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The Jurisprudence of Clans in the Balance of Social Jurisprudence (Criticism and Analysis)
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It is known that the science of jurisprudence is one of the most important Islamic sciences. Because it is a science that regulates the life of man and society and provides them with happiness in this world and the hereafter, if they follow its provisions with precision and care. The importance of this topic lies in the fact that it represents an urgent social need to show the compatibility of tribal customs with social jurisprudence. The job of the jurists was and still is to clarify the legal rulings according to what the Holy Qur’an has shown, and what has been reported on the authority of the Great Prophet (6) and the pure imams (:).It is no secret to everyone that the Islamic civilization is (the civilization of jurisprudence), just as the Greek civilization is (the civilization of philosophy); Therefore, the jurists or researchers in the field of jurisprudence did not call small or large unless they were written about it.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
2022 International Conference On Data Science And Intelligent Computing (icdsic)
An improved Bi-LSTM performance using Dt-WE for implicit aspect extraction
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In aspect-based sentiment analysis ABSA, implicit aspects extraction is a fine-grained task aim for extracting the hidden aspect in the in-context meaning of the online reviews. Previous methods have shown that handcrafted rules interpolated in neural network architecture are a promising method for this task. In this work, we reduced the needs for the crafted rules that wastefully must be articulated for the new training domains or text data, instead proposing a new architecture relied on the multi-label neural learning. The key idea is to attain the semantic regularities of the explicit and implicit aspects using vectors of word embeddings and interpolate that as a front layer in the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Bi-LSTM. First, we

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
مجلة كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصادية الجامعة
Proposed family speech recognition
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Speech recognition is a very important field that can be used in many applications such as controlling to protect area, banking, transaction over telephone network database access service, voice email, investigations, House controlling and management ... etc. Speech recognition systems can be used in two modes: to identify a particular person or to verify a person’s claimed identity. The family speaker recognition is a modern field in the speaker recognition. Many family speakers have similarity in the characteristics and hard to identify between them. Today, the scope of speech recognition is limited to speech collected from cooperative users in real world office environments and without adverse microphone or channel impairments.

Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Data Classification using Quantum Neural Network
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In this paper, integrated quantum neural network (QNN), which is a class of feedforward

neural networks (FFNN’s), is performed through emerging quantum computing (QC) with artificial neural network(ANN) classifier. It is used in data classification technique, and here iris flower data is used as a classification signals. For this purpose independent component analysis (ICA) is used as a feature extraction technique after normalization of these signals, the architecture of (QNN’s) has inherently built in fuzzy, hidden units of these networks (QNN’s) to develop quantized representations of sample information provided by the training data set in various graded levels of certainty. Experimental results presented here show that

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 06 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Bone Defect Animal Model for Hybrid Polymer Matrix Nano Composite as Bone Substitute Biomaterials
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Addition of bioactive materials such as Titanium oxide (TiO2), and incorporation of bio inert ceramic such as alumina (Al2O3), into polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has been adopted as an effective approach to improve bone-implant interfaces. In this paper, hot pressing technique has been adopted as a production method. This technique gave a homogenous distribution of the additive materials in the proposed composite biomaterial. Different compositions and compounding temperatures have been applied to all samples. Mechanical properties and animal model have been studied in all different production conditions. The results of these new TiO2/Al2O3/PEEK biocomposites with different

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Applied System Innovation
Earthquake Hazard Mitigation for Uncertain Building Systems Based on Adaptive Synergetic Control
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This study presents an adaptive control scheme based on synergetic control theory for suppressing the vibration of building structures due to earthquake. The control key for the proposed controller is based on a magneto-rheological (MR) damper, which supports the building. According to Lyapunov-based stability analysis, an adaptive synergetic control (ASC) strategy was established under variation of the stiffness and viscosity coefficients in the vibrated building. The control and adaptive laws of the ASC were developed to ensure the stability of the controlled structure. The proposed controller addresses the suppression problem of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) building model, and an earthquake control scenario was conducted and simulat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Direction Finding Using GHA Neural Networks
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 This paper adapted the neural network for the estimating of the direction of arrival (DOA). It uses an unsupervised adaptive neural network with GHA algorithm to extract the principal components that in turn, are used by Capon method to estimate the DOA, where by the PCA neural network we take signal subspace only and use it in Capon (i.e. we will ignore the noise subspace, and take the signal subspace only).



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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Load Distribution Factors For Horizontally Curved Composite Concrete-Steel Girder Bridges
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This paper focuses on Load distribution factors for horizontally curved composite concrete-steel girder bridges. The finite-element analysis software“SAP2000” is used to examine the key parameters that can influence the distribution factors for horizontally curved composite steel
girders. A parametric study is conducted to study the load distribution characteristics of such bridge system due to dead loading and AASHTO truck loading using finite elements method. The key parameters considered in this study are: span-to-radius of curvature ratio, span length, number of girders, girders spacing, number of lanes, and truck loading conditions. The results have shown that the curvature is the most critical factor which plays an important

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solid Waste Treatment Using Multi-Criteria Decision Support Methods Case Study Lattakia City
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Lattakia city faces many problems related to the mismanagement of solid waste, as the disposal process is limited to the random Al-Bassa landfill without treatment. Therefore, solid waste management poses a special challenge to decision-makers by choosing the appropriate tool that supports strategic decisions in choosing municipal solid waste treatment methods and evaluating their management systems. As the human is primarily responsible for the formation of waste, this study aims to measure the degree of environmental awareness in the Lattakia Governorate from the point of view of the research sample members and to discuss the effect of the studied variables (place of residence, educational level, gender, age, and professional status) o

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