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Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Particulate Composites
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A series of experiments have been taken out to test the validity of the effect of Aluminum hydrate on its interaction with Aluminum during sintering of aluminum metal matrix. The approach has been shown to be valid and several compositions have been fabricated. The alumina hydrate particle size and the amount of alumina hydrate in the composites are also shown to have an influence on the extent of densification.

The densities for all sintered specimens were measured. It was found that density increases as compaction pressure increases, the density decreases as particles size increases. At 400 MPa there is an optimum particles size which is (90-125) µm to reach maximum density and the density decreases as volume fraction increases from 2% to 20%. 

The microstructure enhances as compaction pressure increases, agglomeration of alumina hydrate particles increases with increasing of volume fraction and cavities increases especially at low compaction pressure more than at high compaction pressure.

 The mechanical properties (compression test and Vickers hardness) of sintered specimens compacted at 100 MPa accomplished for three volume fractions 2%, 10% and 20% and three particles size (45-90) µm, (90-125) µm and (125-150) µm. Young's modulus in compression decreases as volume fraction increases. Also it decreases as particles size increases and Vickers hardness decreases as volume fraction increases. Also decreases as particles size increases.                                                                             

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Evaluation the Mechanical Properties of Kaolin Particulate Reinforced Epoxy Composites
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Epoxy resin has many chemical features and mechanical properties, but it has a small elongation at break, low impact strength and crack propagation resistance, i.e. it exhibits a brittle behavior. In the current study, the influence of adding kaolin with variable particle size on the mechanical properties (flexural modulus E, toughness Gc, fracture toughness Kc, hardness HB, and Wear rate WR) of epoxy resin was evaluated. Composites of epoxy with varying concentrations (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 weights %) of kaolin were prepared by hand-out method. The composites showed improved (E, Gc, Kc, HB, and WR) properties with the addition of filler. Also, similar results were observed with the decrease in particle size. In addition, in this study, mult

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 20 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improvement of Mechanical and Fatigue Properties for Aluminum Alloy 7049 By Using Nano Composites Technique
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The aim of present work is to improve mechanical and fatigue properties for Aluminum alloy7049 by using Nano composites technique. The ZrO2 with an average grain diameter of 30-40 nm, was selected as Nano particles, to reinforce Aluminum alloy7049 with different percentage as, 2, 4, 6 and 7 %. The Stir casting method was used to fabricate the Nano composites materials due to economical route for improvement and processing of metal matrix composites. The experimental results were shown that the adding of zirconium oxide (ZrO2) as reinforced material leads to improve mechanical properties. The best percentage of improvement of mechanical properties of 7049 AA was with 4% wt. of ZrO2 about (7.76% ) for ultim

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties for Epoxy reinforced with palm oil /Zinc oxide composites
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In this research, the effect of reinforcing epoxy resin composites with a filler derived from chopped agriculture waste from oil palm (OP). Epoxy/OP composites were formed by dispersing (1, 3, 5, and 10 wt%) OP filler using a high-speed mechanical stirrer utilizing a hand lay-up method. The effect of adding zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles, with an average size of 10-30 nm, with different wt% (1,2,3, and 5wt%) to the epoxy/oil palm composite,  on the behavior of an epoxy/oil palm composite was studied with different ratios (1,2,3, and 5wt%) and an average size of  10-30 nm.  Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometry and mechanical properties (tensile, impact, hardness, and wear rate) were used to examine the composites. The FTIR

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy-Graphite Composites
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This search study the effect of particle size of graphite on the mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy composites, where graphite adopted with particle sizes (45,53,75) ?m, respectively, and the percentages by weight (0,1,3,5,7,9)% for each size of this three particle sizes.Mechanical properties represented by the bending (three-point bending) and through which the conclusion is bending stress and modulus of elasticity, thermal properties were either through thermal conductivity tests.The results showed that the ratio(1%) is the maximum value of bending stress at the three particle size and the (45 ?m) is the maximum.Thermal conductivity result show is the maximum value at ratio (1%) of particle size(53 ?m)

