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A STUDY OF SOME TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL PARAMETERS FOR MACHINERY UNIT (NEW HOLLAND &DISC PLOW) BY USING THREE DIFFERENT TILT ANGLES دراسة بعض المؤشرات الفنية والأقتصادية للوحدة الميكنية (الجرار نيوهولاند مع المحراث القرصي الثلاثي القلاب) بأستخدام زوايا ميل مختلفة للأقراص
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Investigations in the sanctity of divine texts and their composition: (Comparative study between the Quran and the Torah)
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The research deals with an important issue that many people are working on, namely the sanctification of the texts on which the timings of the time and the different conditions of the place took place. Do not live up to the ranks of perfection and perfection, and every effort has explanations according to the mind machine, which is not protected by infallibility from error. The great downfall is to put these intellectual efforts in the Bible without separating them from the Word of God. The situation and the place on the adherents of a religion and mixed with the trick of the average individual only to be subject to the words of the teachers of Sharia and docility.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Adsorption Study of Hydrodesulphurization Catalyst
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Physical and chemical adsorption analyses were carried out by nitrogen gas using ASTM apparatus at 77 K and hydrogen gas using volumetric apparatus at room temperature, respectively. These analyses were used to determine the effect of coke deposition and poisoning metal on surface area, pore size distribution, and metal surface area of fresh and spent hydrodesulphurization catalyst Co-Mo\Al2O3 . Samples of catalyst (fresh and spent) used in this study are taken from AL-Dura refinery. The results of physical adsorption shows that surface area of spent catalyst reduced to third compare with fresh catalyst and these catalysts exhibit behavior of type four according to BET classification ,so, the pores of these samples are cylindrical, an

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Kinetic Study of Esterification Reaction
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The Esterification kinetics of acetic acid with ethanol in the presence of sulfuric acid as a homogenous catalyst was studied with isothermal batch experiments at 50-60°C and at a different molar ratio of ethanol to acetic acid [EtOH/Ac]. Investigation of kinetics of the reaction indicated that the low of [EtOH/Ac] molar ratio is favored for esterification reaction, this is due to the reaction is catalyzed by acid. The maximum conversion, approximately 80% was obtained at 60°C for molar ratio of 10 EtOH/Ac. It was found that increasing temperature of the reaction, increases the rate constant and conversion at a certain mole ratio, that is due to the esterification is exothermic. Activity coefficients were calculated using UNIFAC progra

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Hadith of Shaaban: Modern study
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In the name of God the Merciful
After .....
This is discussed in the hadeeth of Shaaban's speech, in which there is much talk in modern terms about the ruling
It has to be corrected, improved, weakened or denied, and it has a title (modern)
Shaaban's sermon is a modern study). It is an attempt to judge me after I come
In the text and then came out of the books and works that mentioned the sermon in its verses and then a statement of the ruling
And then I studied the rules and ruled them according to the rules
Followed by the scientists wound and amendment, and then the conclusion and deposited the most important results that came out
He accepts this purely for his generous consideration of this humble research, an

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
phylogentic study of cephalopharyngeal selerites
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drosophila larvare of diffrent speces were subjected to this in order study the structure of cephalopharyngeal armature and mouth more hooks dentition the lines number among

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Nuclear Structure Study of 188OS
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The energy level scheme of 188Os has been established on the basis of
y-y coincidence measurements. Ge (Li) and HPGe detectors were
employed to study the gamma spectra produced in the -decay of 188Re to
188Os. Fourteen new transitions and four new levels at 1660, 1871, 1948
188and 2034 keV are suggested. Relative intensities from singles
measurements, branching ratios  and loft values were calculated and
multipolarities, spins and parities deduced

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Physical and chemical adsorption analyses were carried out by nitrogen gas using ASTM apparatus at 77 K
and hydrogen gas using volumetric apparatus at room temperature respectively. These analyses were used for
determination the effect of coke deposition and poisoning metal on surface area, pore size distribution and
metal surface area of fresh and spent hydrodesulphurization catalyst Co-Mo\Al2O3 .
Samples of catalyst (fresh and spent) used in this study are taken from AL-Dura refinery.
The results of physical adsorption shows that surface area of spent catalyst reduced to third compare with
fresh catalyst and these catalysts exhibit behavior of type four according to BET classification ,so, the pores
of these sample

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Publication Date
Sun May 05 2013
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
The Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Anastatica Hierochuntica On Some Hormones In Mouse Females
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Anastatica hierochuntica is believed to be very useful in Arab countries for treating various health disorders. The aqueous extract of Anastatica hierochuntica was investigated for its effects on hormones in mice females. the aqueous extract of plant at a dose level of 100mg/1mL showed significant increase (p<0.05) on levels of hormones LH, FSH, PRL level and PRO level. Clomid treated group showd significant increase in LH, FSH, and PRL while there was non-significant increase in PRO. From the above results, it is concluded for the first time that aqueous Anastatica hierchuntica extract offers significant effect of LH, FSH, PRL, and PRO in this mice females scompared with control.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Employment of the genetic algorithm in some methods of estimating survival function with application
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Intended for getting good estimates with more accurate results, we must choose the appropriate method of estimation. Most of the equations in classical methods are linear equations and finding analytical solutions to such equations is very difficult. Some estimators are inefficient because of problems in solving these equations. In this paper, we will estimate the survival function of censored data by using one of the most important artificial intelligence algorithms that is called the genetic algorithm to get optimal estimates for parameters Weibull distribution with two parameters. This leads to optimal estimates of the survival function. The genetic algorithm is employed in the method of moment, the least squares method and the weighted

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measurement of Uranium Concentrations in Human Blood in Some the Regions of Baghdad Governorate
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The aim of this research is to determine the concentrations of uranium in human blood in some regions of Baghdad governorate and to determine the level of contamination with uranium for these regions during the (2003) war. The results obtained have shown that the maximum uranium concentration in blood samples was found (0.256 ppm) in AL-Zaifranea region and AL-Sader city,while the minimum in AL-Shab region (0.052 ppm) ,the minimum of uranium concentration in the blood samples was found to be (0.008 ppm) (male,39 years old) lived in AL-Shab region, while the maximum of uranium concentration in the blood samples was found to be (0.44 ppm) (female, 55 years old ) lived in  AL-Sader city.


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