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A historical approach to the games of futsal and blind football

Futsal and blind football are group games of a competitive nature due to their excitement, excitement, fun, and aesthetic goals with charming artistic touches. This explains the public's passion for these two games, whether healthy people or blind people play them, to expand their vision and knowledge. About these two games, a historical approach is presented about their origins, development, and how they became globally recognized competitive sports with unified rules and world championships at various levels. Studying the origin and global spread of both futsal and blind football and identifying the most prominent developments in the rules and tools for futsal and blind football. The most important findings were that both futsal and football for the blind had professional foundations and arose as a result of societal needs and circumstances. It is necessary to conduct historical studies of different sports to provide a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of how sports developed.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 14 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies And Researches Of Sport Education
The effect of Rondo exercises in developing some basic skills for futsal players under the age of 18

The Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education (JSRSE)

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Legal Legislation and Freedom of Expression / Historical Approach

Freedom of opinion and expression occupy the first place among the concerns of countries and international organizations. And it is also the basis of contemporary freedom because it is the foundation for achieving freedom in other fields such as politics, economics, education, etc.. The constitutions of the state have ensured that almost the entire freedom to express an opinion in all its forms either orally or writing or images of expressions, but these freedoms are identified within the law. Most countries announced their commitment to the international conventions and texts issued by international and regional organization like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rig

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
A Semiotic Approach to the Analysis of the News Story

This study attempts to provide an approach analysis for the news, depending on the bases and principles which conceptuality semiotic researchers of this field first of them «A. J. Gremas» for the theory of «narrative discourse analysis», to more clarify we tried to apply it on a published press- news, to concludes the most important steps and methods that are necessary to follows gain more understanding of the press- news.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Chicago School in Urban Sociology: A Socio-Historical Approach on the Pragmatic Thought Influence as a Theoretical Frame of Reference in it-1892-2020

The present theoretical study analyzes the legacy of the Chicago School of Urban Sociology and evaluates it in the light of the growth and development of Chicago City and the establishment of sociology in it. Sociology has become an academic discipline recognized in the United States of America in the late nineteenth century, particularly, after the establishment of the first department of sociology in the University of Chicago in 1892. That was during the period of the rapid industrialization and sustainable growth of the Chicago City. The Chicago School relied on Chicago City in particular, as one of the American cities that grew and expanded rapidly in the first two decades of the twentieth century. At the end of the nineteenth centur

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Analysis of New Prosthetic Foot.

There is a variety of artificial foot designs variable for use with prosthetic legs . Most of the design can be divided into two classes, articulated and non-articulated feet. one common non-articulated foot is the SACH . The solid ankle cushion heel foot referred to as the SACH foot has a rigid keel .

One key or the key factor in designing a new prosthesis is in the analysis of a patients response .

 This view is the most important because if the foot does not provide functional , practical or cosmetically acceptable characteristics the patient will not feel comfortable with the prosthesis , therefore design and manufacturing a new foot is essential, this foot made from polyethylene, its different shape and characte

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Jurisdiction in the contract of professional football player ((comparative study))

Is no longer a football player looks to sport as a means of entertainment and physical development. But become see as part of The economic and is getting in return for the effort of، Through a contract with a club to organize the activity which is called a contract of professional, This contract is similar to the rest of the contracts in terms of problems and dispute that arise during the implementation or after it ends because of the nature of sports to such disputes and privacy being subject to special rules (regulations, national and international professional) required that subject to judicial bodies private mission confined settle sports disputes these entities and is affiliated unions legal committees and the court of arbitration for

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Spiritual Communication in Sufi Discourse- A communicative –Semiotic Approach to the Sufi Symbolic Image

This paper deals with a central issue in the field of human communication and reveals the roaming monitoring of the incitement and hatred speech and violence in media, its language and its methods. In this paper, the researcher seeks to provide a scientific framework for the nature of the discourse of incitement, hatred speech, violence, and the role that media can play in solving conflicts with their different dimensions and in building community peace and preventing the emergence of conflicts among different parties and in different environments. In this paper, the following themes are discussed:
The root of the discourse of hatred and incitement
The nature and dimensions of the discourse of incitement and hatred speech
The n

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Ecologia and Abbasid's Community/ Historical-Ecological Study

The study includes the relationship between the ecologia and Abbaside's community in the middle ages, and the role of Baghdad capital city to increasing the sensibility of the people to the outwardly peripheral.

The study explains the efforts between the people and Abbaside's government to cure the knowledge of ecologia, to prevent the separation of diseases and  pollutions of the community. 

 Keywords: Ecologia, Abbasid's, diseases, pollutions.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Narrative and Electronic news Story: (Semiotic approach)

The e-news is one of the most important journalistic arts in new media (the Internet). The process of telling the story by the journalist is an important aspect of the communicative process between the users of the internet and the reporter. The electronic news is characterized by having text, fixed images, animations, videos and sound. All these give greater vitality to the communicative process and increase the semiotic dimensions. Also, it makes the narrative process more distinctive and embodied of the elements of the event. This research studies all these aspects and tries to show the distinction between the semiotics of narration and the electronic news.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
Journal Name
El - Hakika (the Truth) Journal For Social And Human Sciences
Third-Party Ownership of -Football Players’- Economic Rights

Investing in the economic rights of soccer players (or what is known as third-party ownership of the rights of soccer-economic players) plays an important role in financing sports clubs whether they want to compete for the championships and the requirements that this brings to professional players to play in (and what operations require Recruitment is from fictional fees (or retaining its players) who are paid high or even very high wages), or those that are only satisfied with continuing their sporting activities (away from competition), especially after traditional sources of funding have been unable (such as the loans they provide Banks or not These are credit institutions, advertising wages, selling tickets, and televising for matches)

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