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The role of myocardial performance index in assessment of left ventricular function in patients with valvular mitral regurgitation

Background: Mitral regurgitation (MR) is the most commonly encountered valve lesion in modern clinical practice. Severe mitral regurgitation may cause systolic dysfunction. Left ventricular ejection fraction may not be an accurate measurement of LV function in patients with mitral insufficiency. Myocardial performance index (MPI) is a simple non invasive measure of myocardial function. Methods: The study involved 50 patients with valvular mitral regurgitation and 50 healthy subjects as a control group. Transthoracic echocardiography was carried out for all patients and control group. The echocardiographic measurements included left ventricular end diastolic and end systolic dimensions, left atrial diameter, ejection fraction (EF), and myocardial performance index (MPI). Results: Results revealed insignificant change in MPI between patients with mild MR and controls (26.47%), and significant changes in MPI between patients with moderate and severe mitral regurgitation and control group (29.41%, 41.17% respectively) with p value b0.05. Insignificant change in EF between patients with mild MR and controls (5.52%) was noted (p value N0.05), while the changes in EF between patients with moderate and severe mitral regurgitation and control groups were (−9.3%), (−7.4%) respectively with p value b0.05. Conclusion: Myocardial performance index is a good and easily determined index in the assessment of left ventricular function in patients with mitral regurgitation and has the ability to detect LV dysfunction earlier than ejection fraction.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Demulsification of Remaining Waste (Water In Oil Emulsions) After Removal Of Phenol In Emulsion Liquid Membrane Process

The aim of present work is to study the removal of phenol present in aqueous feed solution by the emulsion liquid membrane technique using kerosene as a diluent, sodium hydroxide as a stripping agent, and sorbitan monooleate (Span 80) as a surfactant. The parameters studied were: surfactant concentration, volume ratio of membrane phase to internal phase, and stirring speed. It was found that more than 98% of phenol can be removed at the conditions were surfactant concentration 2% (v/v), volume ratio of membrane phase to internal phase 5:1 and stirring speed 400 rpm. Maximum phenol extraction efficiency at 7 minutes of process time was observed. It was found that there was a good agreement between the standard kerosene an

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of nanocapsules and extract of Metarhizium anisopliae in inhibiting acetylcholine esterase enzyme in Musca domestica larvae.

M. domestica is the most important insect that transmit pathogens for diseases in the world. The use of nanotechnology is eco-friendly method in control pests. The study aims to investigate the feasibility of bio-manufacturing nanocapsules of fungal secondary metabolites in order to improve the efficiency of metabolite and assess their inhibitory effect on the acetylcholine esterase enzyme in housefly larvae. An equal mixture of organic solvents, ethyl acetate and dichloromethane, was used to extract the metabolic products of the fungus M. anisopliae, (PEG4000) and chitosan was used in the preparation of nanocapsules. The results of the DLS granular size assay showed that the size of the extract particles and the size of the chitosan and

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Sat May 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of nanocapsules and extract of Metarhizium anisopliae in inhibiting acetylcholine esterase enzyme in Musca domestica larvae.

M. domestica is the most important insect that transmit pathogens for diseases in the world. The use of nanotechnology is eco-friendly method in control pests. The study aims to investigate the feasibility of bio-manufacturing nanocapsules of fungal secondary metabolites in order to improve the efficiency of metabolite and assess their inhibitory effect on the acetylcholine esterase enzyme in housefly larvae. An equal mixture of organic solvents, ethyl acetate and dichloromethane, was used to extract the metabolic products of the fungus M. anisopliae, (PEG4000) and chitosan was used in the preparation of nanocapsules. The results of the DLS granular size assay showed that the size of the extract particles and the size of the chitosa

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 04 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education (turcomat)
Systems thinking skills included in the mathematics textbook for the third intermediate grade

