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Distribution of Petrophysical Properties Based on Conceptual Facies Model, Mishrif Reservoir/South of Iraq

A 3D geological model is an essential step to reveal reservoir heterogeneity and reservoir properties distribution. In the present study, a three-dimensional geological model for the Mishrif reservoir was built based on data obtained from seven wells and core data. The methodology includes building a 3D grid and populating it with petrophysical properties such as (facies, porosity, water saturation, and net to gross ratio). The structural model was built based on a base contour map obtained from 2D seismic interpretation along with well tops from seven wells. A simple grid method was used to build the structural framework with 234x278x91 grid cells in the X, Y, and Z directions, respectively, with lengths equal to 150 meters. The total number of grids is (5919732) in the geological model. CPI (computer-processed interpretation) for 7 wells contain (facies, porosity, water saturation, and NTG) was imported to Petrel 2016 software. Facies log was upscaled and distributed along the 3D grid. Truncated Gaussian with trend method was used to distribute the facies taking into account the conceptual facies model of the Mishrif formation. The result shows that the trend of sedimentation suggests a retrogradation pattern from NW to SE. Facies1 (Reservoir), dominated by Limestone brown to light brown, with oil shows has good distribution within the area and thinning towards the NW. The petrophysical properties (porosity, water saturation, NTG, and permeability) were distributed using the Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SIS) method and the facies model as a guide for distribution. The results show that petrophysical properties enhanced in the southeast area, representing the reef region compared to the northwest side of the study area. Unit Mishrif B had the highest porosity value and lower water saturation value along the entire field. While the units Mishrif B1, B2, and B3 show a gradual decrease in reservoir properties towards the field's southeast side. The results also show that the conceptual facies model has great benefit in constructing the 3D geological model, reflecting the geological knowledge used to correctly distribute the reservoir properties (porosity and water saturation).

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 02 2014
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Petrophysical evaluation study of Khasib Formation in Amara oil field, South Eastern Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Petrophysical Characterization and Lithology of the Mishrif Formation in Ratawi Oil Field, Southern Iraq

The Ratawi Oil Field (ROF) is one of Iraq's most important oil fields because of its significant economic oil reserves. The major oil reserves of ROF are in the Mishrif Formation. The main objective of this paper is to assess the petrophysical properties, lithology identification, and hydrocarbon potential of the Mishrif Formation using interpreting data from five open-hole logs of wells RT-2, RT-4, RT-5, RT-6, and RT-42. Understanding reservoir properties allows for a more accurate assessment of recoverable oil reserves. The rock type (limestone) and permeability variations help tailor oil extraction methods, extraction methods and improving recovery techniques. The petrophysical properties were calculated using Interactive Petroph

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Spatial Data Analysis for Geostatistical Modeling of Petrophysical Properties for Mishrif Formaiton, Nasiriya Oil Field

Spatial data analysis is performed in order to remove the skewness, a measure of the asymmetry of the probablitiy distribution. It also improve the normality, a key concept of statistics from the concept of normal distribution “bell shape”, of the properties like improving the normality porosity, permeability and saturation which can be are visualized by using histograms. Three steps of spatial analysis are involved here; exploratory data analysis, variogram analysis and finally distributing the properties by using geostatistical algorithms for the properties. Mishrif Formation (unit MB1) in Nasiriya Oil Field was chosen to analyze and model the data for the first eight wells. The field is an anticline structure with northwest- south

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
A Review on Pressure Transient Analysis in Multilayer Reservoir: South Iraq Case Study

Multilayer reservoirs are currently modeled as a single zone system by averaging the reservoir parameters associated with each reservoir zone. However, this type of modeling is rarely accurate because a single zone system does not account for the fact that each zone's pressure decreases independently. Pressure drop for each zone has an effect on the total output and would result in inter-flow and the premature depletion of one of the zones. Understanding reservoir performance requires a precise estimation of each layer's permeability and skin factor. The Multilayer Transient Analysis is a well-testing technique designed to determine formation properties in more than one layer, and its effectiveness over the past two decades has been

