واحدة من أكثر مواد السيراميك الهيكلية الواعدة هي كربيد السيليكون(SiC) ، حيث له خصائص حرارية وكهروميكانيكية ممتازة. هذه الخصائص مفيدة ل CMC لتعزيز أداء المركب خاصة عند إضافات النانو المتكاملة. في هذا البحث, تم تصنيع مركب SiC من SiC بثلاثة تركيزات مع ZnO و Si. تم اختبار الخواص المغناطيسية لجميع المخاليط باستخدام مراقبة العينة الاهتزازية (VSM). تم تلبيد العينات الخضراء في فرن التلبيد عند 1600 درجة مئوية في بيئة النيتروجين. تم اختبار جميع المركبات التي تم الحصول عليها وتوصيفها باستخدام تقنيات و توصيفات مختلفة مثل حيود الأشعة السينية، ومورفولوجيا السطح تمت باستخدام FESEM، ومحلل الشبكة لاختبار الخصائص العازلة للعينات. بناء على بيئة التلبيد، تم اكتشاف نيتريد السيليكون في المركب بسبب عملية النتردة على طول المركب. من ناحية أخرى، تم حساب الخصائص المغناطيسية والامتصاصية لجميع مركبات SiC. تعتبر الخصائص العازلة عالية حيث يميل المركب إلى أن يكون عاكسا في نطاق التردد المنخفض و نافذ كلما زاد التردد على طول نطاق التردد.
The fluctuation properties of energy spectrum, electromagnetic transition intensities and electromagnetic moments in nucleus are investigated with realistic shell model calculations. We find that the spectral fluctuations of are consistent with the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices. Besides, we observe a transition from an order to chaos when the excitation energy is increased and a clear quantum signature of the breaking of chaoticity when the single-particle energies are increased. The distributions of the transition intensities and of the electromagnetic moments are well described by a Porter-Thomas distribution. The statistics of electromagnetic transition intensities clearly deviate from a Porter-Thomas distribution (i
... Show MoreIn this investigation, metal matrix composites (MMCs) were manufactured by using powder technology. Aluminum 6061 is reinforced with two different ceramics particles (SiC and B4C) with different volume fractions as (3, 6, 9 and 12 wt. %). The most important applications of particulate reinforcement of aluminum matrix are: Pistons, Connecting rods etc. The specimens were prepared by using aluminum powder with 150 µm in particle size and SiC, B4C powder with 200 µm in particle size. The chosen powders were mixed by using planetary mixing setup at 250 rpm for 4hr.with zinc stearate as an activator material in steel ball milling. After mixing process the powders were compacted by hydraulic
... Show MoreIn this investigation, the mechanical properties and microstructure of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) of Al.6061 alloy reinforced by ceramic materials SiC and Al2O3 with different additive percentages 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 wt.% for the particle size of 53 µm are studied. Metal matrix composites were prepared by stir casting using vortex technique and then treated thermally by solution heat treatment at 530 0C for 1 hr. and followed by aging at 175 0C with different periods. Mechanical tests were done for the samples before and after heat treatment, such as impact test, hardness test, and tensile test. Also, the microstructure of the metal matrix composites was examine
... Show MoreIn the present work, the nuclear shell model with Hartree–Fock (HF) calculations have been used to investigate the nuclear structure of 24Mg nucleus. Particularly, elastic and inelastic electron scattering form factors and transition probabilities have been calculated for low-lying positive and negative states. The sd and sdpf shell model spaces have been used to calculate the one-body density matrix elements (OBDM) for positive and negative parity states respectively. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) with different parameterizations has been tested with shell model calculation as a single particle potential for reproducing the experimental data along with a harmonic oscillator (HO) and Woods-Saxo
... Show MoreThis work includes design, implementation and testing of a microcontroller – based spectrum analyzer system. Both hardware and software structures are built to verify the main functions that are required by such system. Their design utilizes the permissible and available tools to achieve the main functions of the system in such a way to be modularly permitting any adaptation for a specific changing in the application environment. The analysis technique, mainly, depends on the Fourier analysis based methods of spectral analysis with the necessary required preconditioning processes. The software required for waveform analysis has been prepared. The spectrum of the waveform has been displayed, and the instrument accuracy has been checked.
... Show MoreAluminum Metal Matrix Composites (ALMMCs) was prepared by using stir casting technique for AA 7075 aluminum alloy as a matrix reinforced with SiC particles at various percentages (3, 6, 9 and 12 wt. % ) and 75µm in grain size. The prepared composite material can be used for many applications such as aerospace, automobiles and many industrial sectors. Abrasive wear test was carried out by two stages: the first stage was done by changing the emery papers at various grit sizes 180, 320, 500, and 1000µm with constant applied load 15N. While the second stage was carried out by changing the applied loads 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25N with constant emery paper at 320 µm grit size. Microstructure examination, hardness test and roughn
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