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Impact of Glycetin Injection on Productive Traits in local Iraqi Chickens
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Abstract<p>This study aimed to investigate the impact of implementing Glycetin by injection on the productive features of local Iraqi chickens. 100 female hens and 20 roosters from a local Iraqi chicken population, at age 26 weeks. The sample was divided into three groups, in addition to a control group. Each experimental group had 25 female hens, with the same procedure being performed for each individual hen, and 20 roosters, which were reared separately for the purpose of artificial insemination. The avian specimens were housed in separate enclosures, and the experimental conditions were allocated as follows: the initial condition (Control Group) did not receive any injections, whereas conditions T2, T3, and T4 were administered with varying doses of Glycetin at concentrations of 5, 10, and 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, respectively. The results showed improve significant (P<0.05) many aspects such as egg production rate, cumulative egg count, egg mass, egg weight, and feed conversion ratio.</p>
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 02 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Islamic University College
The image of the family in dubbed Turkish series and their potential impact on Iraqi youth
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Since the nineties of the last century, Iraqi youth have been exposed to Mexican soap operas dubbed into classical Arabic, and the stories and ideas presented by these series were almost new to all the minds of the youth at that time, a culture completely different from the culture we have of social relations, and since the number of episodes was more than Of the 100 episodes, exposure to these series has left young people confused by the addiction to all their ideas and stories. They differ from the foreign films (mostly American) that we used to watch, and they only take two hours (at most). These films contain diverse stories and may be forgotten. Memory includes events and characters in their entirety at times, and you may remember th

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Leadership Skills and their Impact on Strategic Planning: Applied Research in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning
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The present search addressed the " leadership skills and their impact on strategic planning " Where has the objective of leadership skills and strategic planning of increasing importance at the present time , for being fairly modern topics ,which have a tremendous impact on the success of organizations..                                                                        &n

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Non Iraqi shares trading on financial investment: An Applied in Iraq stock Exchange
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 The research aims to identify the extent of the impact of non-Iraqi trading of shares in the Iraq Stock Exchange on the overall financial investment in the market size. And it imposes a search and no statistically significant relationship between variable trading non-Iraqis, the size and the total volume of the market and took the search Iraq Stock Exchange sample to search being the only private place to trade securities in Iraq for the period of 2009- 2015 in order to see if there is a positive impact on the size of trading non-Iraqis or not. Search and adopted the annual reports issued by the Iraq Stock Exchange the main conclusion are:

Having a positive effect on the size of the trading of non-Iraqis in the financial vo

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The productive partnership in development communication is an effective strategy for change
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This study can be considered as un introduction to the idioms and the strategy about the productive partnership development connection, that helps the researcher and the organization in their work in to activate development and the natural sources,manegment,to improve the two sides active connected to the local society, and to use it as easier and smoother participation of the people who work in development field and the natural sources management research, That connection depends mostly upon the capability of researcher and the development worker to increase the ability of individual and local society to specify and analyzing their problems and to try solutions to make their life better with good income.   

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of the level of corticosteron hormone in the blood of local Iraqi chicken mothers on the sex ratio of the produced offsprings
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This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between corticosterone hormone in the blood of local Iraqi white chicken mothers and the sexual ratio of the hatching chicks. A field experiment located at the Poultry Research Station, Livestock Department, Agricultural Research Department, Ministry of Agriculture for the period from 16 of September 2018 to 25 of December 2018. One hundred and forty birds of Iraqi local chicken mothers (100 females+ 40 males) at the age of 28 weeks were provided from the poultry research station. The birds were raised in individual cages and distributed sequentially to the cages after the numbering of the females. Data were recorded in three periods, each period was of 28 days, and then the general a

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Diversity of Cultures and Ideologies in Society and its Impact on the Structure of Iraqi press
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The diversity of cultures is still the title of an Iraqi specificity that gave the society a diversity and this is reflected in the journalistic reality with the changing of the political system generate a new political and ideological life that differs from what is prevailed during the decades. However, its exacerbation of the degree of division is an additional duty for the press as a cultural platform and a knowledge bridge that contributes to the process of dialogue, addressing the differences, establishing a politically homogeneous structure through the state and socially by uniting all components of society and working to raise public awareness of the importance of national belonging to build a modern state. Cultural diversity is a

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Injection Temperature Effects on the Properties of High Density Polyethylene Crates
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This study was undertaken to provide more insight on the optimum injection temperature used for the production of PE crates, thereby saving time and money, and improving part quality. The work included processing trails of HDPE crates in an injection
molding machine at five temperatures ranged from 220 to 300°C. Both Rheological and mechanical characterization was conducted in order to understand the effect of injection temperature on the properties of crates. Oven aging was also applied for (4 weeks) to evaluate the long-term thermal stability. The results revealed that producing the crates at a temperature range of (260-280 °C) gives the best rheological and mechanical result. The lowest drop in thermal stability has been observed

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement of the blood characteristics of the broiler chickens by addition tryptophan acid supplement levels in ration
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This study were implemented on (60) broiler chick with one day age divided into three equal groups , first one was given basal diet while group two and three given adiet contain 0.01% ,0.02% tryptophan respectively for 7 weeks . The results show that the chicks recevd the tryptophan have asigneficant increasment in hemoglobin concentration, red blood cells count, packed cell volume and increased the level of globuline concentration and lymphocyte % which mean that the addition of tryptophan improve blood picture charactores and the immunity of the broiler chickens and this evident from the good health state and decrease the mortality among birds .

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Non-Productive Time Reduction during Oil Wells Drilling Operations
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Often there is no well drilling without problems. The solution lies in managing and evaluating these problems and developing strategies to manage and scale them. Non-productive time (NPT) is one of the main causes of delayed drilling operations. Many events or possibilities can lead to a halt in drilling operations or a marginal decrease in the advancement of drilling, this is called (NPT). Reducing NPT has an important impact on the total expenditure, time and cost are considered one of the most important success factors in the oil industry. In other words, steps must be taken to investigate and eliminate loss of time, that is, unproductive time in the drilling rig in order to save time and cost and reduce wasted time. The data of

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internet banking services and their impact on customer's: Applied Research on Sample of Iraqi Commercial Banks
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This research examines the issue of Internet banking services and their impact on customer's perceived value to know the potential of Iraqi commercial Banks to provide Internet banking services as well as determine the customer's level of perception of the value of such services. The research aims to demonstrate the effect that Internet banking services have on the customer's perceived value and to find how online banking services can be used to add value that the customer perceive. The main findings were that research sample banks don't have a sophisticated network of electronic Windows through which banking services are provided to allow customers to manage their accounts, and perform various operational operations through the

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