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Google and Legal Translation: The Case Study of Contracts
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In recent years, the need for Machine Translation (MT) has grown, especially for translating legal contracts between languages like Arabic and English. This study primarily investigates whether Google Translator can adequately replace human translation for legal documents. Utilizing a widely popular free web-based tool, Google Translate, the research method involved translating six segments from various legal contracts into Arabic and assessing the translations for lexical and syntactic accuracy. The findings show that although Google Translate can quickly produce English-Arabic translations, it falls short compared to professional translators, especially with complex legal terms and syntax. Errors can be categorized into: polysemy, homonymy, legal doublets, and adverbs at the linguistic level, and morphological parsing, concord, and modality at the syntactic level. The study concludes with recommendations for enhancing machine translation systems and suggests caution in using Google Translate for legal purposes, advocating for continued reliance on human expertise in legal settings.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study of the inhibitory effect of Terpinen-4-ol on Amastigote Forms of Leishmania tropica within Macrophages of Mouse in vitro
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It was recorded that Terpinen-4-ol has an anti-parasitic properties, so it will be noteworthy to intensify the studies about this compound.

This study aims to test the effectiveness of terpinen-4-ol on amastigote forms of Leishmania parasite in macrophages.

This effect was studied by adding increasing concentrations  of  Terpinen-4-ol to  culture wells containing mouse macrophages that were previously incubated with the promastigote forms of the parasites for 24 hours .Then, they were incubated for another 24 hours with increasing concentrations of Terpinen-4-ol.  After, Parasites were enumerated into macrophages in wells either treated with Terpinen-4-ol or in control wells.

Treatment with Ter

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study Of Corrosion Inhibition Of Low Carbon Steel In Washing Water Of Crude Oil Solution In The Presence Of Folic Acid
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The corrosion behavior of low carbon steel in washing water of crude oil solution has been studied potentiostatically at five temperatures in the range (30–70)°C .The corrosion potential shifted to more negative values with increasing temperature and the corrosion current density increased with increasing temperature. Folic acid had on inhibiting effect on the corrosion of low carbon steel in washing water at a concentration (5× 10-4-- 5× 10-3 ) mol/dm3 over the temperature range (30–70)°C. Values of the protection efficiency were calculated from the corrosion current density .From the general results for this study, it can be seen that thermodynamic and kinetic function were also calculated (?G, ?S, ?H and Ea )

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The relationship between the rule of mental improvement and ugliness and the objectives of Sharia And its impact on rulings
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The research addresses a fundamental Islamic jurisprudential Purposeful issue, which is (Sharia), and to indicate the impact of this on Islamic jurisprudence, deriving rulings and extracting purposes, and to repel the illusion that this issue is only doctrinal, and clarifying the aspects of similarities and links between them by explaining the origin of deriving the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia) through the meanings and wisdom learned from the texts and the explanation of the rulings. The rulings of Islamic Law (Sharia) have urged bringing benefits and repelling harms, and that the path to do so is reason and its production. I began the research by defining the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia), then defining the rule of rational right

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determining the Relationship between the Crescent Visibility Factors and the Coordinates of the Sun and Moon
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The study of the relationship between the coordinates of the sun and the moon with the crescent visibility factors has not been previously treated in a detailed and accurate way in  research and previous studies, despite its religious importance. Accordingly, this paper aims to study the relationship between the crescent visibility factors (age, lag time, elongation (ARCL), arc of vision or relative altitude (ARCV), relative azimuth (DAZ), and crescent width (W), with coordinates of the sun and the moon), and how it varies during the day of the crescent's observation. In this paper, Matlab programs were designed to calculate the ecliptic sun and moon coordinates (λ, β) and in the presence of all perturbation impacts (planets), th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of governors and Arab workers in helping the needy and the poor in the eras Rashidin and Umayyad
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The research deals with financial and supplies support from the rulers and governors of the
Arab cities and Islamic regions to the poor of common people and the poor of their own . The
Islamic Arab community was characterized , since the prophet's era , with great humanistic
features that formed the cultural characteristic which organized individual's economic life .
The prophet , senior Muslims and the rich cared a lot about this side . There was a large
variation in the degrees of wealth and poverty in the Muslim Arab community as a heritage
from the pve – Islamic society where there is no concern about helping the needy and poor .
Thus , the research sheds light on the different forms of help offered by rulers a

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
The International Scientific Conference For Nanotechnology And Advance Research’s
Effect of the annealing and compositional on the Morphological and electrical
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Nanocrystalline TiO 2 and CuO doped TiO 2 thin films were successfully deposited on suitably cleaned glass substrate at constant room temperature and different concentrations of CuO (0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2) wt% using pulse laser deposition(PLD) technique at a constant deposition parameter such as : (pulse Nd:YAG laser with λ=1064 nm, constant energy 800 mJ, with repetition rate 6 Hz and No. of pulse (500). The films were annealed at different annealing temperatures 423K and 523 K. The effect of annealing on the morphological and electrical properties was studied. Surface morphology of the thin films has been studied by using atomic force microscopes which showed that the films have good crystalline and homogeneous surface. The Root M

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semitism and the allegations of the Jews Presentation, analysis and criticism
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he aim of the research is to clarify the meanings and connotations of (Semitic), and to identify the peoples that fell under this name according to historical data, biblical texts and Qur’anic news. International sympathy on the one hand and on the other hand controlling the land of Palestine and giving them international legitimacy to grow their entity according to global support and sympathy with their alleged slogan (anti-Semitism), which revolves around the oppression of the Jews.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Arab Blogosphere and the Strategies of Self-Building and Diary
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Basically, media studies focused on the important role of the blogs in boosting the democratic process in the Arab States. Blogs also worked on creating an alternative media for the public that maintained freedom of expression. However, media studies ignored the status of the blogs in the social and cultural fields.
The current study tries to tackle the socio-cultural dimensions of the blogs by means of showing how the blogs construct the self. The researcher is going to conduct interviews with the bloggers. He will also carry out a semiotic analysis that may reveal the strategies used by the bloggers. Besides, he tries to identify the realistic and traditional frames in which the social relationships are buil

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of some of the of the Verbs’ Arabic Roots in the stories of Osman Ceviksoy Like a Voice in The Dark.: Osman Çeviksoy'un "Karanlıkta Ses Gibi" Başlıklı Öykü Kitabında Arapça Kökenli Türkçe Fillerin İncelenmesi
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Due to the Geographical links, language is one of the multiple affects among Arabs and Turks. As the different studies demonstrate, Turkish contains many words derived from other languages, yet Arabic remains the language that has great affects on Turkish. Unlike Turkish language, Arabic is a derivative language that requires no suffixes. Thus, Arabic verbs are tuned into Turkish verbs by adding auxiliary verbs. The present study traces some of the Turkish compound words of Arabic roots with an explanation that shows the Auxiliary added to form the Turkish verb as found in the stories of Otman Chevek Sawy’s Like A voice in the Dark. The conclusion sums up the findings of the study illustrated by numbers.


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Smart Leadership Dimensions In Crisis Management- A study For Opinions Of Sample Of Administrative Leaderships In A number Of Humanities Colleges At The University Of Mosul
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This research aims at answering many questions raised by the research problem concerning the view of the organizations under consideration for the concept of smart leadership and its most important dimensions, as well as the view of crisis management and its concept and most important methods through research objectives that define and clarify the smart leadership with its dimensions and methods of crisis management.

For the purpose of reaching the results of the research and testing the assumptions about the relationship between smart leadership and methods of crisis management, the researcher adopted a questionnaire, designed especially to be a criterion for the research, as the main tool for data coll

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