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Gaslift reactors are employed in several bioapplications due to their characteristics of cost-effectiveness and high efficiency. However, the nutrient and thermal gradient is one of the obstacles that stand in the way of its widespread use in biological applications. The diagnosis, analysis, and tracking of fluid paths in external draft tube gaslift bioreactor-type are the main topics of the current study. Several parameters were considered to assess the mixing efficiency such as downcomer-to-rizer diameter ratio (Ded/Dr), the position of the diffuser to the height of bioreactor ratio (Pd/Lr), and gas bubble size (Db). The multiple regression of liquid velocity indicates the optimal setting: Ded/Dr is (0.5), Pd/Lr is (0.02), and Db is (400) um.  However, for technical and operational reasons, it was necessary to make some changes in the optimal values obtained from the numerical equations. The study also revealed that the size of gas bubbles is the characteristic that has the greatest influence on the dynamic efficiency of the fluid inside the bioreactor, since, reducing the bubble size by half can enhance the improvement rate in the circulation of the liquid up to 35%.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 11 2024
Journal Name
Jurnal Teknologi (sciences & Engineering)

Gaslift reactors are employed in several bioapplications due to their characteristics of cost-effectiveness and high efficiency. However, the nutrient and thermal gradient is one of the obstacles that stand in the way of its widespread use in biological applications. The diagnosis, analysis, and tracking of fluid paths in external draft tube gaslift bioreactor-type are the main topics of the current study. Several parameters were considered to assess the mixing efficiency such as downcomer-to-rizer diameter ratio (Ded/Dr), the position of the diffuser to the height of bioreactor ratio (Pd/Lr), and gas bubble size (Db). The multiple regression of liquid velocity indicates the optimal setting: Ded/Dr is (0.5), Pd/Lr is (0.02), and Db

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Heat Transfer and Hydrodynamic in Internal Jacket Airlift Bioreactor with Microbubble Technology

   Integration of laminar bubbling flow with heat transfer equations in a novel internal jacket airlift bioreactor using microbubbles technology was examined in the present study. The investigation was accomplished via Multiphysics modelling to calculate the gas holdup, velocity of liquid recirculation, mixing time and volume dead zone for hydrodynamic aspect. The temperature and internal energy were determined for heat transfer aspect.

   The results showed that the concentration of microbubbles in the unsparged area is greater than the chance of large bubbles with no dead zones being observed in the proposed design.  In addition the pressure, due to the recirculation velocity of liquid around the draft

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Osmotic Membrane Bioreactor for Oily Wastewater Treatment using External & Internal Configurations

The present work aims to study the treatment of oily wastewater by means of forward osmosis membrane bioreactor process. Side stream (external) configuration and submerged (internal) configuration of osmotic membrane bioreactor were performed and investigated. The experimental work for each configuration was carried out continuously over 21 days. The flux behavior of forward osmosis membrane in an osmotic membrane bioreactor (OMBR) was investigated, using NaCl as the draw solution and CTA as FO membrane. The effect of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration and TDS accumulation of bioreactor on water flux and membrane fouling behaviors was detected. The accumulation and rejection of nutrients in the bioreactor (Nitrate, COD,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
'Influence of Draft Tube Diameter on Operation Behavior of Air Lift Loop Reactors

The ratio of draft tube to reactor diameters is of decisive importance for the operation behavior of air lift loop reactors. The influence of draft tube geometry was investigated with respect to oxygen mass transfer and mixing time. The diameter ratio was varied between 0.33 and 0.80. The measurements were performed in two loop reactors with liquid capacities of 11.775 and 26.49 liters using aqueous with solutions of different coalescence behavior. The results show that there is no single diameter ratio which would produce most favorable conditions for the two process parameters. With respect to the more important requirements of aerobic cultures, i.e high oxygen mass transfer and efficient mixing, a diameter ratio between 0.5 and 0.6 is

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Hydration Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamic (Stokes) Radius of the Lanthanide Ions

Many biochemical and physiological properties depend on the size of ions and the thermodynamic quantities of ion hydration. The diffusion coefficient (D) of lanthanide (III) ions (Ln+3) in solution assumed (1.558-1.618 ×10−9 m2 s−1) by Einstein–Smoluchowski relation. The association constant (KA) of Ln+3 ions was calculated (210.3-215.3 dm3 mole-1) using the Shedlovsky method, and the hydrodynamic radius calculated (1.515-1.569 ×10−10 m) by the Stokes-Einstein equation. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔGo, ΔSo) also calculated by used suitable relations, while ΔHo, values are obtained from the lit

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 08 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Computational Design And Engineering
Twisted-fin parametric study to enhance the solidification performance of phase-change material in a shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage system
Abstract<p>Phase change material (PCM) is considered as one of the most effective thermal energy storage (TES) systems to balance energy supply and demand. A key challenge in designing efficient PCM-based TES systems lies in the enhancement of heat transmission during phase transition. This study numerically examines the privilege of employing twisted-fin arrays inside a shell-and-tube latent heat storage unit to improve the solidification performance. The presence of twisted fins contributes to the dominating role of heat conduction by their curved shapes, which restricts the role of natural convection but largely aids the overall heat-transfer process during solidification. The heat-discharge </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 29 2020
Journal Name
The 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (irec 2020)
Thermal efficiency Optimization of the evacuated tube solar water heater system by using mirror flat reflector

In this paper a comparison of the experimental of evacuated tube solar water heater systems with and without mirror flat reflector. The aim of using the reflector to improve thermal efficiency, and the data gathered which are (temperature, solar irradiation and time) for three days were compared. the results from compared data the temperature lower increase in evacuated tube solar water heater system without reflector than the temperature increase in evacuated tube solar water heater system with reflector .The results show (53, 39, 35) % for three days respectively that the evacuated tube solar water heater system with reflector has higher thermal efficiencies than the results (47, 28, 30) % for three days respectively thermal efficiencies

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The emission spectra and hydrodynamic properties of Al plasma using Nd-YAG laser

In this work, the emission spectra and atomic structure of the aluminum target had been studied theoretically using Cowan code. Cowan code was used to calculate the transitions of electrons between atomic configuration interactions using the mathematical method called (Hartree-Fock). The aluminum target can give a good emission spectrum in the XUV region at 10 nm with oscillator strength of 1.82.
The hydrodynamic properties of laser produced plasma (LPP) were investigated for the purpose of creating a light source working in the EUV region. Such a light source is very important for lithography (semiconductor manufacturing). The improved MEDUSA (Med103) code can calculate the plasma hydrodynamic properties (velocity, electron density,

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use Of Some Parametric And Non parametric Methods For Analysis Of Factorial Experiments With Application


In this search, we examined the factorial experiments and the study of the significance of the main effects, the interaction of the factors and their simple effects by the F test (ANOVA) for analyze the data of the factorial experience. It is also known that the analysis of variance requires several assumptions to achieve them, Therefore, in case of violation of one of these conditions we conduct a transform to the data in order to match or achieve the conditions of analysis of variance, but it was noted that these transfers do not produce accurate results, so we resort to tests or non-parametric methods that work as a solution or alternative to the parametric tests , these method

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