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Nesting Technique : It’s Effects on Preterm Cardiorespiratory Indicators
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Background: Premature infant born with immature body system, their organs are not ready for extra uterine life, and they are unable to deal with external stress, which could alter body functions such as cardio-respiratory function. In addition, poor muscle tone increases the chance of developing an abnormal posture. To reduce this instability, applying developmental care such as nesting is vital to promote cardio-respiratory stability, maintain position, and reduce stress in preterm.      Objectives: The study aims to assess the impact of the nesting technique on preterm cardio-respiratory parameters in various positions (supine, prone, and right lateral).       Methodology: The research used randomized controlled trial design. By simple random sampling technique was choose 60 preterm infant, and they were divided into four groups equally (supine, prone, right lateral, and control group). The cardio-respiratory parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation) were measured before and after applying the nesting and positioning techniques for 3 consecutive days. Data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program.                                                                                  Results: The study results showed a significant difference in the mean score of cardio-respiratory after three days of nesting technique with lateral, supine, and prone position groups at p= 0.000. While the control group showed there was non-significant change in the mean score of HR, RR, and Spo2 at p > 0.05.          Conclusion: The Study concluded that the nesting technique was effective for stabilizing the cardio-respiratory parameters of preterm infants. The authors recommended routinely using nesting with the ideal position technique in preterm as a part of  developmental care at the neonatal intensive care unit

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Estimate Gas Initially in Place of Tight Gas Reservoirs Based on Developed Methodology of Dynamic Material Balance Technique
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With growing global demand for hydrocarbons and decreasing conventional reserves, the gas industry is shifting its focus in the direction of unconventional reservoirs. Tight gas reservoirs have typically been deemed uneconomical due to their low permeability which is understood to be below 0.1mD, requiring advanced drilling techniques and stimulation to enhance hydrocarbons. However, the first step in determining the economic viability of the reservoir is to see how much gas is initially in place. Numerical simulation has been regarded across the industry as the most accurate form of gas estimation, however, is extremely costly and time consuming. The aim of this study is to provide a framework for a simple analytical method to esti

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 19 2023
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Structural and Hardness Characteristics of Silicon Nitride Thin Films Deposited on Metallic Substrates by DC Reactive Sputtering Technique
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of R -molar ratio effect on the transformation of tetraethylorthosilicat precursor to gels in sol-gel technique
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The effect of using different R -molar ratio under variable reaction conditions (acidic as well as basic environment and reaction temperature) have been studied. The overall experiments are driven with open and closed systems. The study shows that there is an optimum value for a minimum gelling time at R equal 2. The gelling time for all studied open system found to be shorter than in closed system. In acidic environment and when R value increased from 2 to 10, the gelling time of closed systems has increased four times than open systems at T=30 ?C and fourteen times when temperature reaction increased to 60 ?C. While in basic environment the influence of increasing R value was limited.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of thickness on the optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique (PLD)
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Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin films of different thickness were prepared
on ultrasonically cleaned corning glass substrate, by pulsed laser
deposition technique (PLD) at room temperature. Since most
application of ZnO thin film are certainly related to its optical
properties, so the optical properties of ZnO thin film in the
wavelength range (300-1100) nm were studied, it was observed that
all ZnO films have high transmittance (˃ 80 %) in the wavelength
region (400-1100) nm and it increase as the film thickness increase,
using the optical transmittance to calculate optical energy gap (Eg
show that (Eg
opt) of a direct allowed transition and its value nearly
constant (~ 3.2 eV) for all film thickness (150

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 22 2020
Journal Name
Multicultural Education
Effect Of Using Webinar Technique On The Digital Culture Of Chemistry Students In Ibin Haitham Pure Science College
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The aim of this research is to identify the effect of Webinar technique on digital culture in the College of Education for pure sciences at Ibin Haitham, University of Baghdad. The research samples consisted of (68) male and female students from the Chemistry Department who are following classes during the (2019- 2020) academic year. The samples represent (42%) of the total number of (162) students split into control and experimental groups. For this purpose, the scientific contents for testing were determined. The experimental part is based on analysis of the results from experiments in (preliminary standard solutions, refractive index, Beer-Lambert law). To achieve the aim of the research in testing the measure of student's digital cultur

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Adaptive Digital Neural Network-Like-PID Control Law Design for Fuel Cell System Based on FPGA Technique
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This paper proposes an on-line adaptive digital Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control algorithm based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Model. This research aims to design and implement Neural Network like a digital PID using FPGA in order to generate the best value of the hydrogen partial pressure action (PH2) to control the stack terminal output voltage of the (PEMFC) model during a variable load current applied. The on-line Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for finding and tuning the optimal value of the digital PID-NN controller (kp, ki, and kd) parameters that improve the dynamic behavior of the closed-loop digital control fue

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 24 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Impact of Exposure Period to Liquid Nitrogen Vapor on Criteria of Human Spermatozoa Cryopreserved in New Cryopreservation Technique
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Abstract Background: The emptied sheep’s ovarian follicles recently used as a container for spermatozoa during cryopreservation, it was found a proper carrier to cryopreserving spermatozoa in vapor-dependent cryopreservation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two periods of exposure to liquid nitrogen (LN2)vapor on the parameter of spermatozoa during cryopreservation in this technique. Method: The study was conducted on 30 semen samples from patients with oligozoospermia diagnosed by semen analysis according to the standard criteria of World Health Orgnization (WHO) 2010. Sheep’s ovarian follicles obtained from local slaughterhouse and prepared by slicing the ovaries and evacuating the follicular fluid and oocyt

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Electrolyte Composition on Structural and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Arrays Synthesized by Anodization Technique
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The present work involves studying the effect of electrolyte composition [@1= 0.5 wt.%  NH4F / 5% H2O / 5% Glycerol (GLY)/ 90%  Ethylene Glycol (EG)] and [ @2= 0.5 wt. % NH4F / 5% H2O / 95%  Ethylene Glycol (EG)]  on the structural and photoelectrochemical properties of titania nanotubes arrays (TNTAs). TNTAs substrates were successfully carried out via anodization technique and were carried out in 40 V for one hour in different electrolytes (@1, and @2). The properties of physicochemical of TNTAs were distinguished via an X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), an Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), and UV–visible diffuse reflectance. T

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Electrolyte Composition on Structural and Photoelectrochemical Properties of Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Arrays Synthesized by Anodization Technique
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The present work involves studying the effect of electrolyte composition [@1= 0.5 wt.%  NH4F / 5% H2O / 5% Glycerol (GLY)/ 90%  Ethylene Glycol (EG)] and [ @2= 0.5 wt. % NH4F / 5% H2O / 95%  Ethylene Glycol (EG)]  on the structural and photoelectrochemical properties of titania nanotubes arrays (TNTAs). TNTAs substrates were successfully carried out via anodization technique and were carried out in 40 V for one hour in different electrolytes (@1, and @2). The properties of physicochemical of TNTAs were distinguished via an X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), an Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), and UV–visible diffuse reflectance. The photoelectrochemical response of TNTAs was evaluated

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Delays occur commonly in construction projects. Assessing the impact of delay is sometimes a contentious
issue. Several delay analysis methods are available but no one method can be universally used over another in
all situations. The selection of the proper analysis method depends upon a variety of factors including
information available, time of analysis, capabilities of the methodology, and time, funds and effort allocated to the analysis. This paper presents computerized schedule analysis programmed that use daily windows analysis method as it recognized one of the most credible methods, and it is one of the few techniques much more likely to be accepted by courts than any other method. A simple case study has been implement

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