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Fibrewise <i>ω</i>-compact and locally <i>ω</i>-compact spaces
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The goal of this article is to construct fibrewise w-compact (resp. locally w-compact) spaces. Some related results and properties of these concepts will be investigated. Furthermore, we investigate various relationships between these concepts and three classes of fibrewise w-separation axioms.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of 532nm Nd: YAG Pulsed Laser on the Activity of Superoxide dismutase and Alcoholdehydrogenase of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
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In this study, the effect of Nd: YAG laser on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and alcoholdehydrogenase (ADH) was investigated. The Saccharomyces cells were irradiated using 532nm Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser with (1Hz) frequency. Different fluences 11.3, 22.6 and 33.9mJ/cm2 and different number of pulses 15, 30 and 60 pulse were used. The irradiated cells were incubated in a liquid nutritive medium for 24 hours. After incubation, the cells were harvested and disrupted to extract the intracellular enzymes and their activities were assessed. In comparison with the control, the irradiated cells showed a significant increase in the activity and the specific activity of SOD at energy densities of 11.3 and 22.6mJ/cm2 at 30 and 60 pulses

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Building and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time
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The researchers believe the problem of searching the scarcity or limited tests of time kinetic response led to scarcity or limited availability of experimental research in exercises codified within the training curriculum for the junior class, and therefore has been weakening this physical variable as an important episode in the development of the players physical capacities as well as the lack of measure for this variable within the defensive skills in general and the skill of the player movement defender in particular, and it represents the goal of research in the treatment of the above through the construction and rationing test to measure the kinetic response to the movement of the player defender basketball junior time. Chosen as the r

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Natural Gas Science And Engineering
Recovery of mono-ethylene glycol by distillation and the impact of dissolved salts evaluated through simulation of field data
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Comparison between the Biological Activity of Agaricus bisporus Fruiting Bodies and Albizzia lebbeck Leaves Extract against Different Pathogenic Microoganisms
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Interference with quorum sensing of Klebsiella pneumoniae by some plant extracts can affect the biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance.
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Quorum sensing (QS) is a perfectly orchestrated molecular communication system. It is a boon for Klebsiella pneumoniae, and bane for the host. This system is believed to make K. pneumoniae a leading cause of multidrug-resistant (MDR) nosocomial infections. This study aimed to investigate the antibacterial and anti-biofilm potential of medicinal plant extracts through interfering with QS of K. pneumoniae. The effect of different concentrations of ethanolic extracts of cinnamon and clove on K. pneumoniae was determined by analyzing the growth curve, survival assay (MTT), Qualitative and quantitative biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, along with studying gene expression of the genes encoding the above traits, using quantitative real tim

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Terrorism and its impact on the right of Human in development - A study case of ISIS (Daesh) in Iraq
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       Iraq is one of the most important countries in the world that has received its share of terrorist acts by the terrorist organization the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), which has caused instability, especially during the period of ISIS's control of seven Iraqi provinces (2014-2017). This stage has caused a decline in the levels of human and economic development and its inconsistency with the capabilities and needs of the Iraqi population. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the hypothesis that there is a close relationship between the decline in development in Iraq and the brutal practices of ISIS that it committed during his period of control over many Iraqi cities and regions. This study used several method

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Connection Between Partical Size and Lattice Distortions Through X - Ray Diffraction Line Profile Analysis for CaO Powder
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The integral  breadth  method  has been utilized to analyse line

proIiles broadening and lattice strain of CaO at different temperatures

The effect of tcmperattre on crystallite size and strain has also been investigated  . The crystall i tes are found to be highly anisotropic even at high temperatures

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Production of Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units (blocks) From Green Concrete Containing Plastic Waste and Nano Silica Sand Powder
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Industrial development has recently increased, including that of plastic industries. Since plastic has a very long analytical life, it will cause environmental pollution, so studies have resorted to reusing recycled waste plastic (sustainable plastic) to produce environmentally friendly concrete (green concrete). In this research, producing environmentally friendly load-bearing concrete masonry units (blocks) was considered where five concrete mixtures were compressed at the blocks producing machine. The cement content reduced from 400 kg/m3 (B-400) to 300 kg/m3 (B-300) then to 200 kg/m3 (B-200). While (B-380) was produced using 380 kg/m3 cement and 20 kg/m3 nano-sil

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 15 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Soil Content, Drilling Parameters and Drilling Tool Diameter on the Vibration Assessment in the Drilling Rig
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This paper represents a study of the effect of the soil type, the drilling parameters and the drilling tool properties on the dynamic vibrational behavior of the drilling rig and its assessment in the drilling system. So first, an experimental drilling rig was designed and constructed to embrace the numerical work.

The experimental work included implementation of the drill-string in different types of soil with different properties according to the difference in the grains size, at different rotational speeds (RPM), and different weights on bit (WOB) (Thrust force), in a way that allows establishing the charts that correlate the vibration acceleration, the rate of penetration (ROP), and the power

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
The reality of religious tourism publications design and ways of developing The upper threshold model: صادق هاشم حسن الموسوي
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Tourism is one of the most important sources of income of economic key countries in the world so are imports of tourism for some countries a source of income is not significant of the total revenues of States. Making those countries, and those countries a destination for visitors, and here should be interest in the Wealth and cultural heritage that distinguishes Islamic countries in general, and Iraq in particular, must be placed specialist studies in all areas for the development of this area of tourism, especially religious tourism to achieve a desired and desired of such research.It is the most important ways to develop tourism in general and religious tourism is of particular publications, advertising, and is important for us in this

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