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أساليب التضليل الإعلامي وانعكاسها على تشكيل الرأي العام دراسة ميدانية على جمهور مدينة بغداد
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،يريغت وأ ةلكشم وأ ةثداح ةجيتن ،ةعمالجا وأ درفلا هذختي فقوم هرهوج في ماعلا يأرلا دعي ةيوبرت تماكارتو ،ةيرثك تانوكم لىع هسسأ في موقي وهف اذل ،ةشاعلما ةايلحا تاقايس في لصيح فيو ،عمتمج يلأ يعماتجلاا لعفلا ةيصوصخ تاقايس بسحب يرسي ايرطف نوكي ام اهنم ،ةيفاقثو يعولا ةلاح تيبثت ديرت تاهج نم ةلعتفمو ةعنطصم تايطعمب اهيريست وأ اهذحش متي ىرخأ نايحأ ليكشت ةيلمع تنترقا ذل ،ةثدالحا كلت مهف ةأطو ليلقت وأ يريغت وأ فرح وأ ينعم مهف لىع ،يعمتجلما ةعيبط بسحب ،اهرفاوت ةروضرو اتهوقو اتهدش في فلتتخ ،ةعونتم تاودأو تاددحمب ماعلا يأرلا اهنكتم ،ةرهاظو ةنماك تاودلأ يرثأتلا تاهج كلاتما رادقمو هتوقو ثدلحا ةعيبط نع لاضف ،عمتجلما . هفرح وأ ماعلا يأرلا ليكشت ةداعأ نم ةناماو قدصب اهرودب موقت نا ةفلتخلما ملاعلاا لئاسو لىع ضرفت ملاعلاا تايقلاخا نا رابخا نم همدقت ام للاخ نم ملاعلاا لئاسو تحبصا ةقحلاتلما ثادحلال ةجيتن نكل ، ةيعوضومو نع لاضف اهفلاتخاو ءارلاا ددعت ببسب للضم ماع يأر ليكشت لىا يرهمالجا ةدايق لواتح تامولعمو ةيلمع لىع موقت ،قارعلا اهنم صخلأابو انتاعمتمج في ماعلا يأرلا عنص ةيلمع نا ماك ،حلاصلما براضت ،يربكلا فياقثلا حاتفنلإا عم تمهسا دق ثادحلأا ةبوعص كلذك تلاخدلما في ةوقلا ةديدش شيوشت تتاب ذا ،شيوشتلا كلذ لكل سيسأتلا في ،ةفلتخلما ملاعلإا لئاسو اهتنبت يتلا ةيعاصرلا ةلالحاو قيقحتل ةدع تلاماتساو بيلاسلأ اهفيظوت برع يملاعلإا ليلضتلا ةيلمع سراتم ملاعلاا لئاسو ماعلا يأرلا لىع رثؤت وا عدتخ نا ةنيعم ةلاسر لاصيا برع نكمي ذا مدقلما يملاعلإا طاشنلا نم فدلها ةلكشم نإف هيلع و ،ةفلتخلما ةيملاعلإا داولما برع دمع نع ةللضم وا ةزاحنم تامولعم شرنب كلذو :يه تلاؤاست في تروحتم دق ثحبلا ؟ةفلتخلما ملاعلاا لئاسو في روهملجا هل ضرعتي يذلا ىوتحلما في يملاعلإا ليلضتلا تاشرؤم ام ؟ماعلا يأرلا ليكشت في يرثأتلل يملاعلإا ليلضتلا في ةمدختسلما بيلاسلأا ام لئاسو اهسراتم يتلا ليلضتلا بيلاسأ نع فشكلاب ثحبلل سياسلاا فدلها لثتم ينح في ثحبلا نم فدلها قيقتح لىا لوصوللو ،ماعلا يأرلا في يرثأتلل ةمدقلما تامولعلما برع ملاعلاا بيلاسأ ةفرعم لىا لوصولل نايبتسلاا ةادأب ةناعتسلاا برع يحسلما جهنلما لىع ناتثحابلا تدمتعا دادغب ةنيدم روهمجب لثمتي ثحبلا عمتمج امأ ،ماعلا يأرلا في اهيرثأتو يملاعلإا ليلضتلا ةسرامم

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of wages and benefits systems on the performance of employees A field study in the General Company for Food Industries in the city of Baghdad
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The research aims to find out the impact of wages and benefits systems on the performance of employees, which included the research community on a sample of employees in the company, and the sample consisted of (50) employees and an employee, A questionnaire composed as prepared (23) paragraph, use the promised statistically methods in data collected by the questionnaire analysis. The research reached a number of results, the most prominent of which were: There is a correlation between wage systems, benefits and performance of employees, and the presence of the impact of the systems of wages and benefits to the performance of employees. The research was presented a set of recommendations including: increasing the effectiveness of

