،يريغت وأ ةلكشم وأ ةثداح ةجيتن ،ةعمالجا وأ درفلا هذختي فقوم هرهوج في ماعلا يأرلا دعي ةيوبرت تماكارتو ،ةيرثك تانوكم لىع هسسأ في موقي وهف اذل ،ةشاعلما ةايلحا تاقايس في لصيح فيو ،عمتمج يلأ يعماتجلاا لعفلا ةيصوصخ تاقايس بسحب يرسي ايرطف نوكي ام اهنم ،ةيفاقثو يعولا ةلاح تيبثت ديرت تاهج نم ةلعتفمو ةعنطصم تايطعمب اهيريست وأ اهذحش متي ىرخأ نايحأ ليكشت ةيلمع تنترقا ذل ،ةثدالحا كلت مهف ةأطو ليلقت وأ يريغت وأ فرح وأ ينعم مهف لىع ،يعمتجلما ةعيبط بسحب ،اهرفاوت ةروضرو اتهوقو اتهدش في فلتتخ ،ةعونتم تاودأو تاددحمب ماعلا يأرلا اهنكتم ،ةرهاظو ةنماك تاودلأ يرثأتلا تاهج كلاتما رادقمو هتوقو ثدلحا ةعيبط نع لاضف ،عمتجلما . هفرح وأ ماعلا يأرلا ليكشت ةداعأ نم ةناماو قدصب اهرودب موقت نا ةفلتخلما ملاعلاا لئاسو لىع ضرفت ملاعلاا تايقلاخا نا رابخا نم همدقت ام للاخ نم ملاعلاا لئاسو تحبصا ةقحلاتلما ثادحلال ةجيتن نكل ، ةيعوضومو نع لاضف اهفلاتخاو ءارلاا ددعت ببسب للضم ماع يأر ليكشت لىا يرهمالجا ةدايق لواتح تامولعمو ةيلمع لىع موقت ،قارعلا اهنم صخلأابو انتاعمتمج في ماعلا يأرلا عنص ةيلمع نا ماك ،حلاصلما براضت ،يربكلا فياقثلا حاتفنلإا عم تمهسا دق ثادحلأا ةبوعص كلذك تلاخدلما في ةوقلا ةديدش شيوشت تتاب ذا ،شيوشتلا كلذ لكل سيسأتلا في ،ةفلتخلما ملاعلإا لئاسو اهتنبت يتلا ةيعاصرلا ةلالحاو قيقحتل ةدع تلاماتساو بيلاسلأ اهفيظوت برع يملاعلإا ليلضتلا ةيلمع سراتم ملاعلاا لئاسو ماعلا يأرلا لىع رثؤت وا عدتخ نا ةنيعم ةلاسر لاصيا برع نكمي ذا مدقلما يملاعلإا طاشنلا نم فدلها ةلكشم نإف هيلع و ،ةفلتخلما ةيملاعلإا داولما برع دمع نع ةللضم وا ةزاحنم تامولعم شرنب كلذو :يه تلاؤاست في تروحتم دق ثحبلا ؟ةفلتخلما ملاعلاا لئاسو في روهملجا هل ضرعتي يذلا ىوتحلما في يملاعلإا ليلضتلا تاشرؤم ام ؟ماعلا يأرلا ليكشت في يرثأتلل يملاعلإا ليلضتلا في ةمدختسلما بيلاسلأا ام لئاسو اهسراتم يتلا ليلضتلا بيلاسأ نع فشكلاب ثحبلل سياسلاا فدلها لثتم ينح في ثحبلا نم فدلها قيقتح لىا لوصوللو ،ماعلا يأرلا في يرثأتلل ةمدقلما تامولعلما برع ملاعلاا بيلاسأ ةفرعم لىا لوصولل نايبتسلاا ةادأب ةناعتسلاا برع يحسلما جهنلما لىع ناتثحابلا تدمتعا دادغب ةنيدم روهمجب لثمتي ثحبلا عمتمج امأ ،ماعلا يأرلا في اهيرثأتو يملاعلإا ليلضتلا ةسرامم
Mercifulness is a trait of civilization, humanity, and a moral value in society, because it has an impact on social life and its role in spreading interdependence, joint liability, and solidarity among people. Mercifulness means spreading mercy, synergy, sympathy, and cooperation. Generally, a society that enjoys strong ties tends to have a kind of stability and development, as well as, is able to face the economic, political, and security crises. Conversely, a weak society leads to weak social cohesion and weak community infrastructure that is more vulnerable to social, economic, and political instability. Thus, this is the aim of the research that has used a social survey method applied to a sample of respondents who have reached (300)
... Show Moreيتفق معظم العلماء على اهمية الرأي العام في کل الازمنه والامکنة کلها، لکل ناس حکام ومحکومون افراد وجماعات فهو يشکل قوة ضغط على تلک الانظمة والحکومات وان کانت تلک القضايا لها مساس بمصالح الناس ومدى تاثيرها على الانظمة في اتخاذ القرارات من خلال الاحکام التي تصدرها الناس. والبحث هنا يتناول الرأي العام بمفهوم الحرية الممنوحة لهم وان کانت مدة الدراسة لا تتناول المفهوم بذاته ولکن يعبر عنه بمفاهيم مثل ارادة ال
... Show MoreMotives for public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels and the gratifications achieved about it - Research presented by (Dr. Dr. Laila Ali Jumaa), Imam Al-Kadhim College (peace be upon him) - Department of Information-2021.
