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Numerical Investigation of Drag Reduction Techniques in a Car Model
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Abstract<p>Reducing the drag force has become one of the most important concerns in the automotive industry. This study concentrated on reducing drag through use of some external modifications of passive flow control, such as vortex generators, rear under body diffuser slices and a rear wing spoiler. The study was performed at inlet velocity (V=10,20,30,40 m/s) which correspond to an incompressible car model length Reynolds numbers (Re=2.62×10<sup>5</sup>, 5.23×10<sup>5</sup>, 7.85×10<sup>5</sup> and 10.46×10<sup>5</sup>), respectively and we studied their effect on the drag force. We also present a theoretical study finite volume method (FVM) of solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-tokes equations (RANS) using a realizable k–epsilon (k-ε) turbulence model, conducted on a car, model KIA Pride, which is popular in Iraq and Iran. All computational analysis and modifications were carried out using the ANSYS Fluent 19 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and SOLIDWORKS 2018 modeller. The drag coefficient of the analysed car was found to be 0.34 and the results show that the drag can be reduced up to1.73% using vortex generators, up to 3.05% using a rear wing spoiler and up to 2.47% using rear under-body diffuser slices modifications, whereas it may be reduced up to 3.8% using all previous modifications together.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Scientific Reports
Environmental microcystin targets the microbiome and increases the risk of intestinal inflammatory pathology via NOX2 in underlying murine model of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
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Abstract<p>With increased climate change pressures likely to influence harmful algal blooms, exposure to microcystin, a known hepatotoxin and a byproduct of cyanobacterial blooms can be a risk factor for NAFLD associated comorbidities. Using both <italic>in vivo</italic> and <italic>in vitro</italic> experiments we show that microcystin exposure in NAFLD mice cause rapid alteration of gut microbiome, rise in bacterial genus known for mediating gut inflammation and lactate production. Changes in the microbiome were strongly associated with inflammatory pathology in the intestine, gut leaching, tight junction protein alterations and increased oxidative tyrosyl radicals. Increased lactate produ</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The effect of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking in the subject of Arabic language among students of the College of Management and Economics
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This research aims to identify the impact of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking. In order to achieve this objective, the following hypotheses are formulated: 1. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the posttest scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model and the control group taught according to the traditional method in the measure of critical thinking. 2. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the preand post-tests scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model in the measure of critical thinking. The current research i

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In Silico Characterization of a Cyclin Dependent Kinase -A (CDKA) and its Coding Gene in some Oryza Species
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Rice (Oryza sativa) is a fundamental food for the majority of world population. Cyclin Dependent Kinase -A (CDKA) accelerates transition through different stages of cell cycle and contributes in gametes formation. In the present investigation, a CDKA encoding gene along with the corresponding protein were characterized in O. sativa Indica Group, O. glaberrimaO. barthii, O. brachyantha, O. glumipatula, O. longistaminata, O. meridionalis, O. nivara, O. punctata and O. rufipogon using in silico analyses. The results reflected little variation in most species except O. longistaminata and O. brachyantha. Compared with the remaining species, O. longistaminata

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Tactics An Approach to Strategic Agility A field study in a sample of mobile operators in Iraq
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The current research dealt with the issue of organizational skillfulness as an entry point to reach strategic agility. The study has been tested in Iraq's mobile operators - Asia Cell, Zain Iraq and Cork Telecom. The study was applied to a sample of (93) managers distributed at various levels of management (board members, general managers, commissioners, department managers, people managers, unit managers, office managers). The survey used the questionnaire as a key tool for collecting data and information as well as personal interviews. It has sought to test a number of hypotheses related to correlation and influence relationships between the variables of the study, in order to answer the questions related to the problem of stud

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of the values of accounting culture in maximizing financial performance - A field study in a sample of Iraqi banks
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The influence of culture on accounting systems and practices, including financial reports and accounting information through the values ​​identified by Gray and derived from social-cultural values, and the four accounting values ​​were derived from generally accepted accounting principles represented by (Conservatism, Uniformity, Secrecy, and Professionalism). Important and significant in maximizing financial performance, and measuring the extent of the role of these values ​​in improving financial performance through attention to the values ​​of accounting culture, this research

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicologia Del Ejercicio Y El Deportethis Link Is Disabled.,
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 19 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
CFD Simulation of Velocity Distribution in a River with a Bend Cross Section and a Cubic Bed Roughness Shape
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Building a Reliable Steganography System Using Random Key in a spatial Domain of Image
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With time progress importance of hiding information become more and more and all steganography applications is like computer games between hiding and extracting data, or like thieves and police men always thieve hides from police men in different ways to keep him out of prison. The sender always hides information in new way in order not to be understood by the attackers and only the authorized receiver can open the hiding message. This paper explores our proposed random method in detail, how chooses locations of pixel in randomly , how to choose a random bit to hide information in the chosen pixel, how it different from other approaches, how applying information hiding criteria on the proposed project, and attempts to test out in code, and

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Pragmatic Analysis of Illocutionary Act in a Selected Presidential Speech on COVID-19
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     This paper aims at studying the illocutionary speech acts: direct and indirect to show the most dominant ones in a presidential speech delivered by the USA president. The speech is about the most critical health issue in the world, COVID-19 outbreak.  A descriptive qualitative study was conducted by observing the first speech delivered by president Trump concerning coronavirus outbreak and surveying the illocutionary acts: directive, declarative, commissive, expressive, and representative. Searle's (1985) classification of illocutionary speech acts is adopted in the analysis.

     What are the main types of the illocutionary speech acts performed by Trump in his speech?; Why does

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2012
Journal Name
North Africa Technical Conference And Exhibition
Comprehensive Model for Flash Calculations of Heavy Oils Using the Soave - Redlich - Kwong Equation of State
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Abstract<p>One of the main techniques to achieve phase behavior calculations of reservoir fluids is the equation of state. Soave - Redlich - Kwong equation of state can then be used to predict the phase behavior of the petroleum fluids by treating it as a multi-components system of pure and pseudo-components. The use of Soave – Redlich – Kwon equation of state is popular in the calculations of petroleum engineering therefore many researchers used it to perform phase behavior analysis for reservoir fluids (Wang and Orr (2000), Ertekin and Obut (2003), Hasan (2004) and Haghtalab (2011))</p><p>This paper presents a new flash model for reservoir fluids in gas – oil se</p> ... Show More
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