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Purification of G-Protein Coupled Receptor from Whole Cell of Local Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

The aim of study To purify GPCR from a local strain of S. cerevisiae using Ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography techniques , by packing materials for columns which will be chosen of low cost comparing to the already used in published researches, which depend on the costly affinity chromatography and other expensive methods of purification. Local strain of S. cerevisiae chosen for extraction and purification of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) .The strains were obtained from biology department in Al- Mosul University, Iraq. The isolated colony was activated on Yeast Extract Pepton Dextrose Broth (YEPDB) and incubated at 30 C˚ for 24 h .Loop fully of the yeast culture was transferred to (10ml) of yeast extract peptone glucose agar (YEPGA) slant , then incubated at 30C˚for 24h , after that it was stored at 4C˚ ,the yeast cultures were reactivated and persevered after each two weeks period. S.cerevisiae was identified by morphological, microscopic characterization and biochemical test . The GPCR that extract from whole cell of S.cerevisiae was purified by ion exchange chromatography using DEAE-Sepharose ,the bound proteins (negatively charged) were then eluted using gradient concentration of NaCl ranged between( 0.1 -0.5M). Gel filtration chromatography using Sepharose 6B was applied as a second step of purification. The optical density for each fraction was measured at 280 nm by UV-VS spectrophotometer then the GPCR concentration was determined by using ELISA Kit . The fractions which gave the highest absorbance and concentration of GPCR were collected .The molecular weight of GPCR was determined by gel filtration chromatography using blue dextrin solution. Standard curve was plotted between log of molecular weight for standard protein and the ratio of Ve/Vo of GPCR . The purity of the GPCR that extracted and purified from whole cell of S, cerevisiae were carried out by using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis . In ion exchange chromatography the fraction were collected with 5 ml tube at a flow rate 0.5 ml/ min and eluted with gradient (0.1-0.5M) of sodium chloride solution. Two proteins peaks appeared after eluted by the gradient concentration of sodium chloride, while no protein peaks appeared in the washing fractions. The GPCR concentration was measured in the fractions of these two protein peaks, data indicated that GPCR located in the first protein peak (eluted at 0.1M of NaCl) at fraction numbers between 3 and 9, the maximum concentration of GPCR was 9.281 with specific activity 71.58(ng/mg)protein , 3.125 purification folds and72.9(%) yield while the second peaks (eluted at 0.4 M of NaCl) don't give any concentration for GPCR, thus its neglected. Gel filtration chromatography was used as second step of purification which applied by using sepharose 6B. Results show single active protein peaks appeared that identical with the peak of GPCR at fractions numbers(29-35). The maximum concentration of GPCR was 9.082 (ng/ml)was observed in these fractions. The specific activity for these fractions was 151.37 (ng/mg) protein with 6.608 purification folds and 39.64 (%) yield. The present study a chive a relatively high purification of GPCR from whole cell of a local strain S. cerevisiae with fold purification 6.608 and a yield of 39.64 % and molecular weight about~33KD.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Brackish Water Desalination Coupled With Wastewater Treatment and Electricity Generation

A new bio-electrochemical system was proposed for simultaneous removal of organic matters and salinity from actual domestic wastewater and synthetically prepared saline water, respectively. The performance of a three-chambered microbial osmotic fuel cell (MOFC) provided with forward osmosis (FO) membrane and cation exchange membrane (CEM) was evaluated with respect to the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal from wastewater, electricity generation, and desalination of saline water. The MOFC wasinoculated with activated sludge and fueled with actual domestic wastewater. Results revealed that maximum removal efficiency of COD from wastewater, TDS removal efficiency from saline water, power density, and current density were

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Korean Journal Of Materials Research
Synthesis and Comparative Analysis of Crystallite Size and Lattice Strain of Pb2Ba1.7Sr0.3Ca2Cu3O10+δ Superconductor

In this article, Pb2Ba1.7Sr0.3Ca2Cu3O10+δ superconductor material was synthesized using conventional solid-state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis demonstrated one dominant phase 2223 and some impurities in the product powder. The strongest peaks in the XRD pattern were successfully indexed assuming a pseudo-tetragonal cell with lattice constants of a = 3.732, b = 3.733 and c = 14.75 Å for a Pb-Based compound. The crystallite size and lattice strain between the layers of the studied compound were estimated using several methods, namely the Scherrer, Williamson-Hall (W.H), sizestrain plot (SSP) and Halder Wagner (H.W) approach. The values of crystallite size, calculated by Scherrer, W.H, SSP and H.W methods, were 89.454077

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
European Journal Of General Medicine
The Value of Longitudinal Strain versus Coronary Angiography in Detection of Coronary Artery Disease

Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the value and accuracy of longitudinal strain in detection of coronary artery disease compared to coronary angiography. Results: The left ventricular longitudinal strain-speckle tracking showed evidence of stenosis of left anterior descending artery, circumflex artery and right coronary artery in (86.1%), (76.4%), and (84.7%) respectively. For the stenosis in left anterior descending artery, the current study showed that the longitudinal strain was a good predictor for presence of significant stenosis with a sensitivity of (93.8%), specificity (75%) and accuracy (91.7%) compared with coronary angiography. For the stenosis in right coronary artery, the left ventricular longitudinal strain had

