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Effect of High Salt Concentrations on some Growth Characteristics and Feed Intake Rate of Ctenopharyngodon idella
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Abstract<p>Grass carp at a weight of 34.68 + 2 g were gradually exposed to four saline concentrations: tap water (0.1), 3, 6, 9, and 12 gm/litter, and the first concentration represented a control treatment. Fish were fed on a diet with a protein content of 30% for ten weeks. Results of the growth experiment showed that the feed conversion rate was 2.46, 3.58, 4.84, 6.77, and -8.56 in the first to fifth treatments, respectively, and the rate feed conversion efficiency was 40.65, 27. 93, 20.66, 14.77 and 11.68 %, while the protein intake was 22.38, 20.44, 18.86, 17.47 and 16.56 g in salt concentrations of 0.1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 g/L, respectively. In another experiment to study the effect of salt acclimatization on the rate of feed intake, grass carp with an average weight of 25.66 + 2 gm were exposed to the previous salt concentrations and fed on the same ratio in the growth experiment. Feed intake as a percentage of body weight amounted to 4.62, 4.12, 3.78, 3.24, and 2.48% respectively. It was concluded from the current study that the growth characteristics of grass carp were negatively affected by high salt concentrations.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Gibberellic Acid and Brassinolide and Their Interaction on Some Chemical Characteristics of Plant Dill Anethum graveolens L.
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   The experiment for the growing season. 2015-2016 to study the effect of gibberellic acid at concentrations (0 and 50)mgL-1 and BL at five concentrations (0, 0.5 ,1 ,2 and 3)mg.L-1 and their interaction on some chemical characteristics for Dill plant . The experiment was designed according to Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates per treatment, using less significant difference at the level of probability (0.05) , the results showed the following:- 1- The effect of brassinolide with it,s concentrations led to obtain on a significant increase in all the studied characteristics, so the superiority of the concentration of 2 mg.L -1 of brassinolide in each of nitrogen, potassium and protein, And the superi

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Effect of Gamma Radiation on the A.C Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Prepared Pure and Doped Polyaniline Salt
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Purepolyaniline and doped with hydrochloric acid was prepared in different molarities at room temperature. The a.c electrical properties were stadied.AC conductivityσac (ω), is found to vary as ωS in the frequency range (100Hz-10MH), S< 1and decreases indicating a dominate hopping process. Thedielectric constant ε1and dielectric loss ε2 have been determined for bulk polyaniline. ε1 decrease with the increase frequency. Electrical conductivity measurements increase with the increases both of the amount of HCl and the dose of radiation. The dielectric investigations show decrease with dose radiation.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation & Analysis Relationship between Growth rate GDP and Unemployment Rate In Iraqi Economic in Period (1990-2014)
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It reflects the gross domestic product in any country total output of goods and services by the size of the country's citizens and foreign residents during the period of the year and reflect the contribution of the commodity sectors of the economy and the distribution and service in the composition of output. And gross domestic product in Iraq as an indicator dominated in the composition of oil output, along with the contribution of the service sector, as the gross domestic product is the output of a yield lien   and subjected GDP in Iraq to a series of declines succession due to vibrations of the oil market during the economic blockade on the one hand and stop imported production inputs, lack of arriving in commodity s

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Efficacy of Feed Restriction Program on Broiler Production: A Review:
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Poultry often intake energy to meet their energy needs, which is associated with both more fat and protein deposition, which is also conditioned by the presence of adequate other nutritional nutrients. The most significant supplement in creature sustenance or diets is protein, with exceptional thought given to the proportion among energy and protein in consumes less calories (energy: protein ratio EPR). This implies that a specific protein level relates with the fundamental measure of energy in the eating regimen. The article evaluated the manipulation of energy to protein ratio and its effect on broiler performance and carcass lipid profile. The author's methodology depends on analyzing and comparing other scientists’ studies and work

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Lactobacillus salivarius supernatant against growth and biofilm formation of some pathogenic microorganisms
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The Inhbititory effect of cocentrated and non-cocentrated supernatant of the probiotic Lactobacillus salivarius against growth of some potential pathogenic microorganisms which included Pseudomonas eruginosa, Klebsiella spp, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. The results were diffusion assay revealed that concentrated and non-concentrated supernatant had inhitory effect against pathogenic bacteria with inhibition zone renged between 13-17mm while inhibition effect of concentrated supernatant against C.albicans was inhibition zone 8mm. On the other hand, the effect of these suprnatant against biofilm formation of the tested microorganisms was studied. The result showed that the concentrated supernatant had inhibitory effect on biofil

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural & Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الرافدين للعلوم الرياضية
Fartlek exercises and their effect on molecular biology (vascular endothelial growth factor-basic fibroblast growth factor) and some physical variables for players 800m arena and field for youth
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The study aimed to : - To determine whether there are significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in the molecular biology (VEGF - basal fibroblast growth factor) for arena and field players in an (800m) youth event. - Determine whether there are statistically significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in molecular biology and some physical variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. - Determine whether the Fartlek training method is the most appropriate to achieve statistically significant differences in the research variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. The researchers used the experimental method for its suitability and the nature of the rese

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Fluorine and Hydrogen Concentrations on the Chain Reaction of HF Chemical Laser
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A numerical investigation has been performed to examine the effect of fluorine concentration on the chain reaction mechanisms and parameters of hydrogen fluoride (HF) chemical laser. The practical difficulties associated with this type of lasers impose that an alternative route might be quite useful. Thus, particular attention was paid to develop a computer program to investigate various processes. The results of this computer simulation program proved their credibility when compared with the little published data. This computer program is called Reaction Rate Simulation Model (RRSM). An entirely new approach to emulate the reaction mechanisms has been followed. The effectiveness of reaction rates in the processes of HF lase

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Volatile oil extracted from Citrus grandis yellow peel on growth of some food borne microorganisms
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     The study is conducted to investigate the effect of volatile oil extracted from the yellow peel of C. grandis fruits (Sindi) on growth of three bacterial species isolated from food samples , as well as A. flavus , and to check the possibility of using the volatile oils of this plant as a food preservative .     Results showed a variation in the sensitivity of the bacterial isolates against the volatile oil which showed inhibitory effect on the growth of S. enteritidis and    S. aureus with the increasing concentration of the volatile oils used in this studys , MIC for both bacteria was (0.12 , 1)% (v:v) respectively. Whereas , P. aeruginosa showed complete resistance to all trea

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
• Effect of Fruiting Form’s Removal on Growth and Yield of Cotton
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Field experiment was conducted during 2007 in the experimental field of crop science Department/ Collage of Agriculture/ University of Baghdad, in order to identify the mechanism of compensation of cotton plant of Lashata Variety, with different levels of fruiting form removal in various time intervals and the effect of this factor on yield component. We use complete randomized block design with three replications. To compare the treatments: (control), 50% bud removal for one, two and three successive weeks, and 100% bud removal for one, two and three successive weeks, 50% flower removal for one, two and three successive weeks and 100% flower removal for one, two and three successive weeks, 50% boll removal for one, two and three successive

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