كثيرة هي المهن في بلاد الرافدين، وهذه ظهرت للحاجة لها، واسهمت هذه المهن في تطور المجتمع والمحافظة عليه، مثال ذلك مِهنة الحارس، والذي كان عنواناً لبحثنا هذا، مُحاولين في تسليط الضوء على هذه المِهنة وأنواعها واِنتشارها على مُجمل النشاطات في بلاد الرافدين وإسهاماتها في الحِفاظ على الأمن والاِستقرار سواء كان الاِجتماعي أو الاِقتصادي على اِختلافه التجاري البرِّي والبحري، وعلى الزراعة والصِّناعة، وعلى مفاصل أُخرى.
The research shows that the visual image plays an important role when Farzdaq in the issue of aesthetic perception, it enables him to feel a sense of artistic and mental perception to raise astonishment and admiration through his ability to link the optics through the suggestive image to carry us to a new vision imagined full of visual images.
Despite the importance of this term in linguistics and rhetoric ancient and modern literary forms in general, is that it is possible to use in clarifying the foundations of the relationship hidden and manifest between shapes in models art adjacent or successive spatially, as the artwork plastic in general and sculpture in particular consists of formal structure somewhat similar to the structure in any language text and we can decode these blades structure and analyze the implications and come to their meanings and re-read and interpreted under the guidance of the concepts and techniques of neighboring developed primarily for linguistic analysis of texts or launched from their references. This split search to four chapters included the fi
... Show More(لا مجتمــــع الا وبـــــه قـــــانو ن ) مقولـــــه اطلقهـــــا فقیـــــه رومـــــا القدیمـــــة ( شیشـرون ) فالقـانون لـیس ولیـد الیـوم وانمـا منـذ بـدء الخلیقـة بـدأت حاجـة الانسـان الـى قواعـد سـلوكیه یـنظم بهـا حیاتـه ویـرى بهـا حـدود حریتـه بحیـث لاتتجـاوز هـذه الحریة الى حدود حریة الاخرین٠واذا كانـــت المؤسســـیة ودولـــة القـــانون مـــن اهـــم معـــاییر الانتمـــاء الـــى العصر الحـدیث یـأت الخ
... Show MoreInitiation in Islamic economy is the key for success and the way for advancement. It leads to the use of circumstances that through which the individual can achieve the accomplishments and gains. Once initiation spreads in the community, it will become a vivacious and that will lead to the development of its reality into the best. The Messenger (PBUH)( has encouraged imitation and the companionsshowed many imitations to deal with the economic issues that are vital to the stability of the peoples and communities and to achieve the necessary level of income and livelihood pursuant to what the Islamic economy has stipulated. Therefore, finding the ideal means to employ what Allah Almighty has endowed to humanity.
research aims: 1- Demonstrating an aspect of the rhetorical miracle of the Qur’an represented in the accuracy of its verses and the consistency of its topics. 2- Clarifying the intent of Surat Al-Ghashiya, and clarifying the link between the topics of the surah and its purpose. 3- Studying the topics included in Surat Al-Gashiya, and highlighting their consistency among them. 4- Referring to the gifts contained in the noble verses.Research Methodology: In preparing this study, I followed the inductive-analytical approach, according to the procedures outlined in the introduction.From the search results: 1- The purpose of Surat Al-Gashiya: Reminding the Hereafter and its scenes of reward
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دراسات في قانون التجارة الدولية
The historical center cities were exposed to change, which included its social and economical structures, Which led to sweeping changes in land use, causing a change in the result, in urban fabric and the physical structure and therefore to see visual. We have attracted these centers as a result of pressure from urban development and contemporary reflection of the agents of change which have been hit during the late period a development residential newly not sympathize mostly with the content of the historical and at the expense of removing large parts of the urban fabric and replace it with patterns of structural and styles of architecture has not been connected with reality. Which led to the loss of some historical and architec
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