Abstract:  The aim of the current research is to find out the extent to which systems thinking skills are included in the mathematics textbook scheduled for the third intermediate grade for the academic year (2020-2021) by answering the main research question: What are the systems thinking skills included in the mathematics textbook for middle third grade?   The analytical descriptive approach was used, and to achieve the goal of the research, a list of the main systemic thinking skills and sub-skills was prepared, and after analyzing the content of the mathematics textbook, the reliability of the analysis was verified through the analysis over time and through others, and it obtained a reliability rate of 98% us

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Clinical Evidence: The Prolonged Dust Exposure The Disorder In Serum Oxidant - Antioxidant Balance

Dust can  be considered as  an  important factor in  environmental

pollution which has a direct eOect on human health. In this study ,we

attempted to eval uate serum oxidant -antiox idant balance in workers dust exposed continuously and also the effect of iron and silicon content in exposed dust on the mentioned balance .The study included tbrcc groups: A group  included 20  workers of  building block factories, B  group included 20 workers in general company of grains production and C group included 15 healthy' subjects which represented control group. !ron and  silicon  contents in  dust samples of  two  studied  regions were measured. Higher levels o

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US policy toward the political movement in the Arab countries Egypt a model

The whole world and the Arab world, especially an important part of this international system, is undergoing a radical transformation at all levels. This mosaic of political, economic, social and military relations and alliances, whether based on the special interests of the major Powers or on the basis of mutual interests, The major transformations to social, economic, political and military conflict and these transformations still bear more surprises, at all levels, nothing remains constant, all changed, relations changed and alliances changed and loyalties fell and the principles of the M changed and the spectacular imperial economies collapsed and the will of the masses was no longer fixed.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Expectation in ( Why did you leave the horse alone ) By Mahmoud Darwish

Expectation in poetry is  the ability of the poet to exceed the existence of the universe . It is the revealing of the hidden and the familiar. This feature of expecting is not related to the modern poetry only . It is a well - known feature that has long been assigned to old poetry like Al-Mutannabi  an Al-Mu`arri  who had their own unique ways of expecting and going beyond the current time  and touching the future and making it a reality. Based on their awareness ,mature thinking and talent , they had the ability of reading what is to come ,even if they were mere suppositions and tentative readings. As for the modern poetry , we have poets like Amal Dunqil , Adonis ,and Al-Sayyab whose poems became expectati

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Existential Dilemma as a Philosophical Problem in The Beggar by Naguib Mahfouz

     The Beggar (1965) is a story of isolation and depression which is written by the Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz who is considered the father of Arabic Literature in the modern era. Specifically, he refers in his great novel called The Beggar that the man unable to achieve psychological revival after Nasser’s revolution, the man sacrificed his own job and his family for a desire that increases his feelings of alienation and depression which leads him to an emotional outcry against the indifferent. The main aim of the study highlights the concept of existential dilemma as a philosophical problem and personality crisis by the protagonist of The Beggar novel, Omer Al-Hamzawi who had acc

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
The irony in the narrative film director Pedro Almodovar: محمد أكرم عبد الجليل

Play a movie role now is very dangerous on a large scale, in the transfer of data in a language of thought and life -strong common understanding , tools and more permeable and effectiveness in the formation of thought and conscience of recipients. Which is an instrument of culture and knowledge , and a means of effective educational tools that aim to improve the community , also plays a prominent role in shaping society's values , and customs , and the arts , as well as used as a means of guiding , counseling and cultural enlightenment , cinema and TV gives the viewer the ability to move from one place to another by the watch and compare it to what it is , which raises the desire to improve the level , where nearly movie scenes in variou

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analyzing the relationship between stock market volatility and economic activity in the USA

This study examines the dynamic relationship between stock market and economic activity in the United States to verify the possibility of using financial indicators to monitor the turning points in the expected path of future economic activity. Has been used methodology (Johansen - Juselius) for the Co-integration and causal (Granger) to test the relationship between the (S & P 500 , DJ) index  and gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States for the period
(1960-2009). The results of the analysis revealed the existence of a causal relationship duplex (two-way) between the variables mentioned. which means the possibility of the use stock market indicators to pre

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