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced Epoxy Resin composites
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Overlapped have been prepared from epoxy resin material added to carbon Nanotube and percentages weight (0.1, 0.05, 0.01) % Studied the mechanical properties of the composite (bending, tensile an d hardness) has been found that the Flexural and tensile modulus of the composites were higher than the pure epoxy resin this may be due to the high mechanical strength of carbon nano tube (CNT). The hardness of the epoxy carbon Nanotube composites increased and the reason is due to increased overlap and stacking between the additives and material basis, which reduces the movement of polymer molecules leading to increased resistance to scratching material and cutting, will become more resistance to plastic deformation.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
hermo-Physical and Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester /Cobalt Ferrite Composites
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Unsaturated polyester was used as a matrix which was filled with different percentages of cobalt ferrite using hand lay-up method. Cobalt ferrite was synthesized using solid state ceramic method with reagent of CoO and Fe2O3. Mechanical properties such tensile strength, Young's modulus and shore D hardness of the composite have been studied. All these properties have increased by 10% with increasing cobalt ferrite contents. Also the thermal properties such thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity are highly increased as the ferrite content increased, while the thermal diffusivity increased by 22 %. On the other hand dielectric strength of composite has been measured which increased by 50% by increasing the cobalt ferrite content.&

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studing Effect of Temperature on Some Mechanical Properties of Single And Hybrid Composites
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 In this research,we are studied impact strength, bending and compression strength of composites including the epoxy resin as a  matrix , with gawaian red wood flour ,Russian white wood flour ,glass powder and rock wool fibers as reinforcement materials with volume fraction (20%) for all samples,and compared them in different conditions of  temperatures.         The results have shown that the impact strength increased with the reinforcement with (particles and fibers),and at high temperatures for all samples prepared,and also observed an increase in elasticity coefficient of  epoxy composites filled with (different particles) and decreased in elasticity coefficient of epoxy com

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Comparison study of some mechanical properties of micro and nano silica EP composites
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The effect of micro-and nano silica particles (silica SiO2 (100 μm), Fused silica (12nm)) on some mechanical properties of epoxy resin was investigated (Young's modulus, Flexural strength). The micro-and nano composites were prepared by using three steps process with different volume fraction of micro-and nano particles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 vol. %). Flexural strength and Young's modulus of nano composites were increased at low volume fraction (max. enhancement at 4 vol.% ). However at higher volume fraction both Young's modulus and flexural strength decrease. Moreover, above, the mechanical properties are enhanced more than that of neat epoxy resin. The flexural strength decreases with increasing the volume fraction of micr

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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In this study, polymeric composites were prepared from unsaturated polyester as a base material with glass powder (fluorescent) in different weight ratios (4, 6, 8, 10,and 11%) as a support material and after comparison before and after reinforcement of the prepared composites, an increase was found. In the values ​​of mechanical properties (hardness, compressive strength), the shock resistance values ​​decreased, but an increase in temperature leads to an increase in the values ​​of shock resistance, as well as the values ​​of compressive strength And it reduces the hardness value.

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Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Mechanical Properties of Laminated Composites Reinforced With Discontinuous and Continuous Different Fibers
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 In this paper we investigate how do the laminated composites behave mechanically when subjected to external stresses, when reinforced with continuous fibers (mat) and discontinuous fibers (chopped) and to find the effect of the fiber type on the mechanical properties. Laminated composites consisting of wood- wood and Ph-F resin as suitable adhesive were reinforced with different fibers(jute, glass, and carbon).However, two  different methods of reinforcement namely, mat and chopped fibers were utilized. The mechanical properties such as (impact strength, compression strength, tensile strength, shear strength, bending strength, and elasticity modulus) of laminated composites were measured. Fibers reinforced laminated composite

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