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Development of Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Rate of Penetration in East Baghdad Field, Middle Iraq
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It is well known that the rate of penetration is a key function for drilling engineers since it is directly related to the final well cost, thus reducing the non-productive time is a target of interest for all oil companies by optimizing the drilling processes or drilling parameters. These drilling parameters include mechanical (RPM, WOB, flow rate, SPP, torque and hook load) and travel transit time. The big challenge prediction is the complex interconnection between the drilling parameters so artificial intelligence techniques have been conducted in this study to predict ROP using operational drilling parameters and formation characteristics. In the current study, three AI techniques have been used which are neural network, fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithm. An offset field data was collected from mud logging and wire line log from East Baghdad oil field south region to build the AI models, including datasets of two wells: well 1 for AI modeling and well 2 for validation of the obtained results. The types of interesting formations are sandstone and shale (Nahr Umr and Zubair formations). Nahr Umr and Zubair formations are medium –harder. The prediction results obtained from this study showed that the ANN technique can predict the ROP with high efficiency as well as FIS technique could achieve reliable results in predicting ROP, but GA technique has shown a lower efficiency in predicting ROP. The correlation coefficient and RMSE were two criteria utilized to evaluate and estimate the performance ability of AI techniques in predicting ROP and comparing the obtained results. In the Nahr Umr and Zubair formations, the obtained correlation coefficient values for training processes of ANN, FIS and GA were 0.94, 0.93, and 0.76 respectively. Data sets from another well (well 2) in the same field of interest were utilized to validate of the developed models. Datasets of well 2 were conducted against sandstone and shale formations (Nahr Umr and Zubair formations). The results revealed a good matching between the actual rate of penetration values and the predicted ROP values using two artificial intelligence techniques (neural network, and fuzzy inference technique). In contrast, the genetic algorithm model showed overestimation/ underestimation of the rate of penetration against sandstone and shale formations. This means that the optimum prediction of rate of penetration can be obtained from neural network model rather than using genetic algorithm and genetic algorithm techniques. The developed model can be successfully used to predict the rate of penetration and optimize the drilling parameters, achieving reduce the cost and time of future wells that will be drilled in the East Baghdad Iraqi oil field.

Publication Date
Thu Oct 15 2015
Journal Name
Al Mustansyriah Journal Of Science
Comparison between (ARIMA) and (ANNs) models for estimating the relative humidity for Baghdad city
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The aim of the research is to study the comparison between (ARIMA) Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average and(ANNs) Artificial Neural Networks models and to select the best one for prediction the monthly relative humidity values depending upon the standard errors between estimated and observe values . It has been noted that both can be used for estimation and the best on among is (ANNs) as the values (MAE,RMSE, R2) is )0.036816,0.0466,0.91) respectively for the best formula for model (ARIMA) (6,0,2)(6,0,1) whereas the values of estimates relative to model (ANNs) for the best formula (5,5,1) is (0.0109, 0.0139 ,0.991) respectively. so that model (ANNs) is superior than (ARIMA) in a such evaluation.

Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Selection of Suitable Drilling Parameters for obtaining high Rate of Penetration in Majnoon Oilfield
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Several directional wells have been drilled in Majnoon oilfield at wide variation in drilling time due to different drilling parameters applied for each well. This technical paper shows the importance of proper selection of the bit, Mud type, applied weight on Bit (WOB), Revolution per minute (RPM), and flow rate based on the previous wells drilled. Utilizing the data during drilling each section for directional wells that's significantly could improve drilling efficiency presented at a high rate of penetration (ROP). Based on the extensive study of three directional wells of 35 degree inclination (MJ-51, MJ-52, and MJ-54) found that the applied drilling parameters for MJ-54 and the bit type within associated drilling parameters to drill

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Diyala Journal For Pure Science
Survey of Air Quality and Health Risk Assessment Around East Baghdad Oil Field, Iraq
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Air pollution evaluation of the operational processes in the East Baghdad oil field was carried out. The analysis was carried out by ICP-MS technique. Total Suspended Particles (TSP) air load was higher than Iraqi Standards and world international allowable limits of World Health Organization. The mean concentrations of gases carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, in the air were within national and world standards, while the mean concentration of nitrogen dioxide was higher than standard limits. The air of the study area is considered a good quality for CO, CO2 and NO2 with no health effect, while it is hazardous for TSP that have serious risk for people with respiratory disease. The mean concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu and

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Depositional Framework and Stratigraphic Sequence of Early – Middle Miocene succession in Balad and East Baghdad oil fields, Central Iraq
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     This study deals with microfacies analysis, diagenetic facies, environmental interpretations related to sequence stratigraphy for Early – Middle Miocene in selected wells within Balad (Ba-X) and East Baghdad (EB-Z) oil fields.

