الملخص: لتحقيق أهداف البحث قامت الباحثتان ببناء مقياس للتفكك الاسري اعتمادا على نظرية (باندورا) وتكون بصورته النهائية من (24) فقرة ، وطبق المقياس على عينة البحث البالغة (150) تلميذ وتلميذة تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة من مجتمع البحث ،وبعد جمع البيانات تم معالجتها باستعمال الوسائل الإحصائية منها الاختبار التائي، وتحليل التباين الرباعي والاختبار الفائي، وتوصل البحث الى النتائج الأتية :ان أفراد عينة البحث لديهم درجة منخفضة على مقياس التفكك الاسري، لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة احصائية في التفكك الاسري لعينة البحث تبعا لمتغير النوع (ذكور، اناث) ،وتبعا لمتغير عمل الاب (موظف -غير موظف)،و تبعا للتفاعل بين المتغيرات الجنس وعمل الاب وعمل الام ومكان العيش، بينما توجد فروق ذات دلالة احصائية في التفكك الاسري لعينة البحث تبعا لمتغير معيشة التلاميذ(مع الوالدين يعيشان سويا او منفصلين).
The dialogue considers a method and life curriculum help to solve many problems as well as the best way to build a healthy family setting supports the growth of children and leads to the formation sound, strong and positive character. It also supports the family relationship. many of family members needs may achieve through what prevails among them such as continuing a comprehensive and deep combines word, deed and feeling it enters the body and soul . So each part strengthens by the other part and exchanges effect The deep domestic dialogue opens hearts between parents and children Family increases more loving , intimacy , honesty and happiness. So the domestic dialogue became an urgent necessity in the light of many socia
... Show MoreThis research aims at measuring the relationship between moral intelligence and academic adjustment for sixth year primary School Pupils.
The research is assigned to sixth year primary school pupils- Baghdad –the 2nd karkh of the both genders .The total sample includes (500) pupils .The researchers has built two scales one for Moral Intelligence and another for Academic Adjustment and applied them on the total sample of the research .The researchers treated data by appropriate statistical means .The research has reached the following results:
- The pupils of sixth year primary school characterized by Moral Intelligence.
- The
الملخص : يعد السلوك التوكيدي من السلوكيات الضرورية للإنسان خصوصاً في مرحلة الطفولة لأنها هي مرحلة تكوين الشخصية وترسيخها لديهم ولأن الطفل الذي يفتقد السلوك التوكيدي، سوف يفشل في التعبير عن مشاعره وآراءه وهذه تشكل مشكلة خصوصاً في السنوات الأخيرة أذ قلت المبادئ والأخلاق الحميدة بسبب التغيرات التي طرأت على شعبنا التي لابد على الوالدين من تلافيها والسيطرة على التلميذ وتزويده بالحب والعاطفة وأشعاره بأنه محبوب
... Show MoreThe purposes of study are to measure the perceived competence and the locus of control among sixth-grade students, to identify the statistical differences between the perceived competence and the locus of control among sixth-grade students regarding the variable of gender, achievement, and economical status, and lastly, explore the correlation relationship between perceived competence and locus of control among sixth-grade students, To do this, the researchers have constructed two scales: one to measure the perceived competence based on bandura's theory (social-cognitive theory) which consisted of (26) items and the other to measure the locus of control based on Rotter's theory (social-learning theory) which included (25) items. The samp
... Show Moreتتركز اهمية البحث الحالي في ان المجتمع العراقي يعد واحداًمن المجتمعات التي تتعرض يومياً الى احداث صدمية كثيرة ومتعاقبة . وأن ندرة الدراسات العراقية . وخصوصاً دراسة الاطفال الذين تعرضوا لهذه الاحداث ومدى قدرتهم على مواجهتها سواء اكانت هذه المواجهة عن طريق التعرض المباشر للحدث او عن طريق سماع تلك الاحداث من خلال الناس ، قد تسبب آثاراً نفسية تتضاعف بمرور الوقت . وتأتي اهمية البحث الحالي من خلال التع
... Show MoreRecent research looking for acknowledgment of strategically influence of Robinson and self question at progressing the reading comprehension for students of sixth class .
To achieve research goal so the researcher mentally chose primary sixth class at the school (Tashti the primary) that followed education directorate of province (Jamjamal)/Suliymania for the scholastic year 2012-2013 as application field for their experiment of boys' number reached to (95) (female and male)students in reality (32) of the first experimental group and (31) student (female and male) from controlled group, the researcher rewarded between of three variable groups (timing period, intelligence ,Kurdish language degr
... Show Moreتعاني الطفولة العراقية منذ عدة سنوات نزاعات وحروب جعلت حياتهم رهينة ظروف استثنائية بأستمرار نتيجة تعرضهم للضغوط الصدمية والتي تؤدي الى ارتفاع مستوى التوتر . ومن هنا تبلورت مشكلة البحث الحالي من خلال الاجابة عن الأسئلة التالية :-
- ما هي الضغوط الصدمية التي واجهها تلامذة الصف الخامس الابتدائي .
- ما هي علاقة الضغوط الصدمية بالتحصيل الدراسي لدى تلامذة الصف الخامس ال
The research aims at:
1 - Detection of the degree of social values (truthfulness, honesty, cooperation) of the
primary first class students who compose members of the research sample in general.
2 - Are there significant differences at the level (0,05%) between the average degree of
members of the research sample in the values (truthfulness, honesty, cooperation) among
students enrolled and not enrolled in kindergarten and in general.
3 - Are there significant differences at the level (0,05%) between the mean scores of
individuals in the sample values (truthfulness, honesty, cooperation) in the light of two
variables: A - Gender (male / female), b - enrolled and not enrolled in kindergarten.
Having in mind that
This current study aims to:
1st: The recognizing of Alexithymia level for 6th grade students (Study Specimen) through the next Zero Hypothesis:1. There are no statistically significant differences at (0.05) level between the arithmetic mean of the specimen degrees as a whole and the central assumption for the scale of the lack in emotions expression
2. There are no statistically significant differences at (0.05) level between the arithmetic mean of the male students specimen and the arithmetic meanc of the female students specimen for the scale of Alexithymia.
2nd: ldentification the level of the emotional intelligence among 6th grade students (Study Specimen) through the next Zero Hypothesis:
1) There are no statistically si
This study was aimed to explore the impact of a practical program on supporting and reducing
symptoms of school bulling victims in a sample of student in the sixth grade. The study sample consisted of (18)
students that have been chosen from two schools (Al-Abass and Alataa’) it was an intended sample, because
there were enough student with high scores in bulling victims diagnostics test, the sample was divided into two
groups: the control group of (9) student from (Alataa’) school, and the experimental group consisted of (9)
student from Alabass) school keeping in mind to keep the two groups equivalent in maintaining equal controls.
The researcher applied the practical program which is based on cognitive behavioral