واحدة من أكثر مواد السيراميك الهيكلية الواعدة هي كربيد السيليكون(SiC) ، حيث له خصائص حرارية وكهروميكانيكية ممتازة. هذه الخصائص مفيدة ل CMC لتعزيز أداء المركب خاصة عند إضافات النانو المتكاملة. في هذا البحث, تم تصنيع مركب SiC من SiC بثلاثة تركيزات مع ZnO و Si. تم اختبار الخواص المغناطيسية لجميع المخاليط باستخدام مراقبة العينة الاهتزازية (VSM). تم تلبيد العينات الخضراء في فرن التلبيد عند 1600 درجة مئوية في بيئة النيتروجين. تم اختبار جميع المركبات التي تم الحصول عليها وتوصيفها باستخدام تقنيات و توصيفات مختلفة مثل حيود الأشعة السينية، ومورفولوجيا السطح تمت باستخدام FESEM، ومحلل الشبكة لاختبار الخصائص العازلة للعينات. بناء على بيئة التلبيد، تم اكتشاف نيتريد السيليكون في المركب بسبب عملية النتردة على طول المركب. من ناحية أخرى، تم حساب الخصائص المغناطيسية والامتصاصية لجميع مركبات SiC. تعتبر الخصائص العازلة عالية حيث يميل المركب إلى أن يكون عاكسا في نطاق التردد المنخفض و نافذ كلما زاد التردد على طول نطاق التردد.
This paper presents the design and analysis of composite right left hand (CRLH) electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure. The proposed unit cell is consistent of a dielectric substrate with dimensions of 5×5×1 mm 3 made of FR4-Epoxy with εr = 4.4 underneath of a conductive patch with dimensions of 4.4×4.4mm 2 . The unit cell is structured to perform a negative permittivity (ε) and negative permeability (µ) in different bands. The proposed unit cell is developed to 5G systems in the sub-6GHz bands. In this work, a complete analysis of the unit cell in terms of Sparameters, constitutive parameters and refraction index are evaluated using HFSS simulation package based on Finite Element Method (FEM).
Recent years have witnessed an increase in the use of composite coatings for numerous applications, including aerospace, aircraft, and maritime vessels. These materials owe this popularity surge to the superior strength, weight, stiffness, and electrical insulation they exhibit over conventional substances, such as metals. The growing demand for such materials is accompanied by the inevitable need for fast, accurate, and affordable nondestructive testing techniques to reveal any possible defects within the coatings or any defects under coating. However, typical nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques such as ultrasonic testing (UT), infrared thermography (IRT), eddy current testing (ECT), and laser shearography (LS) have failed to p
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material with porosities ranging from (20-40)% showed effect of volume
fraction of porosity on both thermal and elastic properties. A quadratic relationships, by using a least squares method, is deduced for the dependence of the shear velocity, longitudinal velocity, shear modulus, Young's modulus, bulk modulus, Poisson 's ratio, Debye temperature, specific heat, and thermal conductivity on the total porosity. By these relationships, the thermal and elastic properties results of pore-free alumina were calculated. The elastic properties results of
... Show MoreMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a relatively new class of materials of unique porous structures and exceptional properties. Currently, more than 110,000 types of MOFs have been reported among the countless possibilities. In this study, we have synthesised a novel MOF using zirconium chloride as the metal source and 4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-biquinoline (bicinchoninic acid disodium salt) as the linker, which reacted in N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent. Three preparation methods were employed to prepare five types of the MOF, and they were compared to optimize the synthesis conditions. The resulting MOFs, named Zr-BADS, were characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), microscopy, and
... Show MorePower-electronic converters are essential elements for the effective interconnection of renewable energy sources to the power grid, as well as to include energy storage units, vehicle charging stations, microgrids, etc. Converter models that provide an accurate representation of their wideband operation and interconnection with other active and passive grid components and systems are necessary for reliable steady state and transient analyses during normal or abnormal grid operating conditions. This paper introduces two Laplace domain-based approaches to model buck and boost DC-DC converters for electromagnetic transient studies. The first approach is an analytical one, where the converter is represented by a two-port admittance model via mo
... Show MoreThe Nuclear structure of 110-116Cd isotopes was studied theoretically in the framework of the interacting boson model of IBM-l and IBM-2. The properties of the lowest mixed symmetry states such as the 1+, 2+ and 3+ levels produced by the IBM-2 model in the vibrational-limit U(5) of Cd - isotopes are studied in details. This analysis shows that the character of mixed symmetry of 2+ is shared between and states in 110-114Cd – isotopes, the large shar goes to s, while in isotope, the state is declared as a mixed symmetry state without sharing. This identification is confirmed by the percentage of F-spin contribution. The electromagnetic properties of E2 and Ml operators were investigated and the results were analyzed. Various
... Show MoreThree composite grinding wheel series were prepared using three different ceramic binders . Two of the three series behaved in typical ceramic — type manner in their consolidation behaviour , while the third deviated strongly . The measured mechanical properties behaved in a similar manner . The main reason was found tobe the way the binder material interacts with the SiC — particles . The results are discussed in terms of the rol played by the binder in shaping the final mechanical properties of the composites .
Explain in this study, thickness has an inverse relationship with electrical resistivity and a linear relationship with Grain boundary scattering. According to the (Fuchs-Sondheier, Mayadas-Shatzkces) model, grain boundary scattering leads To an Increase in electrical Resistivity. The surface scattering Coefficient of Ag, which Fuchs-Sondheier and Mayadas-Shatzkces measured at , Ag's grain boundary reflection coefficient , which Mayadas-Shatzkces measured at , If the concentration of material has an effect on metal's electrical properties, According to this silver is a good electrical conductor and is used frequently in electrical and electronic circuits.