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Antibiotic Resistance of Isolated Gram Negative Bacilli from Different Clinical Sample in a Central Teaching Hospital of Pediatric in Baghdad
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The number of infections caused by microorganisms is increasing significantly over the last few years. A total of 140 patients admitted to the central teaching hospital of pediatrics from the 1st of Jun 2017 to 31 October 2017. The Clinical samples was processed from culture and sensitivity testing. Antibiotic discs used for gram negative isolates. The most prevalent gram negative isolates included Escherichia coli 63 (45.0 %), Pseudomonas spp. 21 (15.0 %), Klebsiella spp. 19 (13.6 %) predominantly. Escherichia coli were the most prevalent isolates from urine 45 (71.4 %), Klebsiella spp. 11 (57.9 %) and Enterobacter spp. 11 (68.8 %) followed by Escherichia coli 10 (15.9 %) predominant from blood. 68 (48.6 %) of specimens were urine, 47 (33.6 %) were blood and 25 (17.8 %) were from other origins. Resistance to CTR was 42 (51.2 %) in Escherichia coli, 15 (18.3 %) in Pseudomonas spp. 9 (11.0 %) in Klebsiella spp. and similarly AMC showed 41 (62.1) resistance among Escherichia coli, 8 (12.1 %) among Pseudomonas spp. and Klebsiella spp. and also GEN showed 27 (57.4 %) resistance among Escherichia coli, 7 (14.9 %) among Pseudomonas spp. and 6 (12.8 %) in Klebsiella spp.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the effect of some pregnancy parameters on Malon dialdehyde concentration in pregnant women
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The present study aimed to evaluate the concentration of Malon dialdehyde (MDA) in pregnant women during different stages of pregnancy (stage of pregnancy, abortion, contraceptives and parity number).The study included (120) blood samples from normal pregnant women in age of the procreating were subdivided into three trimesters of pregnancy (40/group), and (40) samples from non-pregnant women as a control group. The results showed a significant increase in MDA in three stages of pregnancy compared with the control group. The concentration of MDA increased significantly in pregnant women with multipregnancy when compared with pregnant women for the first time, and in pregnant women whom was using contraceptions compared with p

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Strategic dimensions of the Turkish role in the map of international and regional forces balances
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It is necessary to examine the nature of the Turkish position and what Turkey seeks to achieve at the international, regional and Iraqi levels. Or is this external role an expression of foreign policy and has not yet reached the level of maturity that reaches the stage of strategy? The answer to this question is the essence of research in the Turkish role. The answer to this question requires the realization of the elements and pillars that guarantee Turkey's continuity and survival. Continuity is a cornerstone of the strategy. The continuity of the role and its interaction with the event and the ability to employ multiple alternatives are what qualify the state to describe its politics. The external strategy has evolved into. In order t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 25 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Effect of Hydroxychloroquine Drugs on Amino Acids in the Kidneys of White Mice (Mus musculas)
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Hydroxychloroquine (HQC) and chloroquine drugs belong to a class of drugs known as 4-aminoquinoline, its structure weak bases due to the presence of the essential side chain, and this chain contributes to the accumulation of drugs in the intracellular parts. A 21 mice were taken and divided into three groups, the first group (A) was the control group that administered oral distilled water for 30 days, and the second group (B) treated group that was dose with 15 mg/kg/day of drug for 30 days, and the third group (C) was the treated group by injected drug with a concentration of 30 mg/kg/day for 30 days also. The result of amino acids studied in the kidney of adult white mice (Mus musculus) showed the presence of (18) amino acid represented:

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
The Scientific World Journal
An In Vitro Assessment of Gutta-Percha Coating of New Carrier-Based Root Canal Fillings
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The first aim of this paper was to evaluate the push-out bond strength of the gutta-percha coating of Thermafil and GuttaCore and compare it with that of gutta-percha used to coat an experimental hydroxyapatite/polyethylene (HA/PE) obturator. The second aim was to assess the thickness of gutta-percha around the carriers of GuttaCore and HA/PE obturators using microcomputed tomography (μCT). Ten (size 30) 1 mm thick samples of each group (Thermafil, GuttaCore, and HA/PE) were prepared. An orthodontic wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm was attached to the plunger of an Instron machine in order to allow the push-out testing of the gutta-percha coating. Five samples of (GuttaCore and HA/PE) were scanned using