The research aims to know the extent of public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels, and what gratifications are achieved from them, and to reach scientific results that give an accurate description of exposure, motives and gratifications verified by that exposure, and the research objectives are summarized in the following:
- Revealing the habits and patterns of public exposure to specialized sports satelli
The media, especially the satellite channels in our time, are one of the most important pillars of daily life, public and private, for society and people, and are considered by sociologists and sociologists as one of the most important factors of social upbringing and the most important, as a result of the technological and technological development of the media as well as increasing their numbers and vertical and horizontal expansion locally, As well as entering into the lives of individuals and people and leading them to important sites within their interests and preferences, not to mention the long time spent exposure to those media and benefit from the programs offered or broadcast. , The problem of this research is that there is a l
... Show MoreModern communication and media technology has pioneered new horizons and curried out deep changes in the various fields of social life, It effected enormously human communication as well.
Content one Who late the developments which have effected the social relations ،due to the new media ،especially Face book ,will certainly notice the far cry changes of the social relation net which has been effected ,in a way or another ،the accelerated development ،under the appearance of the so called the virtual society .
Face book has embodied the means – communication ,which has become an important turn point in the social communication .
It is the point the present paper tries to expose an discuss by a field study curried on a sam
تعد ظاهرة الارهاب المتزايدة في العالم من اخطر اشكال التهديدات الامنية التي تواجة الدول لانها تستهدف في جانب مهم منها امن واستقرارومستقبل مجتمعاتها لاسيما اذا جمع الفعل الارهابي بين مطامع واهداف القوى الخارجية التي لا تريد استخدام ادواتها المباشرة وانما بالاعتماد على محركات في خلق الازمات داخل الدول المستهدفة
... Show MoreThe present study aims to illuminate the assessment of the Turkish elite of the role of the Turkish media in forming the attitudes of public opinion vis a vis the attempted military coup of 15 July 2016. The authors utilized the survey method of a nominal sample of 315 individuals, equally distributed among the three foremost categories of the Turkish elite, namely: the political academic, and media elite. The foremost findings of the study are that the orientation of the coverage of the Turkish media of the events of the attempt military coup of 15 July, based on the perception and assessment of the Turkish elite, was positive to a high degree; it refuted the news and the inciting information given to foreign media revealed the bloodine
... Show MoreSocial networking sites represent one of the modern communication technologies that have contributed to the expression of public opinion trends towards various events and crises of which security crisis is most important being characterized by its ability to influence the community life of the public. In order to recognize its role in shaping opinions of the educated class of the public that is characterized by a high level of knowledge, culture and having experience in dealing with the media. Its advantage is that they have an active audience by expressing their views on the situations, events, and news published on them as well as expressing their attitudes and sympathy with the events. So a number of questions are included in the ques
... Show MoreIncreasingly important public opinion polls steadily .... especially in electoral campaigns, sheds searchlight on the side of the US elections, in different time periods, and cited the words of experts and people involved in it, and reviews Find great development that took place in the polls and what could happen to this work It is important in the future. Display search for certain types of polls, dividing them on as stated by the experts in the United States... This division shows that the surveys of the most political processes and accuracy of information, and that their Money being made and companies specialized in the administration of this type of measuring public opinion ..... what is returned decision-making, for example, in conj
... Show MoreThe problem of this research lies in the fact that there is a lack of accurate scientific perceptions about the size of the use of Iraqi women’s social networking sites and the motives behind this use and the expectations generated by them.
The goals of the research are as follows:
1- Determine the extent of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, twitter, and Instagram).
2- Investigative the motives behind the use of social networking sites by Iraqi women.
3- Detecting the repercussions of Iraqi women’s use of social networking sites (Facebook, you tube, twitter, and Instagram).
The research is classified as a descriptive one. The researchers use the survey methodology. The research commu