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Impact of Glycetin Injection on Productive Traits in local Iraqi Chickens
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Abstract<p>This study aimed to investigate the impact of implementing Glycetin by injection on the productive features of local Iraqi chickens. 100 female hens and 20 roosters from a local Iraqi chicken population, at age 26 weeks. The sample was divided into three groups, in addition to a control group. Each experimental group had 25 female hens, with the same procedure being performed for each individual hen, and 20 roosters, which were reared separately for the purpose of artificial insemination. The avian specimens were housed in separate enclosures, and the experimental conditions were allocated as follows: the initial condition (Control Group) did not receive any injections, whereas conditions T2, T3, and T4 were administered with varying doses of Glycetin at concentrations of 5, 10, and 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, respectively. The results showed improve significant (P<0.05) many aspects such as egg production rate, cumulative egg count, egg mass, egg weight, and feed conversion ratio.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and its Impact on Iraqi National Security
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The Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is one of the most influential elements in the Iraqi national security since 2014. It has a new and effective role in the Iraqi political arena, as a result of participating in combat operations against ISIS in Nineveh Governorate, which prompted several minorities within the province to sympathize with its presence and its role in particular in Sinjar  after ISIS committed the most brutal crimes against the Aizidi minority, Turkey took advantage of the security conditions that Iraq went through after the entry of ISIS into the country to expand its influence in the north, using the pretext of the PKK and the previous agreement between the two countries on border protection. Also, the continued

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 26 2018
Journal Name
International Research Journal Of Pharmacy
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
The Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine
The Impact of rs767455 and rs1061622 Polymorphisms ‎on ‎Treatment Outcomes in Iraqi Ankylosing Spondylitis ‎Patients Taking ‎Etanercept
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Background: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is inflammation of the sacroiliac joints and spine, associated with clinical symptoms such as pain and stiffness in the vertebral column, after which, in a considerable number of individuals, new bone growth occurs. Objective: The current research study attempted to find out whether the presence of SNPs in TNF receptor [TNFRSF1A (rs767455), TNFRSF1B (rs1061622)] encoding genes could influence patients' outcomes to etanercept in a specimen of Iraqi AS patients. Patients and methods: Sixty patients with established AS receiving only etanercept were selected to be enrolled in this research with a mean age of 40.75 ± 8.67 years, 51 patients of them were males and only 9 patients were females. Patients we

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 15 2011
Journal Name
International Journal Of Poultry Science
Influence of Source of Oil Added to Diet on Egg Quality Traits of Laying Quail
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This experiment was performed to investigate the influence of different oils in the diets of laying quail on their egg quality characteristics. One hundred and twenty 7-wk old Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were allocated to four groups with three replicates containing 10 quail each (30 quail per each treatment group). They were fed for 13 weeks (including one week of adaptation period) on diets containing 3% oil from different sources, viz. either sunflower (T1), linseed (T2), maize (T3), or fish oil (T4). Inclusion the diet of laying quail with fish oil (T4) and maize oil (T2) resulted in significant increase with respect to egg weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, yolk diameter, yolk height, albumen diameter, albumen height

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 15 2011
Journal Name
International Journal Of Poultry Science
Influence of Source of Oil Added to Diet on Egg Quality Traits of Laying Quail
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This experiment was performed to investigate the influence of different oils in the diets of laying quail on their egg quality characteristics. One hundred and twenty 7-week-old Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were allocated to four groups with three replicates containing 10 quail each (30 quail per treatment group). They were fed for 13 weeks (including one week of adaptation period) on diets containing 3% oil from different sources, viz., sunflower (T1), linseed (T2), maize (T3), or fish oil (T4). Inclusion of the diet of laying quail with fish oil (T4) and maize oil (T2) resulted in a significant increase with respect to egg weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, yolk diameter, yolk height, albumen diameter, albumen height, sh

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of structural economic imbalances on inflation Case Study of the Iraqi economy
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There is a close relationship between rigidity and distort structure of production and productivity and inflation rates. The effects of this relationship are distorted the contribution rate of the productive sectors and the disproportionate of exchange rate in foreign trade.

raising the general level of prices is one of the way that have been used by previous governments (inflationary financing or deficit financing) in order to speed up the process of capital formation, depending on the availability of economic resources idle.

The fabricating inflation for development does not represent a true understanding of the nature of the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Test the impact of instability on the pattern of spending by the Iraqi consumer
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يحتل موضوع الاستهلاك اهمية كبيرة في الدراسات الاقتصادية في حالتي السلم والحرب وذلك لارتباط هذا الموضوع بالانسان والمجتمع ولكونه احد مؤشرات مستوى الرفاهية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وتزداد اهمية ضبط حركة هذا المتغير السلوكي والكمي في زمن الحرب اكثر مما هو عليه في حالة السلم، في هذا البحث تم استخدام بيانات احصائية عن الانفاق الاستهلاكي الخاص ونصيب الفرد من الدخل القومي اضافة الى الرقم القياسي لاسعار المس

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial Variables and Their Effects on The Development of Bank Credit and Productive Sectors in Iraq Using a Path Analysis Model
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This study aims to measure and analyze the direct and indirect effects of the financial variables, namely (public spending, public revenues, internal debt, and external debt), on the non-oil productive sectors with and without bank credit as an intermediate variable, using quarterly data for the period (2004Q1–2021Q4), converted using Eviews 12. To measure the objective of the study, the path analysis method was used using IBM SPSS-AMOS. The study concluded that the direct and indirect effects of financial variables have a weak role in directing bank credit towards the productive sectors in Iraq, which amounted to (0.18), as a result of market risks or unstable expectations in the economy. In addition to the weak credit ratings of borr

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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The Role of Phenotypic Traits in Interior Spaces: سهير ياسين احمد
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The phenotypic characteristics in the interior spaces are seeing the result of the ability of the designer in his handling of the vocabulary and the elements to deliver a specific meaning for the recipient , and is working to stir up the receiver and make it effective in the process of perception of space. So the theme of the role of phenotypic characteristics is of great significance in the process of analyzing spaces to reach the goal of the main idea , and show those qualities through relationships design in terms of shape, color and texture ... etc. , to reach also designs more beautiful , and creating an internal environment , creative and continuous with its external environment , Hence the importance of research in that it tries t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 24 2023
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Essential Traits of Influential Professors in Virtual Teaching from EFLLs’ Perspectives
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There are numerous ways to define the traits of influential professors, including behavior (such as warmth, civility, and clarity), knowledge (of subject matter and students), and beliefs, among many others. According to research; influential teaching can also defined as the capacity to improve student achievement. This; is only one way to express effectiveness, as stated. However; the preferred definition of high-quality teaching in the United States and many other countries is teacher effects on student achievement. Therefore; this study aimed to determine the characteristics of influential professors in Online Teaching at the English department. This study; believed to be significant for college professors who will show them how

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