This work implements an Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classifier. The implemented method uses Orthogonal Polynomials (OP) to convert the EEG signal samples to moments. A Sparse Filter (SF) reduces the number of converted moments to increase the classification accuracy. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify the reduced moments between two classes. The proposed method’s performance is tested and compared with two methods by using two datasets. The datasets are divided into 80% for training and 20% for testing, with 5 -fold used for cross-validation. The results show that this method overcomes the accuracy of other methods. The proposed method’s best accuracy is 95.6% and 99.5%, respectively. Finally, from the results, it is obvious that the number of moments selected by the SP should exceed 30% of the overall EEG samples for accuracy to be over 90%.
The emergence of mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) or nanocomposite membranes embedded with inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) has opened up a possibility for developing different polymeric membranes with improved physicochemical properties, mechanical properties and performance for resolving environmental and energy-effective water purification. This paper presents an overview of the effects of different hydrophilic nanomaterials, including mineral nanomaterials (e.g., silicon dioxide (SiO2) and zeolite), metals oxide (e.g., copper oxide (CuO), zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), zinc oxide (ZnO), antimony tin oxide (ATO), iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) and tungsten oxide (WOX)), two-dimensional transition (e.g., MXene), metal–organic framework (MOFs), c
... Show MoreThe laser micro-cutting process is the most widely commonly applied machining process which can be applied to practically all metallic and non-metallic materials. While this had challenges in cutting quality criteria such as geometrical precision, surface quality and numerous others. This article investigates the laser micro-cutting of PEEK composite material using nano-fiber laser, due to their significant importunity and efficiency of laser in various manufacturing processes. Design of experiential tool based on Response Surface Methodology (RSM)-Central Composite Design (CCD) used to generate the statistical model. This method was employed to analysis the influence of parameters including laser speed,
... Show MoreHiding secret information in the image is a challenging and painstaking task in computer security and steganography system. Certainly, the absolute intricacy of attacks to security system makes it more this research on steganography system involving information hiding,Huffman codding used to compress the secret code before embedding which provide high capacity and some security. Fibonacci decomposition used to represent the pixels in the cover image, which increase the robustness of the system. One byte used for mapping all the pixels properties. This makes the PSNR of the system higher due to random distribution of embedded bits. Finally, three kinds of evaluation are applied such as PSNR, chi-square attack, a
... Show MoreAutomatic recognition of individuals is very important in modern eras. Biometric techniques have emerged as an answer to the matter of automatic individual recognition. This paper tends to give a technique to detect pupil which is a mixture of easy morphological operations and Hough Transform (HT) is presented in this paper. The circular area of the eye and pupil is divided by the morphological filter as well as the Hough Transform (HT) where the local Iris area has been converted into a rectangular block for the purpose of calculating inconsistencies in the image. This method is implemented and tested on the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA V4) iris image database 249 person and the IIT Delhi (IITD) iris
... Show MoreTo achieve safe security to transfer data from the sender to receiver, cryptography is one way that is used for such purposes. However, to increase the level of data security, DNA as a new term was introduced to cryptography. The DNA can be easily used to store and transfer the data, and it becomes an effective procedure for such aims and used to implement the computation. A new cryptography system is proposed, consisting of two phases: the encryption phase and the decryption phase. The encryption phase includes six steps, starting by converting plaintext to their equivalent ASCII values and converting them to binary values. After that, the binary values are converted to DNA characters and then converted to their equivalent complementary DN
... Show MoreBiometrics is widely used with security systems nowadays; each biometric modality can be useful and has distinctive properties that provide uniqueness and ambiguity for security systems especially in communication and network technologies. This paper is about using biometric features of fingerprint, which is called (minutiae) to cipher a text message and ensure safe arrival of data at receiver end. The classical cryptosystems (Caesar, Vigenère, etc.) became obsolete methods for encryption because of the high-performance machines which focusing on repetition of the key in their attacks to break the cipher. Several Researchers of cryptography give efforts to modify and develop Vigenère cipher by enhancing its weaknesses.
... Show MoreChaotic systems have been proved to be useful and effective for cryptography. Through this work, a new Feistel cipher depend upon chaos systems and Feistel network structure with dynamic secret key size according to the message size have been proposed. Compared with the classical traditional ciphers like Feistel-based structure ciphers, Data Encryption Standards (DES), is the common example of Feistel-based ciphers, the process of confusion and diffusion, will contains the dynamical permutation choice boxes, dynamical substitution choice boxes, which will be generated once and hence, considered static,
While using chaotic maps, in the suggested system, called
This paper presents the design of a longitudinal controller for an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This paper proposed the dual loop (inner-outer loop) control based on the intelligent algorithm. The inner feedback loop controller is a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) to provide robust (adaptive) stability. In contrast, the outer loop controller is based on Fuzzy-PID (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative) algorithm to provide reference signal tracking. The proposed dual controller is to control the position (altitude) and velocity (airspeed) of an aircraft. An adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter (AUKF) is employed to track the reference signal and is decreased the Gaussian noise. The mathematical model of aircraft
... Show MoreRegarding to the computer system security, the intrusion detection systems are fundamental components for discriminating attacks at the early stage. They monitor and analyze network traffics, looking for abnormal behaviors or attack signatures to detect intrusions in early time. However, many challenges arise while developing flexible and efficient network intrusion detection system (NIDS) for unforeseen attacks with high detection rate. In this paper, deep neural network (DNN) approach was proposed for anomaly detection NIDS. Dropout is the regularized technique used with DNN model to reduce the overfitting. The experimental results applied on NSL_KDD dataset. SoftMax output layer has been used with cross entropy loss funct
... Show More