scientific space through researches and Studies. On this basis , the aim of this study is defining the forms of deletion and addition mechanism in designing the industrial product in a way that fits the functional presser . As to the limitations of this study, they involve examples of readymade Turkish House furniture, which is available in Iraqi local markets in Baghdad city 2013. The study included four chapters. The fi

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy Analysis for Near-Asteroid Belt of Atmospheric of the Comets
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         According to Chandra Survey Observatory Near-Asteroid Belt Comets, the solar wind's contact with the comet produces a variety of spectral characteristics. The study of X-ray spectra produced by charge exchange is presented here. The spectrum of a comet can reveal a lot about its composition. This study has concentrated on the elemental abundance in six different comets, including 17P/Holmes, C/1999T1, C/2013A1, 9p/Temple1, and 103p/Hartley2 (NEAT). Numerous aspects of the comet's dynamics allow it to behave in a unique manner as it gets closer to the Near-Asteroid Belt. These characteristics are being examined, and some studies are still ongoing. The computations allow us to observe, for instance, how the composition of

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
The use of cold atmospheric plasma in pentostam enhancement as Leishmaniasis treatment in vitro
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This study illustrates in vitro effect of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) on the treatment of Leishmania. In addition, the study evaluated the effect of drug treatment (pentostam) and the combination treatment of pentostan and CAP at different doses and incubation time 24 h in order to assess the most effective treatment. The duration of the cold plasma doses was 1 min, 2 min and 3 min, while the pentostam doses were 2.5 µg/ml and 5 µg/ml. The combinations therapies included combining the three cold plasma doses with the pentostam doses to test 6 combinations of treated in vitro. The maximum growth inhibition was given by combination treated 46% and 44% for donovani and tropica leishamnia respectively; these results give an indi

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch
The evolutionary effects of bacillin and s-pyocin bacteriocin and their effects on propionibacterium acnes and fungi
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ABSTRACT : Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the ability to produce a wide antimicrobial active compounds (Bacillin and S-Pyocin) against pathogenic microorganism. In vitro assay with the antagonists of both crude bacteriocin and partial by precipitation 75% ammonium sulfate showed that the effectively inhibited growth of the following (Candida kefyer and Fusarium spp) and Propionibacterium acnes. The results showed the inhibition zone of reached Bacillin (9-13 mm), while Pyocin (13 - 16mm) in solid medium.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Jordanian Journal Of Computers And Information Technology
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Beyond the immediate content of speech, the voice can provide rich information about a speaker's demographics, including age and gender. Estimating a speaker's age and gender offers a wide range of applications, spanning from voice forensic analysis to personalized advertising, healthcare monitoring, and human-computer interaction. However, pinpointing precise age remains intricate due to age ambiguity. Specifically, utterances from individuals at adjacent ages are frequently indistinguishable. Addressing this, we propose a novel, end-to-end approach that deploys Mozilla's Common Voice dataset to transform raw audio into high-quality feature representations using Wav2Vec2.0 embeddings. These are then channeled into our self-attentio

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