لقد لاقت مواضيع استعمال التحليل الاحصاء المالي رواجاً كبيراً في الآونة الأخيرة سواء على مستوى الافراد والشركات العامة والخاصة مروراً بأسواق الاسهم والاوراق المالية (البورصات) وصولاً الى اقتصاديات الدول والبلدان. وذلك بعد وصول الباحثين والدارسين للظواهر الاقتصادية والمالية بكل أنماطها الى إدراك أهمية التحليل الكميّ عموماً والتحليل الاحصائي على وجه الخصوص، مما دفعنا لتأليف الطبعة الأولى من هذا الكتاب بالعنوان نفسه، والذي أثار إهتماماً وتشجيعاً من غالبية المهتمين بشأن التحليل الكمي في القطاع المالي من الأكادميين (أساتذة وطلبة) ومحللّي المال والأعمال من الأقتصادين والمحاسبيين ومديري الأعمال. وهنا دعت الحاجة الى تلبية طلب الشرائح المذكور آنفاً والمعنية بهذا الكتاب وذلك عبر أصدار طبعة ثـانــيــة (مزيدة ومنقحة) لهذا الكتاب كمنهج علمي يساعد في الوصف والتحليل ومن ثم التنبؤ. ليكون أحد المراجع في المكتبة العربية والتي تبقى بحاجة ماسّة إلى مثل هكذا مرجع، ولحرص الجامعات على تبنّي الإحصاء المالي ضمن خططها التدريسية لتخصصات العلوم المالية والمصرفية. حاولنا من خلال هذه الطبعة الثانية للكتاب أن نغطي الجزء الأكبر من التنقيحات والتعديلات وأضافة بعض المفردات والأمثلة والتمارين في هذا المضمار من خلال سبع فصول.
تنفذ أجهزة اإلحصاء الدولية ومنها الجهاز المركزي لإلحصاء في العراقإحدى أجهزة وزارة التخطيط، تقوم بإجراء مسوح سنوية ودورية لإنتاج مؤشرات تقييم وتقويم أنشطة القطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة. يتيح هذا الكم الهائل من البيانات بشكل سلسل زمني لهذه الأجهزة إنتاج مؤشرات جديدة، بما في ذلك القيم التنبؤية لمؤشرات رئيسية تستخدم في إعداد الخطط طويلة وقصيرة المدى. في عام 2015، قامت مديرية الإحصاء الزراعي في الجهاز المركزي للإ
... Show MoreThe objectives of this study revolve around identifying the extent of funding impact on the future of the printed Iraqi press, and whether it threatens their chances of survival, stating the extent of technological development on the income of the printed newspaper, and identifying the causes of the financial crisis on the newspaper.
This research is classified as descriptive research, and the researcher used the survey method, and adopted the questionnaire of the views of the contactors, in five Iraqi newspapers (morning - extent - time - the way of the people - the call).
The research community included (68) respondents, whereby the comprehensive inventory method was used to define the research community, and the researcher used
The deficit of the federal budget and the structural imbalances suffered by the Iraqi economy has affected the direction of research towards suggesting steps and mechanisms can be relied upon in the near term to form a broader base of non-oil revenues aimed at achieving a balanced budget, and to proceed to reform the financial situation, In reducing their financial dictates, whether capital or operational, which lead to significant financial and economic consequences. This also requires that the Iraqi political elite have the real will, strategic vision and full awareness that the implementation of these reforms has potential social and economic effects, with long-term measures to be taken. The aim is not only to reform the finan
... Show MoreSince the end of World War II, the United States of America began to look at the Gulf States and Iraq due to the possession of huge quantities of oil, after taking the American oil depletion in order to tighten control over the oil of these countries, has pursued various means, political and military, in the framework of its strategy So that it could achieve this control, which focused on control of production and prices, for the conviction that those who control oil impose control over the political decision of the countries of the world.
After the death of the founder of Monarchy in Iraq (King Faisal I),the political situation was disturbed, and the new king (King Ghazi)did not have any political background orpractice in the rule of the kingdom It was in 1933 (a year full of loosing ) as stated in the National Fraternity Newspaper article because of the hatred between the Iraqis (The Assyrians mutiny and rebellion clans Euphrates
Opposition newspapers have contributed to unify public opinion on internal issues, including the issue of foreignelectricity companies , such as Alstaklal Newspaper ,Alahaaly and Alakhaa and Alakab .Because of the attitudes of these newspap
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This study aims at identifying the impact of the application of IFRS 15 "Revenue from contracts with customers on the quality of financial reporting, through application to faculty members in the accounting departments of Iraqi universities and auditors. The problem of the study was the multiplicity of accounting rules and standards Which deals with the issues of revenue recognition , as well as the lack of consistency of most of them with the common framework of financial accounting, which results in low quality of financial reporting in the current financial statements, where the formulation of one hypothesis was the lack of relationship of significant significance The application of IFRS 15 "Recognition of rev
... Show MoreFraud Includes acts involving the exercise of deception by multiple parties inside and outside companies in order to obtain economic benefits against the harm to those companies, as they are to commit fraud upon the availability of three factors which represented by the existence of opportunities, motivation, and rationalization. Fraud detecting require necessity of indications the possibility of its existence. Here, Benford’s law can play an important role in direct the light towards the possibility of the existence of financial fraud in the accounting records of the company, which provides the required effort and time for detect fraud and prevent it.
Second language learner may commit many mistakes in the process of second language learning. Throughout the Error Analysis Theory, the present study discusses the problems faced by second language learners whose Kurdish is their native language. At the very stages of language learning, second language learners will recognize the errors committed, yet they would not identify the type, the stage and error type shift in the process of language learning. Depending on their educational background of English as basic module, English department students at the university stage would make phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic and lexical as well as speech errors. The main cause behind such errors goes back to the cultural differences
... Show MoreThere has been increase in banks and financial institutions interest in governance topic, as it focused all it attention on this topic specially after the growing role and massive expansion of the private sector in economic life , this sector become vital and important and basic role in growth and developing countries economy that’s why there been increase interest in governance and its mechanism , using this mechanism ( board of directors mechanism , ownership concentration mechanism , financial compensation mechanism, minimum rate of capital mechanism) who would adjust and guide the path and orientation of banks and financial institutions as to ensure the achievement of their goals and mission of their desired within th
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