واحدة من أكثر مواد السيراميك الهيكلية الواعدة هي كربيد السيليكون(SiC) ، حيث له خصائص حرارية وكهروميكانيكية ممتازة. هذه الخصائص مفيدة ل CMC لتعزيز أداء المركب خاصة عند إضافات النانو المتكاملة. في هذا البحث, تم تصنيع مركب SiC من SiC بثلاثة تركيزات مع ZnO و Si. تم اختبار الخواص المغناطيسية لجميع المخاليط باستخدام مراقبة العينة الاهتزازية (VSM). تم تلبيد العينات الخضراء في فرن التلبيد عند 1600 درجة مئوية في بيئة النيتروجي
... Show MoreLead selenide PbSe thin films of different thicknesses (300, 500, and 700 nm) were deposited under vacuum using thermal evaporation method on glass substrates. X-ray diffraction measurements showed that increasing of thickness lead to well crystallize the prepared samples, such that the crystallite size increases while the dislocation density decreases with thickness increasing. A.C conductivity, dielectric constants, and loss tangent are studied as function to thickness, frequency (10kHz-10MHz) and temperatures (293K-493K). The conductivity measurements confirm confirmed that hopping is the mechanism responsible for the conduction process. Increasing of thickness decreases the thermal activation energy estimated from Arhinus equation is
... Show MoreThe molar ratio(x) of Li-Ni ferrites in the formula Li0.5-0.5xNixFe2.5-
0.5xO4 was varied in range 0.1-1.0 by hydrothermal process. The
XRD, SEM, and TEM tests were conducted to examine the samples
crystalline phase and to characterize the particles shapes and sizes.
The high purity spinel structure was obtained at med and high x
values. SEM and TEM images showed the existence of different
ferrite particles shapes like nanospheres and nanorods. The
maximum particle size is around (20nm). These size encourage
occurrence of super paramagnetic state. The reflection loss and
insertion loss as microwave losses of Li-Ni ferrite-epoxy composite
of 1mm thickness and mixing ratio 39.4 wt was investigated. The
Absorption properties (Attenuation coefficient, the percentage of the reflection, and the percentage of absorption) in x-band have been investigated in this paper for novolac – alumina- graphite mixture. Using novolac as the host material, the samples are prepared with alumina concentrations (5%,10%,15%,20%) and graphite concentrations (5%,10%) with thickness equal to 2.2mm .Network analyzer produced by HP-8510 was used in this work to measure the attenuation coefficient. The samples (3, 5) have good attenuation of wave with bandwidth of frequencies. The maximum of attenuation is -25dB at frequency 10.28GHZ in sample (3) which has concentrations (80%novolac,10%alumina,and 5% graphite) and -24 dB at frequency 10.56GHZ in sample (5) whic
... Show MoreIn this project we analyze data of a large sample of gas rich dwarfs galaxies including; Low Surface Brightness Galaxies (LSBGs), Blue Compact Galaxies (BCGs), and dwarfs Irregulars (dIr). We then study the difference between properties of these galaxies in the range of radio frequencies (B-band). The data are available in HIPASS catalogue and McGaugh’s Data Page. We depended also NASA/IPACExtragalactic Databes web site http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu in the data reduction. We measured the gas evolution (HI mass), gas mass-to-luminosity ratio, and abundance of the elements such as the oxygen abundance for these galaxies. Our results show a
... Show MoreThe Maxwell equations have been formulated for a composite slab waveguide at x-band wave propagation. The eigenvalues of the system equations are obtained by using MATLAB program. These eigenvalues are used to obtain the wave propagation constant and a number of modes inside the slabs. A good correspondence was seen between the number of modes and the cut off thickness. The parameter that affects the performance of waveguide is the slab thickness. The propagation constant is usually adopted to characterize this type of waveguide and show how the cutoff frequency of the mode in the slab is increased dramatically by decreasing the frequency.
Our study focused on lower modes, the results for the transmission coefficient are then used to
In this investigation, the mechanical properties and microstructure of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) of Al.6061 alloy reinforced by ceramic materials SiC and Al2O3 with different additive percentages 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 wt.% for the particle size of 53 µm are studied. Metal matrix composites were prepared by stir casting using vortex technique and then treated thermally by solution heat treatment at 530 0C for 1 hr. and followed by aging at 175 0C with different periods. Mechanical tests were done for the samples before and after heat treatment, such as impact test, hardness test, and tensile test. Also, the microstructure of the metal matrix composites was examine
... Show MoreThe effect of high energy radiation on the energy gap of compound semiconductor Silicon Carbide (SiC) are viewed. Emphasis is placed on those effects which can be interpreted in terms of energy levels. The goal is to develop semiconductors operating at high temperature with low energy gaps by induced permanent damage in SiC irradiated by gamma source. TEACO2 laser used for producing SiC thin films. Spectrophotometer lambda - UV, Visible instrument is used to determine energy gap (Eg). Co-60, Cs-137, and Sr-90 are used to irradiate SiC samples for different time of irradiation. Possible interpretation of the changing in Eg values as the time of irradiation change is discussed