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A Comparative Reservoir Study of Zubair and Nahr Umr Formations in Subba Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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The lower Cretaceous sandstones of Zubair and Nahr Umr formations are the main producing reservoirs in Subba oilfield in southern Iraq. Key differences in their petrophysical and depositional attributes exist affecting their reservoir characteristics. The evaluation of well logs and core porosity-permeability data show better reservoir properties in Nahr Formation. The Litho-saturation logs indicate greater thickness of oil-saturated reservoir units for Nahr Unr Formation associated with lower values of shale volume, and higher values of effective porosity. In addition, higher values of permeability for Nahr Umr Formation is suggested by applying porosity-irreducible water saturation cross plot. The reducing reservoir quality of Zubair Formation sandstones is related to finer grains of sandstone reservoirs, higher clay volume, and more effect of compaction resulting from greater depth. A reservoir layering scheme is proposed by sequence stratigraphic analysis leading to the identification of systems tracts and their key surfaces within Zubair and Nahr Umr formations, and forms the basis for predicting of reservoir architecture and quality. Laterally continuous, and thick amalgamated sandstone reservoirs are formed during highstand systems tract in Nahr Umr Formation as a result of low accommodation/sediment supply conditions. Within the transgressive systems tract of Zubair Formation, the sandstone reservoir bodies become isolated as accommodation exceeds sediment supply.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Asphaltene Precipitation Investigation Using a Screening Techniques for Crude Oil Sample from the Nahr-Umr Formation/Halfaya Oil Field
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Many oil and gas processes, including oil recovery, oil transportation, and petroleum processing, are negatively impacted by the precipitation and deposition of asphaltene. Screening methods for determining the stability of asphaltenes in crude oil have been developed due to the high cost of remediating asphaltene deposition in crude oil production and processing. The colloidal instability index, the Asphaltene-resin ratio, the De Boer plot, and the modified colloidal instability index were used to predict the stability of asphaltene in crude oil in this study. The screening approaches were investigated in detail, as done for the experimental results obtained from them. The factors regulating the asphaltene precipitation are different fr

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 02 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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The Middle Cenomanian-Early Turonian Mishrif Formation includes important carbonate reservoirs in Iraq and some other surrounding countries due to their high reservoir quality and wide geological extension. The 2D models of this study for facies, effective porosity and water saturation indicate the vertical and lateral heterogeneity of the Mishrif Formation reservoir properties in the Majnoon oil field. Construction of 2D reservoir model of the Mishrif Formation to explain the distribution of facies and petrophysical properties (effective porosity and water saturation) by using RockWorks software. The increase of effective porosity is attributed to the presence of shoal facies.The high water saturation is attributed to the existence of rest

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reservoir units of Mishrif Formation in Majnoon Oil field, Southern Iraq
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The reservoir units of Mishrif Formation in Majnoon oil field were studied by using available wireline logs (gamma ray, porosity and resistivity) and facies that derived from core and cutting samples for three wells including Mj-1, Mj-15, and Mj-20. The reservoir properties were determined and interpreted by using IP software. The results showed that unit D have the best reservoir properties due to high effective porosity, low water saturation and very low volume of shale. Furthermore, a large part of this unit was deposited in shoal environment. The other reservoir units are then graded in reservoir properties including units B, A, F & E respectively, except unit C, which is considered as a cap unit, because it consists of rest

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Publication Date
Wed May 05 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
The Role of Chemistry of the Oil-Field Water in the Distribution of Reservoir Pressures: A Case Study of Mishrif Reservoir in the Southern Oil-Fields, Iraq
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Mishrif Formation is the main reservoir in oil-fields (North Rumaila, South Rumaila, Majnoon, Zubair and West Qurna) which located at Basrah southern Iraq. The Inductively coupled plasma-Mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used for the water chemistry analysis and Scanning Electron Microprobe (SEM) for the purpose of mineralogy diagnosis. A weak acidic water of salinity six-time greater than seawater plays a role in generating the formation pressure and controlling the fluid flow. The potentiometric subsurface maps were modeled and the direction of super-pressure sites that are of a great importance in the oil exploration were marked to pay attention during future drilling.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Static Model of Zubair Reservoir in Luhais Oil Field
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Static reservoir modeling is the interacting and analysis of the geological data to visualize the reservoir framework by three-dimensional model and distribute the static reservoir properties. The Petrel E&P software used to incorporate the data. The interpreted log data and core report used in distribution of petrophysical properties of porosity, water saturation and permeability for Zubair reservoir in Luhais oil field.

   The reservoir discretized to 274968 cells in increments of 300, 200 and 1 meter in the direction of X, Y, and Z respectively. The geostatistical approach used in the distribution of the properties of porosity and water saturation overall the reservoir units. The permeability has been calculated

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 22 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
4D Finite element modeling of stress distribution in depleted reservoir of south Iraq oilfield
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Abstract<p>The harvest of hydrocarbon from the depleted reservoir is crucial during field development. Therefore, drilling operations in the depleted reservoir faced several problems like partial and total lost circulation. Continuing production without an active water drive or water injection to support reservoir pressure will decrease the pore and fracture pressure. Moreover, this depletion will affect the distribution of stress and change the mud weight window. This study focused on vertical stress, maximum and minimum horizontal stress redistributions in the depleted reservoirs due to decreases in pore pressure and, consequently, the effect on the mud weight window. 1D and 4D robust geomechanical models are</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Determination of Reservoir Rock Type in Sarvak Reservoir of an Iranian Oilfield
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Integrated reservoir rock typing in carbonate reservoirs is a significant step in reservoir modelling. The key purpose of this study is the identification of integrated rock types in the Sarvak Formation of an Iranian oilfield. In this study, electrofacies (EFAC) analysis of the Sarvak reservoir was done in detail to determine the reservoir quality and rock types of the Sarvak Formation in the studied field. The core data and conventional petrophysical logs were used for rock typing. Some petrophysical logs such as porosity, sonic, neutron, density, and Photo electric factor were applied as input data for electrofacies analysis. Multi-Resolution Graph-Based Clustering was used among six approaches, resulting in four electrofacies af

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 07 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Wellbore instability management using geomechanical modeling and wellbore stability analysis for Zubair shale formation in Southern Iraq
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Abstract<p>Wellbore instability problems cause nonproductive time, especially during drilling operations in the shale formations. These problems include stuck pipe, caving, lost circulation, and the tight hole, requiring more time to treat and therefore additional costs. The extensive hole collapse problem is considered one of the main challenges experienced when drilling in the Zubair shale formation. In turn, it is caused by nonproductive time and increasing well drilling expenditure. In this study, geomechanical modeling was used to determine a suitable mud weight window to overpass these problems and improve drilling performance for well development. Three failure criteria, including Mohr–Coulomb, modifie</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Salinity mapping model and brine chemistry of Mishrif reservoir in Basrah oilfields, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
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Sedimentological characterization of the mid-Cretaceous Mishrif reservoir in southern Mesopotamian Basin, Iraq
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ABSTRACT<p>The CenomanianÐEarly Turonian reservoirs of the Mishrif Formation of the Mesopotamian Basin hold more than one-third of the proven Iraqi oil reserves. Difficulty in predicting the presence of these mostly rudistic reservoir units is mainly due to the complex paleogeography of the Mishrif depositional basin, which has not been helped by numerous previous studies using differing facies schemes over local areas. Here we present a regional microfacies-based study that incorporates earlier data into a comprehensive facies model. This shows that extensive accumulation of rudist banks usually occurred along an exterior shelf margin of the basin along an axis that runs from Hamrin to Badra a</p> ... Show More
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