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Atmospheric Emissions Effects and Mechanism
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Humanity's relationship with the environment is a delicate balance. Since the industrial revolution, the world's population has grown at an exponential rate, and this has a major environmental effect. Deforestation, pollution, and global climate change are just a few of the negative consequences of population and technological growth. Particulates, Sulphur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are the primary pollutants that harm our health. These contaminants may be directly emitted into the atmosphere (primary pollutants) or formed in the atmosphere from primary pollutants reacting (secondary pollutants. Tropospheric ozone is created When water reacts with volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the presence of sunlight, nitrogen dioxide is produced. is formed when NO is oxidized, as Sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxides react with water, acid rain results. These contaminants have negative consequences for human health (low concentrations cause eye, nose, throat, and lung irritation) and the environment, as they contribute to acidification and eutrophication, as well as the formation of particulates and tropospheric ozone (photochemical smog). Electricity production and the combustion of fossil fuels in high-temperature manufacturing processes is the primary source of SO2 and NOx. Particulates are as a direct product of any type of industrial combustion or heating. Particulates and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are two types of contaminants. also linked to traffic and transportation. All these molecules of greenhouse gases that penetrate the atmosphere It's called atmospheric emissions. In order to meet the Paris Agreement's goal of maintaining a 1.5°C average global temperature increase, net CO2 emissions must reach zero by 2050, implying that the amount entering the atmosphere must exceed the amount absorbed by natural and technological sinks.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2021
Journal Name
Global Effects of Atmospheric Emissions
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The element carbon Carbon dioxide emissions are increasing primarily as a result of people's use of fossil fuels for electricity. Coal and oil are fossil fuels that contain carbon that plants removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis over millions of years; and in just a few hundred years we've returned carbon to the atmosphere. The element carbon Carbon dioxide concentrations rise primarily as a result of the burning of fossil fuels and Freon for electricity. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas produce carbon plants that were photosynthesized from the atmosphere over many years, since in just two centuries, carbon was returned to the atmosphere. Climate alter could be a noteworthy time variety in weather designs happening ov

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effects of Non-Thermal Argon Plasma Produced at Atmospheric Pressure on the Optical Properties of CdO Thin Films
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In this paper the effect of nonthermal atmospheric argon plasma on the optical properties of the cadmium oxide CdO thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis was studied. The prepared films were exposed to different time intervals (0, 5, 10, 15, 20) min. For every sample, the transmittance, Absorbance, absorption coefficient, energy gap, extinction coefficient and dielectric constant were studied. It is found that the transmittance and the energy gap increased with exposure time, and absorption. Absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient, dielectric constant decreased with time of exposure to the argon plasma

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from Sulfuric Acid Plant Emissions
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
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دار الكتب والوثائق العراقيه
Essentilas of Atmospheric Sciences -
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Essentilas of Atmospheric Sciences -

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 15 2014
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Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Mechanism of plant salinity stress tolerance
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
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College Of Islamic Sciences
The mechanism of managing religious difference
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The mechanism of managing religious difference

God is the Lord of the worlds, forget them and their jinn, Arabs and non-Muslims, He is the Lord of Muslims and Lord of non-Muslims, as He created them male and female despite their differences in tongues and colors, so He created them according to their diversity and distinction in beliefs and religions.

 To prevent flare-ups due to differences, the Lord of the worlds set limits that he has forbidden to cross, and draw clear maps as mechanisms for managing religious differences and lifting psychological barriers between the different, so that they can coexist in peace and freedom, each adhering to his faith, and practicing the rituals of his religion.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effect of Ceramic Coating on the Performance and Emissions of Diesel Engine
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In this study, the effect of ceramic coating on the performance and gases emission on diesel engine was investigated. A four-stroke, direct injected, single cylinder, diesel engine was tested at constant speed and at different load conditions without coating. Then, the inlet and exhaust valves faces were coated by about 500µm with ceramic materials. Ceramic layers were made of YttriaStabilized Zirconia (YSZ), and NiCrAl as a bond coat. The coating technique adapted in this work is the flame spray method. The engine with valves ceramiccoated research was tested for the same operation conditions of the engine (without coating). The results indicate a reduction in both fuel consumption by about 7.6% and particulate emissions by about (13

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physics And Research
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Optical spectrum of SN1987A at days 4 from the explosion and its light curve through the first 1444 days after the explosion have been studied. The hydrogen lines present in the spectrum confirms the general characteristics of Type II SN that occur due to core collapse of massive star. Each of the total mass ejected from the explosion and the amount of the total mass of Nickel radioactive isotopes that produced during the explosion as well as the initial velocity of the ejecta and the explosion energy have been determined and compared with different observed and calculated models obtained by different researchers and it’s found that, about 8.8 Mʘ of the progenitor envelope mass had been ejected during the explosion and it’s mixed with

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Collapsible Soil, Types, Mechanism, and identification: A Review Study
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Collapsible soil has a metastable structure that experiences a large reduction in volume or collapse when wetting. The characteristics of collapsible soil contribute to different problems for infrastructures constructed on its such as cracks and excessive settlement found in buildings, railways channels, bridges, and roads. This paper aims to provide an art review on collapse soil behavior all over the world, type of collapse soil, identification of collapse potential, and factors that affect collapsibility soil. As urban grow in several parts of the world, the collapsible soil will have more get to the water. As a result, there will be an increase in the number of wetting collapse problems, so it's very important to com

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Emissions Investigating of Carbon Dioxide Generated by the Iraqi Cement Industry
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Abstract<p>The most used material in the world after water is concrete, which depends mainly on its manufacture of cement leading to the emission of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>), flying dust, and other greenhouse gasses (GHGs) resulting in pollution of the atmosphere. The emission of CO<sub>2</sub> from cement production is approximately 5% of the global anthropogenic CO<sub>2</sub>. This research focuses on investigating the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> emission from the Iraqi General Cement Company plants includes the cement factories of Kirkuk, Al-Qa’em, Fallujah, and Kubaisa, using the GHGs Protocol Measures Program (specifically cement based-method).</p> ... Show More
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