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Sonic Scanner Helps in Identifying Reservoir Potential and Isotropic Characteristics of Khasib Formation
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Natural fractures provide an important reservoir space and migration channels for oil and gas reservoirs and control the reservoir potential. Therefore, it is essential to understand the methods for identifying accurate reservoir permeability and characterizing reservoir fractures. In particular, using conventional measurements to identify permeability and characterize fractures is very expensive. While using conventional logging data is very challenging, and an efficient characterization correlation method is urgently needed. In this paper, we have evaluated reservoir potential based on the sensitivity of sonic scanner tools to fluid mobility, maximum stress direction, and fractures presence. This tool provides a continuous estimation of these important parameters along the studied formation using a real field data. Dispersion behavior based on the difference between the maximum and minimum energy of the studied formation is used to detect reservoir heterogeneity and anisotropy. Dispersion analysis shows the presence of inhomogeneous anisotropy in several intervals along the studied formation. The methodology used in this paper provides an accurate estimation of reservoir permeability varies from 1 to 100 md. Also, the application of this technique shows an accepted percent error of reservoir permeability estimation reaches to 7% when compared to laboratory core measurements. The average direction of the maximum horizontal stress in the studied formation is detected to be NW10 to N16E. The study results prove that the proposed technique is effective for the identification of important reservoir properties in the oil industry.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Manufacture of Portland Cement from Claystone of Nfayil Formation Middle Miocene, in Southern Desert of Iraq
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The research aims to assess the claystone exposed in the Nfayil Formation (Middle Miocene) for Portland cement (P.C.) manufacturing based on mineralogy and geochemistry. The importance of the study is to avoid the miming of the agricultural soils that are mining now for the cement industry. Claystones of Nfayil Formation and the limestone of the Euphrates Formation were used to design the raw mixture as clay to limestone (1:3). The chemical composition (%) of the designed mixture was calculated using the Alligation Alternative Method (A.A.M.) as CaO (65.52), MgO (1.05), SiO2 (21.65), Al2O3 (7.43), Fe2O3 (2.62), Na2O3+K2O (1.52) and SO3 (0.26), which are suitable for P.C. The lime saturation factor (LSF = 92.8), silica saturation fac

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of soy protein a humidifier in the qualitative characteristics of the Barker factory of beef and chicken meat elderly
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The purpose of this study was to know the effect of adding different percentages of soy protein a humidifier to mix Sarcoma Barker component of the beef mixture Alkhalt added Alber elderly chicken with five ratios were manufacturing Alberkr discs for sensory evaluation

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of the physical and chemical characteristics of the waters of the central marshes in southern Iraq after restoration
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some ecological (physical and chemical varible) of water samples were studies monthly from December 2008 to May 2009 at two stations( St.1) Al - Chibayesh marsh and (St.2) Abu – Zirik marsh which are located in the south of Iraq . These variables included : Temperature, pH, EC, Dissolved oxygen , Total alkalinity, Nitrate, Sulphate, and phosphate, Si-SiO2 and Ca ,Mg, Cl, The marsh Considered as fresh water and alkaline. Abu-Zirik less than Al-Chibayesh.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Periodontal health status in relation to physicochemical characteristics of saliva among pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women in Baghdad city-Iraq
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Background: Menopause can bring oral health problems and also associated with significant adverse changes in the orofacial complex. After menopause, women become more susceptible to periodontal disease due to deficiency of estrogen hormone. Current study aimed to evaluate the periodontal health status in relation to salivary constituent including pH, flow rate and some elements (Magnesium, Calcium and inorganic phosphorus) of pre and post-menopause women. Materials and Methods: Periodontal health status of 52 women aged 48-50 years old (26 pre-menopause and 26 post-menopause) were examined including (gingival index, plaque index, calculus index, probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level). Salivary sample was collected for two women

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Publication Date
Tue May 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials
Preparation of samarium doped-PMMA composite by casting method to evaluate the optical properties and potential applications
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Samarium ions (Sm +3), a rare-earth element, have a significant optical emission within the visible spectrum. PMMA samples, mixed with different ratios of SmCl3.6H2O, were prepared via the casting method. The composite was tested using UV-visible, photoluminescence and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The FTIR spectrometry of PMMA samples showed some changes, including variation in band intensity, location, and width. Mixed with samarium decreases the intensity of the CO and CH2 stretching bands and band position. A new band appeared corresponding to ionic bonds between samarium cations with negative branches in the polymer. These variations indicate complex links between the Sm +3 ion and oxygen in the ether group. The optical absorption

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 19 2011
Journal Name
Archives Of Agronomy And Soil Science
Differential allelopathic potential of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes on weeds and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop
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Studies were conducted to screen eight sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes for their allelopathic potential against weeds and wheat crop, which customarily follows sunflower in Iraq. All sunflower genotypes significantly inhibited the total number and biomass of companion weeds and the magnitude of inhibition was genotype dependent. Among the eight genotypes tested, Sin-Altheeb and Coupon were the most weed-suppressing cultivars, and Euroflor and Shumoos were the least. A subsequent field experiment indicated that sunflower residues incorporated into the field soil significantly inhibited the total number and biomass of weeds growing in the wheat field. Sunflower genotypes Sin-Altheeb and Coupon appeared to inhibit total weed number

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Scientific Research In Knowledge
Monitoring of the Compressibility Characteristics of Asphalt Stabilized Subgrade
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The subgrade soil is the foundation plate form of the roadway; it should sustain its structural characteristics throughout the design life of the roadway with minimal requirements for maintenance. When Gypseous soil is implemented in the construction of subgrade, problems regarding collapsibility and poor structural capacity usually occur when the subgrade came in touch with excess water. Asphalt stabilization could furnish a proper solution to such problems. In this investigation, an attempt has been made to monitor the variations in compressibility characteristics of asphalt stabilized subgrade soil subjected to 30 cycles of (freezing-thawing) and (heating-cooling). Data have been observed after each 10 cycles, and compared with that of r

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Hydraulic characteristics of the lower part of Diyala River
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Abstract<p>A one-dimensional hydraulic model was conducted to simulate the flow in Diyala River. The research aims to study the flow capacity along Diyala River and especially concerning on reach of the river within Baqubah City during flood seasons by using HEC-RAS, 5.07 software. Moreover, specifying the hydraulic problems and then the necessary treatments to overcome them were suggested. A 190 km length of the reach of Diyala River was included in this study, starts from Diyala submerged weir to the confluence of Diyala-Tigris River south of Baghdad City. Good agreement resulted between the measured and the simulation results with a determination coefficient (R2) value of 0.84 with Manning Co</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Assessment Resistance Potential to Moisture Damage and Rutting for HMA Mixtures Reinforced by Steel Fibers
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Rutting is mainly referring to pavement permanent deformation, it is a major problem for flexible pavement and it is a complicated process and highly observed along with many segments of asphalt pavement in Iraq. The occurrence of this defect is related to several variables such as elevated temperatures and high wheel loads. Studying effective methods to reduce rutting distress is of great significance for providing a safe and along-life road. The asphalt mixture used to be modified by adding different types of additives. The addition of additives typically excesses stiffness, improves temperature susceptibility, and reduces moisture sensitivity. For this work, steel fibres have been used for modifying asphalt mixture as they incorp

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