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Numerical Investigation of Drag Reduction Techniques in a Car Model
Abstract<p>Reducing the drag force has become one of the most important concerns in the automotive industry. This study concentrated on reducing drag through use of some external modifications of passive flow control, such as vortex generators, rear under body diffuser slices and a rear wing spoiler. The study was performed at inlet velocity (V=10,20,30,40 m/s) which correspond to an incompressible car model length Reynolds numbers (Re=2.62×10<sup>5</sup>, 5.23×10<sup>5</sup>, 7.85×10<sup>5</sup> and 10.46×10<sup>5</sup>), respectively and we studied their effect on the drag force. We also present a theoretical study finite volume method (FVM) of solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-tokes equations (RANS) using a realizable k–epsilon (k-ε) turbulence model, conducted on a car, model KIA Pride, which is popular in Iraq and Iran. All computational analysis and modifications were carried out using the ANSYS Fluent 19 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software and SOLIDWORKS 2018 modeller. The drag coefficient of the analysed car was found to be 0.34 and the results show that the drag can be reduced up to1.73% using vortex generators, up to 3.05% using a rear wing spoiler and up to 2.47% using rear under-body diffuser slices modifications, whereas it may be reduced up to 3.8% using all previous modifications together.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Creep Behavior In Isotropic Composites

Creep testing is an important part of the characterization of composite materials. It is crucial to determine long-term deflection levels and time-to-failure for these advanced materials. The work is carried out to investigate creep behavior on isotropic composite columns. Isotropy property was obtained by making a new type of composite made from a paste of particles of carbon fibers mixed with epoxy resin and E-glass particles mixed with epoxy resin. This type of manufacturing process can be called the compression mold composite or the squeeze mold composite. Experimental work was carried out with changing the fiber concentration (30, 40 and 50% mass fraction), cross section shape, and type of composite. The creep results showed that th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Heat Transfer
Numerical investigation of natural convection in a square enclosure partially filled with horizontal layers of a porous medium
Abstract<p>Two‐dimensional buoyancy‐induced flow and heat transfer inside a square enclosure partially occupied by copper metallic foam subjected to a symmetric side cooling and constant heat flux bottom heating was tested numerically. Finite Element Method was employed to solve the governing partial differential equations of the flow field and the Local Thermal Equilibrium model was used for the energy equation. The system boundaries were defined as lower heated wall by constant heat flux, cooled lateral walls, and insulated top wall. The three parameters elected to conduct the study are heater length (7 ≤ <italic>ζ</italic> ≤ 20 cm), constant heat flux (150 ≤ <italic>q<</italic></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Numerical investigation for Natural Convection in a square Enclosure with partially active thermal sides' wall

Three-dimensional cavity was investigated numerical in the current study filled with porous medium from a saturated fluid. The problem configuration consists of two insulated bottom and right wall and left vertical wall maintained at constant temperatures at variable locations, using two discretized heaters. The porous cavity fluid motion was represented by the momentum equation generalized model. The present investigation thermophysical parameters included the local thermal equilibrium condition. The isotherms and streamlines was used to examine energy transport and momentum. The meaning of changing parameters on the established average Nusselt number, temperature and velocity distribution are highlighted and discussed.

Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Numerical Simulation for Adaptive Optics System

In this study, the performance of the adaptive optics (AO) system was analyzed through a numerical computer simulation implemented in MATLAB. Making a phase screen involved turning computer-generated random numbers into two-dimensional arrays of phase values on a sample point grid with matching statistics. Von Karman turbulence was created depending on the power spectral density. Several simulated point spread functions (PSFs) and modulation transfer functions (MTFs) for different values of the Fried coherent diameter (ro) were used to show how rough the atmosphere was. To evaluate the effectiveness of the optical system (telescope), the Strehl ratio (S) was computed. The compensation procedure for an AO syst

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 20 2024
Journal Name
Engineering Reports
A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Inverted Wings Modifications on the Stability and Aerodynamic Performance of a Sedan Car at Cornering
ABSTRACT<p>This research examines the impact of cornering on the aerodynamic forces and stability of a Nissan Versa (Almera) passenger sedan car by introducing novel modifications. These modifications included single inverted wings with end plates as a front spoiler, double‐element inverted wings with end plates as a rear spoiler, and incorporating the ground as a diffuser under the car trunk. The goal is to enhance the performance and stability of conventional passenger cars. To ensure the accuracy of the numerical data, the study utilized multiple methodologies to model the turbulence model, ultimately selecting the most suitable option. This involved comparing numerical data with wind tunnel experimental d</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
A self-balancing platform on a mobile car

<span lang="EN-US">In the last years, the self-balancing platform has become one of the most common candidates to use in many applications such as flight, biomedical fields, and industry. In this paper, the physical prototype of a proposed self-balancing platform that described the self-balancing attitude in the (X-axis, Y-axis, or biaxial) under the influence of road disturbance has been introduced. In the physical prototype, the inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensor will sense the disturbance in (X-axis, Y-axis, and biaxial). With the determined error, the corresponding electronic circuit, DC servo motors, and the Arduino software, the platform overcame the tilt angle(disturbance). Optimization of the proportional-integral-

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
A reliable numerical simulation technique for solving COVID-19 model

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 03 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Error Investigation for Free Form Surfaces in Bezier Techniques

Surface modeling utilizing Bezier technique is one of the more important tool in computer aided geometric design (CAD). The aim of this work is to design and implement multi-patches Bezier free-form surface. The technique has an effective contribution in technology domains and in ships, aircrafts, and cars industry, moreover for its wide utilization in making the molds. This work is includes the synthesis of these patches in a method that is allow the participation of these control point for the merge of the patches, and the confluence of patches at similar degree sides due to degree variation per patch.  The model has been implemented to represent the surface. The interior data of the desired surfaces designed by M

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 19 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Designing a database for a three dimensional model using geomatics techniques

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Investigation of Transient Heat Conduction through a Thermal Insulation of Temperature Dependant Thermal Properties

The two-dimensional transient heat conduction through a thermal insulation of temperature dependent thermal properties is investigated numerically using the FVM. It is assumed that this insulating material is initially at a uniform temperature. Then, it is suddenly subjected at its inner surface with a step change in temperature and subjected at its outer surface with a natural convection boundary condition associated with a periodic change in ambient temperature and heat flux of solar radiation. Two thermal insulation materials were selected. The fully implicit time scheme is selected to represent the time discretization. The arithmetic mean thermal conductivity is chosen to be the value of the approximated thermal conductivity at the i

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