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Investigation of the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of AgInSe2 Thin Films
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
Postmodernism and Technology in Don Delillo's Novel The White Noise
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This paper aims at investigating the effect of postmodernism and technology on the social life in Don Delillo's novel The White Noise. In this novel, Don Delillo portrays the chaotic life by using modern technology which has been presented by three ways. The first way is by television as being a source of information and entertainment. The second way is by the toxic event whereas the third is by Dylar's episode and its destructive consequences. He depicts that through the atmosphere of Jack's family plus its effects on the life and thoughts of the elders and society. He proves that technology is leading humanity not to safety, but to death. He further highlights that by showing the impact of technology on the life of the main charac

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Governance and role in increasing the tax outlet in Iraq
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The goal of the research is to highlight the role of the governance and its characteristics in increasing the tax outcome by implementing the laws, regulations and annual controls issued annually from the general authority for taxation for the financing of the general treasury of the state, Additional development and economic capacity, As the search shares a view of the governance and its characteristics and its ideas from increasing tax output. The analytical transparent approach was used by adopting the practice of practicalities of the general authority for tax For quotations in the senior cabinet section ,the revealing of the ongoing operations was relied on the revenue for each financial year, The tools adopted in the process of ana

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The relationship between Hypertension and weight status in Iraqi population
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Most medical books and researches documented that increased body weight is a predisposing factor to hypertension , and there is recent work in this field as well. In this research , the relationships between hypertension and body weight with age were studied in Iraqi population . It is concluded that diastolic hypertension is separated from systolic and combined hypertension and increased body weight has little effect on increased blood pressure.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Correlation between CMV Infection and Hypertension in Iraqi Patients
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In order to study the correlation between CMV infection and increase in blood pressure among Iraqi patients, 201 blood samples were collected including; 88 male, 113 female hypertensive patients and 40 control samples. Patients sera were grouped into patients who are under medication (T), and patients who do not take any treat-ment for hypertension(NT). Samples were tested for CMV-IgM/IgG by ELISA, ren-in enzyme and interleukin-6(IL-6) levels were determined by ELISA too. The opti-cal density readings difference for CMV-IgG were significant between (T) and (NT) groups as well as when each group compared to control, level of renin enzyme showed significant difference between patients group(T and NT) and between each group compared to the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Middle East and Contemporary Geostrategic Shifts: A Geopolitical Study
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This research focuses on the contemporary geostrategic transformations that afflicted the countries of the Middle East, with a focus on the countries of the Arab East, after the collapse of the system of international relations, and the emergence of the unipolar system led by the United States of America. After the events of September 11 and the events that followed, especially the occupation of Iraq in 2003, the study area witnessed a group of geopolitical variables and the emergence of dangerous phenomena that threatened the state structure in the countries of the Middle East; the most notably are the phenomenon of terrorism, cross-border armed groups, sectarian polarization, the phenomenon of migration and the internal and the externa

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Environmental Education and her role to protect an Environment
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Environmental education is considered as process of getting Humans in communication with this environment and all its various resources. such process requires acquiring knowledge about the environment that com help humans understand their correlative relations with the environmental elements on one hand and among the environmental elements themselves on the other . Besides, such a process requires developing human skills that help them participate in developing environmental circumstances. Therefore environmental education is responsible for perspective and cultural development that governs human behavior. Regarding their environment and stimulating tendencies and interests towards the environment , let alone helping humans acquire the c

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The Technical Mediator in Arab Theater: Their Tools and Skills
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The artistic mediation in theater connects the human elements with the material elements in the theatrical production process. The human artistic mediator plays a crucial role in achieving the artistic and expressive goals of the theatrical work, requiring high skills and expertise. Their role involves coordinating and executing the technical aspects of production, such as lighting, sound, set design, costumes, and acting, using their skills and techniques to transform the theatrical text into a successful stage performance. The artistic mediator significantly impacts the quality of the theatrical work and creates a distinct viewing experience for the audience. Technological advancements and continuous updates in theater contribute to th

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adapting the rhetorical concepts architecturally Excerption and inclusion as example
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Excerption and inclusion are two terms in Arabic rhetoric. The excerption is defined as a taking a part of text from Holly Quran or Hadith and put it in a poem, verse line, or put it in a prose text. But the linguistics expand the concept of this term to include taking from another sciences and knowledge, like Grammar, Philology, and Prosody.
Inclusion is defined as taking a verse line or part of verse line from another poet to put it in a new poem, it is necessary that the poet who take the text should declare it, and if he hides it, it will be plagiarism.
This search is use these two terms in architecture, we have now new two terms in architecture, first one; architectural excerption, it means the designer takes a part of religio

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2014
Journal Name
Hammurabi Journal For Studies
Israel and the Quest for Regional Instability (Egypt, Iraq, Syria)
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Abstract: Israel formulated its security theory, which it established on the "pretext of war", meaning converting any Arab action that Israel deems a threat to its security, into a pretext to ignite the fuse of war, considering this a violation of an existing situation, and then it initiates preventive and pre-emptive attacks, then immediately turns into transfer the war to the enemy's land, to achieve a quick solution by (destroying the enemy), occupying its lands, and benefiting of the advantage of working on (internal lines against an enemy) working on external lines, and ending the war quickly, before the major powers intervene to impose a ceasefire

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Nuclear Physics A
Determine the 134–140Nd isotopes identity using IBM and NEF
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TThe property of 134−140Neodymium nuclei have been studied in framework Interacting Boson Model (IBM) and a new method called New Empirical Formula (NEF). The energy positive parity bands of 134−140Nd have been calculated using (IBM) and (NEF) while the negative parity bands of 134−140Nd have been calculated using (NEF) only. The E-GOS curve as a function of the spin (I) has been drawn to determine the property of the positive parity yrast band. The parameters of the best fit to the measured data are determined. The reduced transition probabilities of these nuclei was calculated. The critical point has been determined for 140Nd isotope. The potential energy surfaces (PESs) to the IBM Hamiltonian have been obtained using the intrin

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