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Evaluating alveolar bone thickness in upper and lower incisors from orthodontic perspective. A Cone beam computed tomography-based retrospective study
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Purpose: This study aimed to assess the thickness of alveolar bone of maxillary and mandibular incisors from orthodontics perspective. Materials and Method: A total of 73 Cone beam computed tomography for Iraqi patients (47 females and 26 males) were included in this study. The selected images were captured and imported to AutoCAD database software to perform the measurement. To measure alveolar bone thickness, a reference line was drawn through the long axis of each incisor, from the incisal edge to the root apex. Then, labial and lingual/palatal perpendicular lines were drawn to the reference line at 3, 6, and 9mm apically from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). Results: The buccal bone is generally thinner than the lingual/palatal bone. The bone gets relatively thicker closer to the apex. The buccal bone for all lower incisors was less than 1 mm at 3- and 6-mm distance. It was slightly thicker at the central incisor as compared to the lateral at 9-mm distance. Genders have a difference in the thickness of the palatal alveolar bone in their right and left lateral incisors, which are 3mm and 9mm, respectively. Alveolar bone thickness is significantly positively correlated with several teeth. Conclusions: Males and females in this study showed comparable alveolar bone thickness. The alveolar bone thickness increased with increasing age. It is essential to assess the thickness of alveolar bone pre-orthodontic treatment (especially for patients with thin biotype, and those cases that involve labial proclination of the lower incisors).

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Profiles of indignation and indiscretion in pre-Islamic poetry
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Profiles of indignation and indiscretion in pre-Islamic poetry

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Policy Education in Iraq / Reality Challenges and Proposed
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The policy issue in all countries of the world is concerned with government and research because it has the ability to reveal many of the problems facing the state and its organizational and scientific capabilities in the development of solutions and appropriate treatments that go beyond random and improvisational reactions, As a result of this interest, many studies have attempted to conceptualize and academicism it. The concept of public policy has been linked to various aspects of social life such as social, economic, educational, agricultural or other aspects. Public policy, regardless of its meaning or its relation to aspects of life, refers to the systematic thinking that directs the behavior and actions of the state, organization

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Responsible accounting and its role in achieving competitive advantage
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One of the management accounting tools is responsible accounting. In this system, the organisation is divided into responsibility centres that help to connect an individual performance responsible to perform through a combined system of reports according to the implementation of the mechanism of exception tools which gives assistance in planning. The exploitation of the organisation's available resources is achieved through the application of responsible accounting. Also, the best exploitation will lead to the provision of low-cost products through the disposal of all types of waste or loss during the cost centres. By providing products at a lower cost and satisfying the wishes of the needs of customers, the result reflects the competitive

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
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Spatial transformations and visual construction in the contemporary theater
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The current research deals with the subject of spatial transformations and visual construction in contemporary theater. How the visual system works to create spatial diversity in the contemporary Iraqi theater performance and how visual construction contributes to a spatial development process capable of building a tourism system that creates an architectural architecture that leaves the topography of the scriptural architecture. And the production of various indications and patterns in the scene of theatrical presentation in order to produce the new foundational meaning by creating a new structure that leads to diversity and diversity in the visual system and the beginning of visual constructions and their applications. Knowledge and te

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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Symbolic significance and its effectiveness in industrial product design
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The current research dealt with the symbolic significance and its effectiveness in the design of the industrial product, the aesthetic communicative discourse that embodies the imagination and human conscience. Whether according to what has been termed custom or what has been approved by traditions long ago, symbolism may be the main actor in linking the identifying components of the product. In addition, symbolism provides the user with the key to accessing a direct awareness of the product’s shape and function, as an identification of the product by stimulating the symbolic form of the consumer’s imagination and inviting him to To meditate in order to realize the implicit meaning behind these forms and thus achieve the symbolism of

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 06 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences
Teenage pregnancy. Prevalence and adverse outcomes in Baghdad city
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Pregnancy at an early age of life is a major challenge. The consequences of this problem have an impact on the quality of life of the young mother and her family, and determines an important risk for her offspring. The son of a teenage mother has, in general, greater risks than that of a mother of more than 20 years. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and outcome of teenage pregnancy. A descriptive data base study was conducted at Al-Elwia Maternity Teaching hospital in the period from January 1, 2019 to the end of June 2019 within the age between 12 and 19 years old. The mean age of the mother was 17.4 ±1.5 years. The mean age of the father was 23.9 ± 5.7 years with (69.5%) with Vaginal delivery and most of the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Oil Sector in Iraq (Reality and Prospects) Economic Analysis
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   The oil sector in Iraq suffered from several difficulties led to the decline and reduction of oil production and the deterioration of refineries and transport pipeline status in addition to the weakness of the technology side and the prevalence of financial and administrative corruption besides the high costs of rehabilitation of the oil sector and also administrative and institutional problems still ongoing. 

 In spite of Iraq's possession of vast oil wealth allows him to play an important role in the international energy market، he is still under the level. The production of oil doesn'<

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The present work provides a list of all amphibians and reptiles recorded from Iraq up to 2014. It includes 115 species (105 species of reptiles and 10 species of amphibians) dating back to 25 families (20 families of reptiles and 5 families of amphibians). Conservation status of each species was mentioned.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Populism in the Middle East: Discourse and Comparative Characteristics
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Abstract: The premise of the study is that populism is a process of building political views and critical intellectual orientations among the general public. It is transformed into mass beliefs by mobilizing the society ideologically and continuously in order to reach or control the circle of authority. We distributed the study topics to four sections: In the second, we will discuss the contents of contemporary populism and how other forms of populism evolved historically. The third is to discuss the political discourse of populism among the military regimes and the comparative Islamic parties in the Middle East, especially in terms of the essence and the intellectual foundations. The fourth section seeks to examine the characteristics o

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial corruption and investment opportunities in the Iraqi economy
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Corruption is one of the barriers to economic growth and investment opportunities, and after the most serious security and stability, that corruption plagued the Iraqi economy is striking and has roots since the eighties of the last century to the present day.

The study aimed to identify practical impact of corruption on investment in the Iraqi economy and revealed the possibilities and obstacles to investment in Iraq and clarify the investment opportunities at the level of Iraq and the impact of corruption on investments.

The focus will be on the statement of the extent of corruption and investment in Iraq and the adoption of the style of economic measurement using cross-section

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