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Crossref (6)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
World Journal Of Experimental Biosciences
Evaluation of anti-Helicobacter pylori antibodies level in sera of patients with chronic hepatitis B
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The relationship between chronic hepatitis B virus and Helicobacter pylori infection was evaluated to determine, seventy five patients with chronic hepatitis B infection (8-70 years) were investigated. The results were compared with the results of 50 healthy volunteers. Anti-H. pylori antibodies IgA and IgG were measured by Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) in sera of patients and healthy groups. The percentage of anti-H.pylori IgA antibodies (26.67%) were significantly (P<0.01) higher than healthy control group. While, no significant difference was found between the percentages of anti-H. pylori IgG antibodies (48 %) in patient sera and these kind of antibodies in sera of healthy control group (P > 0.05). The present results indica

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Evaluation of Low Level Laser Therapy Using Diode Laser in Enhancement of Episiotomy Wound Healing
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we studied the effect of low level laser therapy (LLLT) using diode laser with wavelength of (790-805) nm in promotion and enhancement of wound healing of episiotomy and to evaluate the analgesic effect of LLLT in reducing the pain sensation caused by the episiotomy wounds. Nineteen women with episiotomy wound were selected and divided into three groups; 1st group (group No.1: control group) given antibiotics without laser therapy, in the 2nd group (group No.2) the wounds were exposed to laser therapy (4 sessions, each session with energy density of 19.90 J /cm2 every other day ) and systemic antibiotics were prescribed for 1 week. In the 3rd group (group No.3) the wounds were exposed to laser therapy (4 sessions, the same as in the 2nd

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effectiveness of internal rhythm in the poetry of Ridicule with Ibin Bassam al-Bagdadi
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This study seeks to uncover the aesthetics of the internal rhythm and its effectiveness in
enriching the poetic text with the music tone at represented in the art of repetition and the
permit and recycling division and put back on the chest and the naturalization interview and
And try to stand on the impact of internal rhythm to highlight the meaning of spelling and
irony with poet Ibn Bassam Al-Bagdadi and have a close look at the literary and
psychological motivations that led the poet to employ these colors in his ridicule and the
extent of its contribution to intensify the poetic alphabetic flush.
And deepening the meanings and provide poetic text in different aesthetics, there is no doubt

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of using magnetized water on the percentage of cement in the Concrete mixture
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This research studied the effect of magnetized water in concrete preparation and its effect on the presenting of cement in concrete mixtures also to find the ability of reducing the amount of cement in preparing one cubic meter, this is not exceed than 10% in one mixture , The experiments showed the preparation of standard cubes from the concrete which was used two kind of water magnetized water which was prepared by passing the tap water through the systems of different magnetic strength in terms of (6000,9000) Gauss and the ordinary water . The velocity of water through the magnetic field, which gives us the highest value for the compressive strength, was up to 1m/sec. to determine the best magnetic intensity, we examined The comp

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Effectiveness of Implication in New Formulations of the Contemporary Industrial Product: زياد حاتم حربي
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  The current research aims at transforming the concept of implication from the rhetoric into the industrial design in order to have a new term (the design implication) in which the industrial designer takes all or part of another's design to imply his design in it and acknowledge that, and if he did not do so, it would be (design theft) parallel to the literary plagiarism.
In order to show the potentials of the industrial design in the production of new formulations of the industrial products forms, as the design is the carrier of language that addresses the recipients, it is possible to use the implication as a the tool of literature in the design and as a design strategy as it is one of the concepts that takes its course in e

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of aqueous extract of olive (Olea europaea) fruit on lipid profile in female rabbits
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The activity of the aqueous extract of Olea europaea was tested at concentrations of 8, 15 or 20 mg/kg of body weight on lipid profile in twenty female local rabbits. These animals were randomly divided into four groups (five animals in each group). Three groups were dosed orally with the concentrations mentioned above, while the last was administered with distilled water and considered as a control group. These animals were orally dosed by aqueous extract using a micropipette for 30 days. The results showed that there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein (LDL-cholesterol), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL-cholesterol) concentrations and atherosclerosis index means for the three trea

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