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Flow units and rock type for reservoir characterization in carbonate reservoir: case study, south of Iraq
Abstract<p>The current work is focused on the rock typing and flow unit classification for reservoir characterization in carbonate reservoir, a Yamama Reservoir in south of Iraq (Ratawi Field) has been selected, and the study is depending on the logs and cores data from five wells which penetrate Yamama formation. Yamama Reservoir was divided into twenty flow units and rock types, depending on the Microfacies and Electrofacies Character, the well logs pattern, Porosity–Water saturation relationship, flow zone indicator (FZI) method, capillary pressure analysis, and Porosity–Permeability relationship (R35) and cluster analysis method. Four rock types and groups have been identified in the Yamama formation de</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Permeability Prediction and Facies Distribution for Yamama Reservoir in Faihaa Oil Field: Role of Machine Learning and Cluster Analysis Approach

Empirical and statistical methodologies have been established to acquire accurate permeability identification and reservoir characterization, based on the rock type and reservoir performance. The identification of rock facies is usually done by either using core analysis to visually interpret lithofacies or indirectly based on well-log data. The use of well-log data for traditional facies prediction is characterized by uncertainties and can be time-consuming, particularly when working with large datasets. Thus, Machine Learning can be used to predict patterns more efficiently when applied to large data. Taking into account the electrofacies distribution, this work was conducted to predict permeability for the four wells, FH1, FH2, F

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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Geological Model of the Tight Reservoir (Sadi Reservoir-Southern of Iraq)

A3D geological model was constructed for Al-Sadi reservoir/ Halfaya Oil Field which is discovered in 1976 and located 35 km from Amara city, southern of Iraq towards the Iraqi/ Iranian borders.

Petrel 2014 was used to build the geological model. This model was created depending on the available information about the reservoir under study such as 2D seismic map, top and bottom of wells, geological data & well log analysis (CPI). However, the reservoir was sub-divided into 132x117x80 grid cells in the X, Y&Z directions respectively, in order to well represent the entire Al-Sadi reservoir.

Well log interpretation (CPI) and core data for the existing 6 wells were the basis of the petrophysical model (

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
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Sedimentological characterization of the mid-Cretaceous Mishrif reservoir in southern Mesopotamian Basin, Iraq
ABSTRACT<p>The CenomanianÐEarly Turonian reservoirs of the Mishrif Formation of the Mesopotamian Basin hold more than one-third of the proven Iraqi oil reserves. Difficulty in predicting the presence of these mostly rudistic reservoir units is mainly due to the complex paleogeography of the Mishrif depositional basin, which has not been helped by numerous previous studies using differing facies schemes over local areas. Here we present a regional microfacies-based study that incorporates earlier data into a comprehensive facies model. This shows that extensive accumulation of rudist banks usually occurred along an exterior shelf margin of the basin along an axis that runs from Hamrin to Badra a</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
WITHDRAWN: Application of net pay for reservoir characterization in carbonate reservoir rock – Case study: South-eastern of Iraq

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Integrating Petrophysical and Geomechanical Rock Properties for Determination of Fracability of the Iraqi Tight Oil Reservoir

Tight oil reservoirs have been a concerned of the oil industry due to their substantial influence on oil production. Due to their poor permeability, numerous problems are encountered while producing from tight reservoirs. Petrophysical and geomechanical rock properties are essential for understanding and assessing the fracability of reservoirs, especially tight reservoirs, to enhance permeability. In this study, Saadi B reservoir in Halfaya Iraqi oil field is considered as the main tight reservoir. Petrophysical and geomechanical properties have been estimated using full-set well logs for a vertical well that penetrates Saadi reservoir and validated with support of diagnostic fracture injection test data employing standard equations

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