Essentilas of Atmospheric Sciences -
Background: Osteoid osteomaa benign tumor is unusual before the age of 5 or after age 30 and is more prevalent in men. The main symptom is pain, which is typically severe and responsible for nocturnal awakenings. The conditons usually diagnosed through radiological imagine and confirmed by Histopathology.
Objectives: To assess the effectiveness and the complications that had been risen during the surgical procedure of osteoid osteoma using en bloc resection.
Methods: (10) Patients diagnosed with osteoid osteomawere treated with enbloc surgical reseaction were included in this study.the study took place at Al Yarmouk teaching hospital.the from April 2017-october 2018 and included 10 patients..(7) male, (3) females.The mean age of th
Alloy of (HgTe) has been prepared succesful in evacuated qurtz ampoule at pressure 4×10-5torr, and melting temperature equal to 823K for five days. Thin films of HgTe of thickness 1μm were deposited on NaCl crystal by thermal evaporation technique at room temperature under vacuum about 4×10-5torr as well as investiagtion in the optical porperties included (absorption coefficient , energy gap) of HgTe films and The optical measurements showed that HgTe film has direct energy gap equal to 0.05 eV. The optical constants (n, k, εr, εi) have been measured over will range (6-28)μm.
Ticagrelor is an orally administered antiplatelet medicine, direct-acting P2Y12-receptor antagonist. Ticagrelor binds reversibly and noncompetitively to the P2Y12 receptor at a site distinct from that of the endogenous agonist adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Inhibition of platelet aggregation stimulated by ADP is a commonly used pharmacodynamic parameter for P2Y12-receptor antagonists.
Ticagrelor is a crystalline powder with an aqueous solubility of approximately 10?g/mL at room temperature.
... Show MoreThe present work is concerned with the finding of the optimum conditions for biochemical wastewater treatment for a local tannery. The water samples were taken from outline areas (the wastewater of the chrome and vegetable tannery) in equal volumes and subjected to sedimentation, biological treatment, and chemical and natural sedimentation treatment.
The Box-Wilson method of experimental design was adopted to find useful relationships between three operating variables that affect the treatment processes (temperature, aeration period and phosphate concentration) on the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5).
The experimental data collected by this method were successfully fitted to a second order polynomial mathematical model. The most fa
Vacuum gas oil (611-833)K was distilled from Kirkuk crude oil, which was obtained by blending the following fraction,
light vacuum gas oil (611 - 650) K, medium vacuum gas oil (650-690)K, heavy vacuum gas oil (690-727)K and very
heavy vacuum gas oil (727-833)K.
The vacuum gas oil was hydrotreated on a commercial cobalt-molybdenum alumina catalyst presulfied at specified
condition in a laboratory trickle bed reactor. The reaction temperature varied from (583-643)K over liquid hourly space
velocity ranging between (1.5-3.75)h-1 , Hydrogen pressure was kept constant at 3.5 MPa with a hydrogen to oil ratio
of about 250 L/L
The conversion results for desulfurization appeared to obey the second order kinetics. According to
Objectives: to evaluate the role of conservative, decompression, spine fixation in management of closed spinal injury.
Methods: The study was conducted at Specialized Surgical hospital and Al-Kadhemayia Teaching Hospital, in the period between July 2003 and July 2005.The study included 61 patients categorized Into many groups according level of vertebral injury (cervical, cervicodorsal, dorsal, dorsolumbar, Lumbar and lumbosacral), type of injury (compressed fracture, burst fracture and fracture dislocation) And according the severity into three groups as G1( complete motor paralysis and sensory loss ) G2 ( complete motor paralysis and incomplete sensory loss) and G3 ( incomplete motor paralysis And incomplete sensory loss ).The metho
Supernova explosions are described as very violent events which transfer a significant amount of energy to interstellar media and are responsible for a large variety of physical processes. This study does not discuss the actual explosion mechanisms but follows the behavior of the dynamical evolution of some selected type I and type II supernova remnant and particularly after a thousand years from their explosion and shows how the density of the medium affects the evolution and the lifetime of each remnant. By studying such behaviors, a simplified model has been proposed here for the velocity and radius of the remnant after thousand years of explosion that depends only on the density of the medium and age of the remnant. It has been found th
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