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Antibiotic Resistance of Isolated Gram Negative Bacilli from Different Clinical Sample in a Central Teaching Hospital of Pediatric in Baghdad
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The number of infections caused by microorganisms is increasing significantly over the last few years. A total of 140 patients admitted to the central teaching hospital of pediatrics from the 1st of Jun 2017 to 31 October 2017. The Clinical samples was processed from culture and sensitivity testing. Antibiotic discs used for gram negative isolates. The most prevalent gram negative isolates included Escherichia coli 63 (45.0 %), Pseudomonas spp. 21 (15.0 %), Klebsiella spp. 19 (13.6 %) predominantly. Escherichia coli were the most prevalent isolates from urine 45 (71.4 %), Klebsiella spp. 11 (57.9 %) and Enterobacter spp. 11 (68.8 %) followed by Escherichia coli 10 (15.9 %) predominant from blood. 68 (48.6 %) of specimens were urine, 47 (33.6 %) were blood and 25 (17.8 %) were from other origins. Resistance to CTR was 42 (51.2 %) in Escherichia coli, 15 (18.3 %) in Pseudomonas spp. 9 (11.0 %) in Klebsiella spp. and similarly AMC showed 41 (62.1) resistance among Escherichia coli, 8 (12.1 %) among Pseudomonas spp. and Klebsiella spp. and also GEN showed 27 (57.4 %) resistance among Escherichia coli, 7 (14.9 %) among Pseudomonas spp. and 6 (12.8 %) in Klebsiella spp.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 10 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Modification of Combined Vibrated Power Assisted Liposuction with Periareolar Gland Excision in management of Gynecomastia
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Background: The recognized procedures that have been used to treat gynecomastia are said to have relatively a long operative time, less patient satisfaction rate, they are merely used, in mild to moderate gynecomastia, leaves a mild bulging over the nipple areola complex, resulting in aesthetically unsatisfactory results. The more the grade of gynecomastia, the more complicated the used surgical techniques. This study evaluates the success rate of these simplest surgical technique in higher grades of gynecomastia.

Objectives: to present the experiences with use of Modification of Combined Vibrated Power Assisted Liposuction with Periareolar Gland Excision in management of in

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2001
Journal Name
3rd. Jordanian Civil Engineering Conference ,29-31 Oct.2001. 2001
The Use of the F.E.M. to Study the Performance of Stone Columns in Soft Soil
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In this paper, the penetration of the stone column was investigated in order to get the minimum length of the stone column above which the increase in length has little advantage. The effect of using different materials in column are also studied. The material used is granular of different angle of internal friction (). The results of the investigation indicated that the effect of stone column remains constant when the ratio of the thickness of the soft clay layer to the stone column’s diameter is more than 15. The results also indicated that a pronounced effect is obtained when the angle of internal friction of the stone column material is increased.

Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Novel Research In Electrical And Mechanical Engineering
Use of Panel Method in High Subsonic and Transonic Aerodynamic Analysis of Complex Aircraft Configuration
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The application of low order panel method with the Dirichlet boundary condition on complex aircraft configuration have been studied in high subsonic and transonic speeds. Low order panel method has been used to solve the case of the steady, inviscid and compressible flow on a forward swept wing – canard configuration with cylindrical fuselage and a vertical stabilizer with symmetrical cross section. The aerodynamic coefficients for the forward swept wing aircraft were calculated using measured wake shape from an experimental work on same model configuration. The study showed that the application of low order panel method can be used with acceptable results

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث
The role of university in promoting the culture of volunteering among students (Mustansiriya University Model)
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Abstract The aim of this study is to identify the role played by the university in reinforcing the culture of voluntary work in college students and sequencing these roles according to their priority. To achieve this aim, the researcher used the descriptive approach. After being informed of the literature background and of the previous studies related to the core aim of this recent study, the researcher has built up a questionnaire of (20) items investigating the role of university in reinforcing the culture of voluntary work in the college students. The standardized features of the questionnaire have been checked for the purpose of the questionnaire validity (virtual and constructive validity) and stability (reconstruction and Cronbach's A

