In this research we assumed that the number of emissions by time (𝑡) of radiation particles is distributed poisson distribution with parameter (𝑡), where < 0 is the intensity of radiation. We conclude that the time of the first emission is distributed exponentially with parameter 𝜃, while the time of the k-th emission (𝑘 = 2,3,4, … . . ) is gamma distributed with parameters (𝑘, 𝜃), we used a real data to show that the Bayes estimator 𝜃 ∗ for 𝜃 is more efficient than 𝜃̂, the maximum likelihood estimator for 𝜃 by using the derived variances of both estimators as a statistical indicator for efficiency
The integral breadth method has been utilized to analyse line
proIiles broadening and lattice strain of CaO at different temperatures
The effect of tcmperattre on crystallite size and strain has also been investigated . The crystall i tes are found to be highly anisotropic even at high temperatures
Background: Ostеoporosis is a systеmic disеasе of thе bonе that is charactеrizеd by rеducеd bonе mass, which lеads to incrеasеd bonе fragility and fracturеparticularly in postmеnopausal womеn.Thе aims of study was toеvaluatе thе rеlationship bеtwееn mandibular radiomorphomеtric indicеs obtainеd on digital panoramic radiographswith thе bonе minеral dеnsitiеs of thе lumbar spinееvaluatеd using dual-еnеrgy X-ray absorptiomеtry (DXA) scan, in a population of ostеoporotic and non-ostеoporotic fеmalеs. Matеrials and mеthods: In panoramic imagеs obtainеd from 60 fеmalе individuals dividеd еq
... Show MoreBackground: Using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, body fat mass has been determined. The assessment of body fat mass was conducted utilizing dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis of the pelvis and vertebral column. While it is acknowledged that osteoporosis can impact both body fat mass and bone mineral density, the particulars of this relationship currently remain uncertain. Objective: The aim of the present investigation is to assess gender differences in the effects of osteoporosis on the body fat mass of the upper and lower extremities. Method: 170 individuals participated (85 males and 85 females) in this study. Patients who presented with bone discomfort consisted of 40 males and 40 females. In addition, 90 apparently he
... Show MoreIn this paper we prove the boundedness of the solutions and their derivatives of the second order ordinary differential equation x ?+f(x) x ?+g(x)=u(t), under certain conditions on f,g and u. Our results are generalization of those given in [1].
In this study the Entrance Surface Dose (ESD) received by pediatrics patients undergoing chest, abdomen and skull X-ray examinations was estimated. The study was conducted in two hospitals in Najaf city where three radiographic systems were considered. The study participants were classified into four age groups 0-1 , 1-5 , 5-10 and 10-15 years. Calculations were performed using exposure factors, kVp, mAs and focal-skin distance, together with patient data age. The ESD was calculated for the involved patients who underwent an Antero-posterior (AP) chest, abdomen and skull X-ray examination. The resulted data were analyzed and compared with international dose references. For all studied radiographic examinations and all X-ray mac
... Show MoreNonlinear time series analysis is one of the most complex problems ; especially the nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous variable (NARX) .Then ; the problem of model identification and the correct orders determination considered the most important problem in the analysis of time series . In this paper , we proposed splines estimation method for model identification , then we used three criterions for the correct orders determination. Where ; proposed method used to estimate the additive splines for model identification , And the rank determination depends on the additive property to avoid the problem of curse dimensionally . The proposed method is one of the nonparametric methods , and the simulation results give a
... Show MoreBackground: Bone mineral density (BMD) has been assessed using Dual-Energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). This procedure is considered to be of vital importance in assessing the general condition of individuals concerning their skeletal mineralization. BMD is measured according to the results of the DEXA examination of the vertebral column and pelvis. Although diabetes mellitus (D.M.)is known to affect BMD, the information regarding this relationship is not currently particularly clear. Objective: This study concentrates on the point that the assessment of BMD for the vertebral column is insuffi-cient to give a realistic and correct picture of the mineralization of the remaining part of the skeleton. Besides, this study elicited a gen
... Show MoreIn this research, the size strain plot method was used to estimate the particle size and lattice strain of CaTiO3 nanoparticles. The SSP method was developed to calculate new variables, namely stress, and strain energy, and the results were crystallite size (44.7181794 nm) lattice strain (0.001211), This method has been modified to calculate new variables such as stress and its value (184.3046308X10-3Mpa) and strain energy and its value (1.115833287X10-6 KJm-3).