لقد لاقت مواضيع استعمال التحليل الاحصاء المالي رواجاً كبيراً في الآونة الأخيرة سواء على مستوى الافراد والشركات العامة والخاصة مروراً بأسواق الاسهم والاوراق المالية (البورصات) وصولاً الى اقتصاديات الدول والبلدان. وذلك بعد وصول الباحثين والدارسين للظواهر الاقتصادية والمالية بكل أنماطها الى إدراك أهمية التحليل الكميّ عموماً والتحليل الاحصائي على وجه الخصوص، مما دفعنا لتأليف الطبعة الأولى من هذا الكتاب بالعنوان نفسه، والذي أثار إهتماماً وتشجيعاً من غالبية المهتمين بشأن التحليل الكمي في القطاع المالي من الأكادميين (أساتذة وطلبة) ومحللّي المال والأعمال من الأقتصادين والمحاسبيين ومديري الأعمال. وهنا دعت الحاجة الى تلبية طلب الشرائح المذكور آنفاً والمعنية بهذا الكتاب وذلك عبر أصدار طبعة ثـانــيــة (مزيدة ومنقحة) لهذا الكتاب كمنهج علمي يساعد في الوصف والتحليل ومن ثم التنبؤ. ليكون أحد المراجع في المكتبة العربية والتي تبقى بحاجة ماسّة إلى مثل هكذا مرجع، ولحرص الجامعات على تبنّي الإحصاء المالي ضمن خططها التدريسية لتخصصات العلوم المالية والمصرفية. حاولنا من خلال هذه الطبعة الثانية للكتاب أن نغطي الجزء الأكبر من التنقيحات والتعديلات وأضافة بعض المفردات والأمثلة والتمارين في هذا المضمار من خلال سبع فصول.
Iraq suffers the continuing lack of water resources in generdwether it is surface or underearth water or rain. The study of rain has got the utmost importance in order to the rain direction in Iraq and in Mosul in particular and what it will be in future. It also shows the wet as well as the dry seasons and the possibility of expecting them and expecting their quantities in order to invest them and to keep this vital resource The research deals with predict the wet and dry rainy seasons in Mosul using (SPI) Standardized precipitation index extracted from conversion of Gamma distribution to standardized normal distribution , depending on data of monthly rain amounts for 1940-2013 . Results showed existence of 31 w
... Show MoreThe study aims at diagnosing the importance of environmental analysis (external, industrial and internal) in the organization's strategy for the development of public organizations. The theoretical problem derived from the existence of a knowledge gap for studies and research that dealt with the variables of the study. Three public organizations were selected as the study society (the Civil Defense Directorate, the Directorate of Nationality, Passports and Residency, the General Traffic Directorate). The sample of the study was a sample of (215) managers (managers, department managers, Analysis of the data and hypothesis testing using the appropriate statistical tools, Pearson, the simple and multiple regression coefficient to te
... Show Moreدُرِست العوامل المؤثرة في عدد ساعات تجهيز الكهرباء في مدينة بغداد، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (365) مشاهدة يومية لعام 2018، وتمثلت بستة متغيرات استعملت في الدراسة. كان الهدف الرئيس هو دراسة العلاقة بين هذه المتغيرات، وتقدير تأثيرات المتغيرات التنبؤية في المتغير التابع (عدد ساعات تجهيز الكهرباء في مدينة بغداد). ولتحقيق ذلك استعملت نمذجة المعادلات الهيكلية/ تحليل المسار وبرنامج AMOS
... Show MoreThe purpose of the research is to present a proposed accounting system model for converting and aggregating accounting information within the framework of the differentiated accounting systems, and the research methodology consists of: The research problem is the existence of differentiated and dispersed accounting systems that operate within governmental economic units and at the same time seek to achieve a unified vision and goals for the organization, and the central research hypothesis is the possibility of conducting the process of conversion accounting information from the government accounting system to the unified accounting system, and then aggregate those systems. The research was conducted at the College of Administrat
... Show MoreThe most important recommendations of this research are:-
1.The benefit of the other countries experiences about the transparency of the government performance, without depending on the transparency that imitating the other experiences; that may not fit with the Iraqi government units.
2.The Ministry of Finance has to prepare the citizen guidebook about the government performance which is considered an essential document, it should be simple and available for all the parties of relation; and for not specialized citizen for the purpose of simplifying the understanding of government performance details.
3.The benefit of the government units websites of inte
... Show MoreConditional logistic regression is often used to study the relationship between event outcomes and specific prognostic factors in order to application of logistic regression and utilizing its predictive capabilities into environmental studies. This research seeks to demonstrate a novel approach of implementing conditional logistic regression in environmental research through inference methods predicated on longitudinal data. Thus, statistical analysis of longitudinal data requires methods that can properly take into account the interdependence within-subjects for the response measurements. If this correlation ignored then inferences such as statistical tests and confidence intervals can be invalid largely.
The status of the semi total stoppage and non-use and waste of economic made studying and analyzing Dutch disease of high importance because it is a major cause in aggravation of this status which happened to the Iraqi economy in almost complete way and the relative big importance that oil source has and its domination on the largest percentage in the gross domestic product and exports that Iraqi economy is relying largely in funding the national budget made the concentration of the study on this subject an important and necessary within the important economic events that Iraqi economy witnessed after 2003 till 2016 to give a clear and an overall picture of the reality of the unilateral Iraqi economy under the status of semi tota
... Show MoreAccording to the measuring the relationship between organizational loyalty and job satisfaction among staff members at one college in the higher education ministry in Iraq by using exploratory factor analysis methods to extraction the components which have the major effects on the variables related to organizational loyalty and job satisfaction .
The research contains four basic topics، the first section related to methodology and regarding the conceptual framework it is discussed in the second section، and the third section concentrated at the presentation and the analysis Scientific results and practical results are section presented in the fourth.
The research aims to define the main and subsidiary criteria for evaluating the industrial market sectors and proposing a model for arranging these criteria according to priority and knowing the highest criteria in terms of relative importance in the General Company for Automobile Trade and Machinery, and for the purpose of establishing this model, experiences in the concerned company were approved, and this study proposes a multi-criteria decision model According to the FEAHP, the expanded fuzzy hierarchical analysis method enables the commercial company to develop clear strategic policies on which the company’s management system depends on determining criteria for evaluating and selecting market sectors and making appropriate
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He research specifies subjects which may contribute in improve productivity of the General Company for vegetable oil product/ Al-Farab factory and aims to release the relationship between system Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) and scheduling operations.
The Implementation was in the general company for vegetable oil product (Al-Farab factory), Universe Factory It suffers from a failure to follow Scheduling in its operations And not taking into account the lead times And delays in product delivery dates, Here are drawing the attention of the administration in the factory to use Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) to control the energy and inventory, machin
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