Recently, a new secure steganography algorithm has been proposed, namely, the secure Block Permutation Image Steganography (BPIS) algorithm. The new algorithm consists of five main steps, these are: convert the secret message to a binary sequence, divide the binary sequence into blocks, permute each block using a key-based randomly generated permutation, concatenate the permuted blocks forming a permuted binary sequence, and then utilize a plane-based Least-Significant-Bit (LSB) approach to embed the permuted binary sequence into BMP image file format. The performance of algorithm was given a preliminary evaluation through estimating the PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) of the stego image for limited number of experiments comprised hiding text files of various sizes into BMP images. This paper presents a deeper algorithm performance evaluation; in particular, it evaluates the effects of length of permutation and occupation ratio on stego image quality and steganography processing time. Furthermore, it evaluates the algorithm performance for concealing different types of secret media, such as MS office file formats, image files, PDF files, executable files, and compressed files.
Data hiding (Steganography) is a method used for data security purpose and to protect the data during its transmission. Steganography is used to hide the communication between two parties by embedding a secret message inside another cover (audio, text, image or video). In this paper a new text Steganography method is proposed that based on a parser and the ASCII of non-printed characters to hide the secret information in the English cover text after coding the secret message and compression it using modified Run Length Encoding method (RLE). The proposed method achieved a high capacity ratio for Steganography (five times more than the cover text length) when compared with other methods, and provides a 1.0 transparency by depending on som
... Show MoreIn this research, an analysis for the standard Hueckel edge detection algorithm behaviour by using three dimensional representations for the edge goodness criterion is presents after applying it on a real high texture satellite image, where the edge goodness criterion is analysis statistically. The Hueckel edge detection algorithm showed a forward exponential relationship between the execution time with the used disk radius. Hueckel restrictions that mentioned in his papers are adopted in this research. A discussion for the resultant edge shape and malformation is presented, since this is the first practical study of applying Hueckel edge detection algorithm on a real high texture image containing ramp edges (satellite image).
Data transmission in public communication system is not safe since of interception and improper manipulation by attacker. So, the attractive solution for these problems is to design high secure system that reduce the ability of attacker from getting sensitive information such as (account ID, passwords, etc.). The best way is combine two high secure techniques: steganography technique, which is the method of hiding any secret information like data, password and image behind any cover file and cryptography, which is convert the data to unreadable data. This paper suggests a crypto-stego authentication method to provide a highly secured authentication. The proposed method is utilized audio steganography and AES Cryp
... Show MoreCloud storage provides scalable and low cost resources featuring economies of scale based on cross-user architecture. As the amount of data outsourced grows explosively, data deduplication, a technique that eliminates data redundancy, becomes essential. The most important cloud service is data storage. In order to protect the privacy of data owner, data are stored in cloud in an encrypted form. However, encrypted data introduce new challenges for cloud data deduplication, which becomes crucial for data storage. Traditional deduplication schemes cannot work on encrypted data. Existing solutions of encrypted data deduplication suffer from security weakness. This paper proposes a combined compressive sensing and video deduplication to maximize
... Show MoreThe need to exchange large amounts of real-time data is constantly increasing in wireless communication. While traditional radio transceivers are not cost-effective and their components should be integrated, software-defined radio (SDR) ones have opened up a new class of wireless technologies with high security. This study aims to design an SDR transceiver was built using one type of modulation, which is 16 QAM, and adding a security subsystem using one type of chaos map, which is a logistic map, because it is a very simple nonlinear dynamical equations that generate a random key and EXCLUSIVE OR with the originally transmitted data to protect data through the transmission. At th
... Show MoreThere has been a growing interest in the use of chaotic techniques for enabling secure communication in recent years. This need has been motivated by the emergence of a number of wireless services which require the channel to provide very low bit error rates (BER) along with information security. As more and more information is transacted over wireless media, there has been increasing criminal activity directed against such systems. This paper investigates the feasibility of using chaotic communications over Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels. We have studied the performance of differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) with 2×2 Alamouti scheme and 2×1 Alamouti scheme for different chaotic maps over additive white Gaussian noise (
... Show MoreIn this study, we present a new steganography method depend on quantizing the perceptual color spaces bands. Four perceptual color spaces are used to test the new method which is HSL, HSV, Lab and Luv, where different algorithms to calculate the last two-color spaces are used. The results reveal the validity of this method as a steganoic method and analysis for the effects of quantization and stegano process on the quality of the cover image and the quality of the perceptual color spaces bands are presented.
The steganography (text in image hiding) methods still considered important issues to the researchers at the present time. The steganography methods were varied in its hiding styles from a simple to complex techniques that are resistant to potential attacks. In current research the attack on the host's secret text problem didn’t considered, but an improved text hiding within the image have highly confidential was proposed and implemented companied with a strong password method, so as to ensure no change will be made in the pixel values of the host image after text hiding. The phrase “highly confidential” denoted to the low suspicious it has been performed may be found in the covered image. The Experimental results show that the cov
... Show MoreDigital image manipulation has become increasingly prevalent due to the widespread availability of sophisticated image editing tools. In copy-move forgery, a portion of an image is copied and pasted into another area within the same image. The proposed methodology begins with extracting the image's Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm features. Two main statistical functions, Stander Deviation (STD) and Angler Second Moment (ASM), are computed for each LBP feature, capturing additional statistical information about the local textures. Next, a multi-level LBP feature selection is applied to select the most relevant features. This process involves performing LBP computation at multiple scales or levels, capturing textures at different
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