Seven major microfacies were recognized in the successions of the study wells, these facies were used to recognize six facies association (depositional environments) within the study oil fields: deep marine, toe of slope, open marine, restricted interior platform, evaporitic interior platform and brackish interior platform. The facies associations interpreted were based on texture and obtainable fauna.

The Early - Middle Miocene succession was deposited during two depositional cycles as a t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Day 3 Wed, January 15, 2020
Numerical Simulation of Gas Lift Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm for a Middle East Oil Field: Feasibility Study
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<p>Gas-lift technique plays an important role in sustaining oil production, especially from a mature field when the reservoirs’ natural energy becomes insufficient. However, optimally allocation of the gas injection rate in a large field through its gas-lift network system towards maximization of oil production rate is a challenging task. The conventional gas-lift optimization problems may become inefficient and incapable of modelling the gas-lift optimization in a large network system with problems associated with multi-objective, multi-constrained, and limited gas injection rate. The key objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique to optimize t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Heavy Metals Pollution Assessment of the Soil in the Northern Site of East Baghdad Oil Field, Iraq
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Twenty four soil samples were collected from different sites in north sector of East Baghdad oil field, Iraq , and analyzed to assess the impact of urbanization and industrialization essential pollution. The soil samples were analyzed for heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, and Zn) by using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Mean concentration of heavy metals in soil samples follows this pattern: Zn > Ni > Cr > Cu >Pb > As> Cd> Hg. The results show significant variations (lower and higher) in the concentrations of heavy metals compared with local and world studies, this variation is attributed to the natural anthropogenic sources. The pollution of studied soil was assessed using many soil

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Criminology
Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Field of Modern Forensic Evidence: Brain Fingerprinting as a Model
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Brain Fingerprinting (BF) is one of the modern technologies that rely on artificial intelligence in the field of criminal evidence law. Brain information can be obtained accurately and reliably in criminal procedures without resorting to complex and multiple procedures or questions. It is not embarrassing for a person or even violates his human dignity, as well as gives immediate and accurate results. BF is considered one of the advanced techniques related to neuroscientific evidence that relies heavily on artificial intelligence, through which it is possible to recognize whether the suspect or criminal has information about the crime or not. This is done through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (EEG) of the brain and examining

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Radiological Effects Assessment in East Baghdad Oil Field, Southern Area
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Radiological assessment for the East Baghdad oilfield-southern part was conducted in the current study. 10 samples (scale, soil, sludge, water, and oil) from the different stages of oil production were collected. 232Th, 226Ra, and 40K in the samples were analyzed with 40% efficiency for Gamma spectrometry. system based on HPGe. The findings indicated that the examined sites exhibit comparatively lower levels of NORM contamination, in contrast to other global oilfields. Nevertheless, certain areas, particularly those within separation stages, demonstrate relatively elevated NORM concentrations exceeding the global average in soil and sludge. The maximum value of 226Ra, 232Th, was found in sludge sample the findings indicated that ove

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New Record of the Bottle Liverworts Sphaerocarpos Donnellii Aust. for Iraq and Middle East Countries
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    The Order Sphaerocarpales of the bottle liverwort consists of five genera, among which Sphaerocarpos in turn consists of  8-9 species. The genus is nearly worldwide distributed, but disjunct, sporadic, and localized throughout the range in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. According to the published checklist, only two species of Sphaerocarpos were recorded in the middle east countries. These are S. texanus and S. michelii, both were found in Turkey, while only the latter was found in Iraq. By the current study, an additional species, S. donnellii, will be added to the byroflora of the Middle East (south west Asia) region. A specimen of this s

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Estimating server utilization rate in single server queuing models using an approximate solution of stiff fluid flow model
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