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The majority of statisticians, if not most of them, are primarily concerned with the theoretical aspects of their field of work rather than their application to the practical aspects. Its importance as well as its direct impact on the development of various sciences. Although the theoretical aspect is the first and decisive basis in determining the degree of accuracy of any research work, we always emphasize the importance of the applied aspects that are clear to everyone, as well as its direct impact on the development of different sciences. The measurements of public opinion is one of the most important aspects of the application of statistics, which has taken today, a global resonance and has become a global language that everyone can

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Unemployment & its Problems Between Theory & Applying Field Study in Baghdad City
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The unemployment is considered from the most danger problems that our society face them in current time & in the near future , because it makes prodigality for element of human being , particularly age of youth who have ability to work & producing , that resulted in negative effects forecast to dire consequences social and economical dangers . In the same time as will be stated in our explanation in the following in our research , because the unemployment has ability to help to prepare good environment to grow crime , actions of violence that mostly are main cause to decrease living level of majority of citizens & in increasing numbers who became under poverty , the unemployment is economical problem as it is psycholo

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2007
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
الرأي العام والمشاركة السياسية ودورهما في تعزيز الديمقراطية
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الرأي العام والمشاركة السياسية ودورهما في تعزيز الديمقراطية 

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العنف ضد المرأةدراسة ميدانية في مدينة بغداد
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      لطالما تحاشينا الخوض في الحديث عن المرأة , وكل ما يتعلق بها من موضوعات , خصوصا في سياق ما يطرح حولها من أمور كأنها لاتخص غيرها مثل : " الحرية "   "والمساواة "  " والحقوق " ... وغيرها من المواضيع التي تعج بها الكتب والشاشات والبرامج والمؤتمرات والندوات , التي غالبا ما ترفع فيها الشعارات المؤدلجة وتوضع اخرى , في أتون محموم , إن دل على شيئ فانه يدل بالدرجة الاولى عن مدى الفوضى الفكرية التي نعي

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Influence of behavioural implication of information on the selection of accounting methods and their reflection on investor's decisions field study on Iraq stock exchange
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The research aims to highlight on the behavioural approach in accounting, and clarify the behavioural implications of the main activities of accounting, and clarify the concept of information inductance within the framework of the behavioural approach and its impact on preparing financial statements. And that the impact of financial information on the behaviour of investment decision-makers, and to achieve the goals of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire according to Likert five-step scale, and he took into consideration in preparing it in line with the characteristics of the study community, and that the target community for this questionnaire is the investors in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The researcher reached

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Urban creep on the green areas and its environmental effects on the city of Baghdad
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he planning process is generally aimed at developing the city and making it meet the needs of different citizens. The green areas constitute one of the basic needs of the city and with the rapid and unusual growth in the size of cities, especially in the third world countries, which is often embodied in capitals. Which was achieved as a result of many reasons, including political, economic and social and even enshrined through some of the decisions that were issued and the city of Baghdad, but a clear example of these cities. The city and the environment are inseparable terms. The city is where people spend their lives and their daily experiences, and the environment is the center in w

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Training Programs And Their Impact On The Quality Of municipal Services /Field Research In The Municipality Of Baghdad
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     The objective of this research is to measure the training programs and identify the nature and then measure how it reflected on the quality of municipal services provided by the municipal departments investigated by measuring the quality of services based on quality standards, the researcher chose four municipal departments in the Rusafa / Baghdad (164 people) representing the directors and their assistants, officials of the municipal departments, the people and the engineering staff in charge of the task forces as well, including the survey of the views of the concerned persons in the management of the Vocational Training Institute in the Secretariat of the Republic, The quality of the municipal services

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 04 2021
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات وبحوث اعلامية مسار
تعرض جمهور مدينة بغداد للقنوات الفضائية الاسلامية المتخصصة ودوره في غرس الثقافة الدينية
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Medical Care for the Deformed Children: A Field Study in Baghdad City
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The Child is the first sedum for the human society performing, and we deal in our
research to explain the nature of the mutual relations in between the form and the medicine
social caring foundation. So the motherhood and the childhood nowadays become the most
dedicated in the researchers works, whom interesting in the social affairs, and that whom
work in the medicine field as scientists.
So the child is the future man and must be in wright body construction that need to great
care and interest to make him wright mind through capability of performing anything support
to him.
In our research we deal with the main factors in which lead to infect the child by the
creative malfunction, like the environmental and m

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