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Estimation of Vibrational Energy of Two Coupled (Welded) Plates Using Statistical Energy Analysis


This paper deals with a method called Statistical Energy Analysis that can be applied to the mechanical and acoustical systems like buildings, bridges and aircrafts …etc. S.E.A as a tool can be applied to the resonant systems in the circumstances of high frequency or/and complex structure». The parameters of S.E.A such as coupling loss factor, internal loss factor, modal density and input power are clarified in this work ; coupled plate sub-systems and explanations are presented for these parameters. The developed system is assumed to be resonant, conservative, linear and there is an equipartition of energy between all the resonant modes within a given frequency band in a given sub-system. The aim of th

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 11 2019
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Immunohistochemical Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Astrocytic Tumors in Iraqi Patients

BACKGROUND: Diffuse astrocytomas constitute the largest group of primary malignant human intracranial tumours. They are classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) into three histological malignancy grades: diffuse astrocytomas (grade II), anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III) and glioblastoma (grade IV) based on histopathological features such as cellular atypia, mitotic activity, necrosis and microvascular proliferation. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a 170-kDa transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor expressed in a variety of normal and malignant cells regulating critical cellular processes. When activated, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) triggers several signalling cascades leading to increased proliferatio

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Physiochemical and Spectral Characterization For a Biological Active, Solanidine&Solasodine Partial Purification Compounds From (Solanum nigrum L)

 This study includes a physiochemical and a spectrocpical characterization to some alkaloid compounds in the (ANAB AL- THEAB) plant (Solanum nigrun L.). It’s the most important medicinal herb belonging to the family (Solanaceae). Acid  hydrolysis was performed by using limited conc. of  Hcl and H2SO4, to obtain the aglycon  part of previously separated steroidal componants as (A, B and C).   The characterization of the(A,B and C) compounds indicates that they varied between them as the separated steroidal like-alkaloids, carried by using melting  point (m.p.), thin layer chromatography (TLC), Infra -Red  spectroscopy (IR) and Ultra violet-Visible  spectroscopy (UV - Visible).High perfor

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Hardening to drought Tolerance on the Moisture Content of Sunflower Plant. III. Moisture Percentage in Whole Plant

The study was conducted during spring seasons of 2000 and 2001.The aim was to study the changes in the moisture content of sunflower plants during growth stages under hardening conditions to drought tolerance .Agricultural practices were made according to recommendation. Asplit-split plots design was used with three replications. The main plots included irrigation treatments:irrigation to100%(full irrigation),75and50%of available water. The sub plots were the cultivars Euroflor and Flame.The sub-sub plots represented four seed soaking treatments: Control (unsoaked), soaking in water ,Paclobutrazol solution(250ppm),and Pix solution(500ppm). The soaking continued for 24 hours then seeds were dried at room temperature until they regained t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Adsorptive Removal Of Congo Red From Aqueous Solution By Local Chaff Surface: Thermodynamics And Kinetics Studies

This study is concerned with the adsorption of Congo red from solution on the surface of Chaff. The adsorption isotherm is of L-curve type according to Giles classification and the experimental data were best fitted to Langmuir isotherm model. The adsorption phenomenon was examined as a function of temperature (25, 40, 55 oC). The extent of adsorption of Congo red on Chaff was found to increase with the increase of temperature (endothermic process). The basic thermodynamic functions have also been calculated. The effect of contact time was investigated and found that the adsorption process of dye on Chaff surface reached complete equilibrium within 90 min. The maximum uptake of Congo red by Chaff was found to be 92.9% at 25oC. The kineti

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Isolation and Identification of food Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii by using traditional methods, Vitek 2 system and molecular identification methods.: Isolation and Identification of food Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii by using traditional methods, Vitek 2 system and molecular identification methods.

This study was aimed to isolate and identify Saccharomyces boulardii from Mangosteen fruits (Garcinia mangostana L.) by traditional and molecular identification methods To get safe and healthy foods probiotics for use, The isolates and two commercial strains were subjected to cultural, morphological and biochemical tests, The colonies of the isolates were spherical, smooth, mucoidal, dull and white to cream colour on SD agar media .The shape of cells was globose to ovoid and sometimes with budding, in a single form or clustered like a beehive. The isolates and two commercial strains were unable to metabolized galactose and lactose , Results shows that all isolates were unable to utilize potassium nitrate and not grow in the presence of (

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of protein — A with clumping factor, hemolysis and coagulase tests for identification of Staphylococci isolated from Nasal swabs of healthy carriers

Thirty nine (12.8%) isolates of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated from 304 healthy human (Nasal swabs). It was found that percentage of males that have S. aureus is more than female's percentage. These isolates (39) were tested with different tests. Twenty seven isolates (69.23 %) were positive for Staphylococcus protein —A (SPA) ,thirty seven ( 94.8 %) were positive for tube coagulase , thirty five ( 89.7 % ) were positive with clumping factor and thirty two ( 82.05 %) had 13 — hemolytic on blood agar. It was found that 100% of the isolates (39 isolates) were positive with one, two or three tests (tube coagulase, clumping factor and SPA).

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