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
Longevity of hope, its causes, effects, and treatments in light of the Qur'n and Hadith
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This study came to show the importance of long hope and its extent on human life, and I found that through the research, the majority of the scholars did not address this topic separately, and did not explain the travails of this situation and the worldly problems it causes to its owner, and the consequences that fall upon it in the hereafter. Most of the studies inside of the books consisted of a simple presentation of this problem and an explanation of the remedies that came to us from the Qur'an and the hadiths and the Sunnah, and on the sayings of the imams of guidance (may the best prayers and peace be upon them), and on the chosen companions and followers, may God be pleased with them, but the length of hope does not stop At a certain

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 23 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research dealt with study of cladistics taxonomy of  five  species related to the genus Rumex L. and Polygonum L. from family polygonaceae in Iraq by using Mesquite software V.2.75. This  research support strongly delimiting  the species P. aviculare L. and P. lapathifolia suggested in floras publication while R. dentatus L. is setted in single group whereas R. vesicarius L. and R. conglomeratus Murray were included in the same group. Also, this study involved characteristics of shape, dimensions, color, and ornamentation of seeds and fruits as  the seed forms were ranging from lenticular to trigonous. In terms of size calculations,  the seeds of R. vesicarius  was recorded the higher range (4.0- 4.5) mm in length w

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Separation and Determination of Some Organic Acids in Dry Calyces of Iraqi Hibiscus Sabdariffa Linn
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A new reversed phase- high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method with Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometry has been optimized and validated for the simultaneous extraction and determination of organic acids present in Iraqi calyces of Hibiscus Sabdraffia Linn. The method is based on using ultrasonic bath for extracting organic acids. Limit of detection in µg/ml of Formic acid, Acetic acid, Oxalic acid, Citric acid, Succinic acid, Tartaric acid, and Malic acid 126.8498×10-6, 113.6005×10-6, 97.0513×10-6, 49.7925×10-6, 84.0753×10-6, 92.6551×10-6, and 106.1633×10-6 ,respectively. The concentration of organic acids found in dry spacemen of calyces of Iraqi Hibiscus Sabdraffia Linn. under study: Formic acid, Acetic acid,

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Meaning of formulation غ more actions      In Surat Al-Baqarah at the pride of honor
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Praise be to God, who started his book with the praise of himself and prayers and peace be upon those who do not have a prophet after him and his family and companions and those who followed them with charity until the Day of Judgment. Either:
      The research examines the meanings of the formulas of the increased verbs that were mentioned in Surat Al-Baqara, at the imam of the imams of the Islamic nation, namely, Al-Fakhri Al-Razi (d. 606 AH), may God Almighty have mercy on him. With the imams of Quranic scholars.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Verses of cheerfulness and fluency of the face in the Holy Qur’an: An Objective Study
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Most of us are tired of the circumstances that surround us because of their deficiency, deprivation, and sullenness, even though troubles and pains are the soil in which the seeds of strong personality  sprout.             

   The content of the research is summed up in the fact that there is no need to frown, so let our face be free, and our word good and tolerant, so that we can be the most loving people of those who give them, and the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) was known to be the heaviest  concerns  of people, but he was most smiling of people, by smiling, we buy lives, so we should get used to it, because that gives us hope and finds the world in our hands, an

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The requirements of sustainable development for colleges of physical education and sports science in Iraq
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l development in addition to environmental reform, which is not possible at its best, and from this the faculties of physical education and sports science realize the scale of the problem and its importance in the development of society that this all puts on the faculties of education Physical and sports sciences are a very difficult task and an end in holiness, for it is the responsibility of the human development service and its leadership, because the community leaders and its elites are those who value their direction and future more than others. The importance of this study comes from the goal of sustainable development to maximizing pain. The net gain from higher education while ensuring the preservation of the quality of reso

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