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Geological Model of the Tight Reservoir (Sadi Reservoir-Southern of Iraq)
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A3D geological model was constructed for Al-Sadi reservoir/ Halfaya Oil Field which is discovered in 1976 and located 35 km from Amara city, southern of Iraq towards the Iraqi/ Iranian borders.

Petrel 2014 was used to build the geological model. This model was created depending on the available information about the reservoir under study such as 2D seismic map, top and bottom of wells, geological data & well log analysis (CPI). However, the reservoir was sub-divided into 132x117x80 grid cells in the X, Y&Z directions respectively, in order to well represent the entire Al-Sadi reservoir.

Well log interpretation (CPI) and core data for the existing 6 wells were the basis of the petrophysical model (Porosity, Water saturation, & Permeability) that were distributed for all the created grids and then upscaled.


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Publication Date
Thu Feb 13 2020
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of 3D Geological Model and Analysis of the Uncertainty in a Tight Oil Reservoir in the Halfaya Oil Field
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A geological model was built for the Sadi reservoir, located at the Halfaya oil field. It is regarded as one of the most significant oilfields in Iraq. The study includes several steps, the most essential of which was importing well logs from six oil wells to the Interactive Petrophysics software for conducting interpretation and analysis to calculate the petrophysical properties such as permeability, porosity, shale volume, water saturation, and NTG and then importing maps and the well tops to the Petrel software to build the 3D-Geological model and to calculate the value of the original oil in place. Three geological surfaces were produced for all Sadi units based on well-top data and the top Sadi structural map. The reservoir has

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Reservoir Model and Production Strategy of Mishrif Reservoir-Nasryia Oil Field Southern Iraq
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Nasryia oil field is located about 38 Km to the north-west of Nasryia city. The field was discovered in 1975 after doing seismic by Iraqi national oil company. Mishrif formation is a carbonate rock (Limestone and Dolomite) and its thickness reach to 170m. The main reservoir is the lower Mishrif (MB) layer which has medium permeability (3.5-100) md and good porosity (10-25) %. Form well logging interpretation, it has been confirmed the rock type of Mishrif formation as carbonate rock. A ten meter shale layer is separating the MA from MB layer. Environmental corrections had been applied on well logs to use the corrected one in the analysis. The combination of Neutron-Density porosity has been chosen for interpretation as it is c

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Construction of Comprehensive Geological Model for an Iraqi Oil Reservoir
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The paper generates a geological model of a giant Middle East oil reservoir, the model constructed based on the field data of 161 wells. The main aim of the paper was to recognize the value of the reservoir to investigate the feasibility of working on the reservoir modeling prior to the final decision of the investment for further development of this oilfield. Well log, deviation survey, 2D/3D interpreted seismic structural maps, facies, and core test were utilized to construct the developed geological model based on comprehensive interpretation and correlation processes using the PETREL platform. The geological model mainly aims to estimate stock-tank oil initially in place of the reservoir. In addition, three scenarios were applie

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Building Geological Model for Tertiary Reservoir of Exploration Ismail Oil Field, North Iraq
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Geologic modeling is the art of constructing a structural and stratigraphic model of a reservoir from analyses and interpretations of seismic data, log data, core data, etc. ‎[1].

   A static reservoir model typically involves four main stages, these stages are Structural modeling, Stratigraphic modeling, Lithological modeling and Petrophysical modeling ‎[2].

   Ismail field is exploration structure, located in the north Iraq, about 55 km north-west of Kirkuk city, to the north-west of the Bai Hassan field, the distance between the Bai Hassan field and Ismael field is about one kilometer ‎[3].

   Tertiary period reservoir sequences (Main Limestone), which comprise many economica

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geological Model for Mauddud Reservoir Khabaz Oil Field
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The Mauddud reservoir, Khabaz oil field which is considered one of the main carbonate reservoirs in the north of Iraq. Recognizing carbonate reservoirs represents challenges to engineers because reservoirs almost tend to be tight and overall heterogeneous. The current study concerns with geological modeling of the reservoir is an oil-bearing with the original gas cap. The geological model is establishing for the reservoir by identifying the facies and evaluating the petrophysical properties of this complex reservoir, and calculate the amount of hydrocarbon. When completed the processing of data by IP interactive petrophysics software, and the permeability of a reservoir was calculated using the concept of hydraulic units then, there

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Geological Model of Khasib Reservoir- Central Area/East Baghdad Field
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The Geological modeling has been constructed by using Petrel E&P software to incorporate data, for improved Three-dimensional models of porosity model, water saturation, permeability estimated from core data, well log interpretation, and fault analysis modeling.

Three-dimensional geological models attributed with physical properties constructed from primary geological data. The reservoir contains a huge hydrocarbon accumulation, a unique geological model characterization with faults, high heterogeneity, and a very complex field in nature.

The results of this study show that the Three-dimensional geological model of Khasib reservoir, to build the reservoir model starting with evaluation of reservoir to interpretation o

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Petrophysical Analysis Based on Well Logging Data for Tight Carbonate Reservoir: The SADI Formation Case in Halfaya Oil Field
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Carbonate reservoirs are an essential source of hydrocarbons worldwide, and their petrophysical properties play a crucial role in hydrocarbon production. Carbonate reservoirs' most critical petrophysical properties are porosity, permeability, and water saturation. A tight reservoir refers to a reservoir with low porosity and permeability, which means it is difficult for fluids to move from one side to another. This study's primary goal is to evaluate reservoir properties and lithological identification of the SADI Formation in the Halfaya oil field. It is considered one of Iraq's most significant oilfields, 35 km south of Amarah. The Sadi formation consists of four units: A, B1, B2, and B3. Sadi A was excluded as it was not filled with h

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geological Model for Jeribe/Euphrates Formation, Tertiary Reservoir in Qaiyarah Oil Field, North of Iraq
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Visualization of subsurface geology is mainly considered as the framework of the required structure to provide distribution of petrophysical properties. The geological model helps to understand the behavior of the fluid flow in the porous media that is affected by heterogeneity of the reservoir and helps in calculating the initial oil in place as well as selecting accurate new well location. In this study, a geological model is built for Qaiyarah field, tertiary reservoir, relying on well data from 48 wells, including the location of wells, formation tops and contour map. The structural model is constructed for the tertiary reservoir, which is an asymmetrical anticline consisting of two domes separated by a saddle. It is found that

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Specifying Quality of a Tight Oil Reservoir through 3-D Reservoir Modeling
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Increasing hydrocarbon recovery from tight reservoirs is an essential goal of oil industry in the recent years. Building real dynamic simulation models and selecting and designing suitable development strategies for such reservoirs need basically to construct accurate structural static model construction. The uncertainties in building 3-D reservoir models are a real challenge for such micro to nano pore scale structure. Based on data from 24 wells distributed throughout the Sadi tight formation. An application of building a 3-D static model for a tight limestone oil reservoir in Iraq is presented in this study. The most common uncertainties confronted while building the model were illustrated. Such as accurate estimations of cut-off permeab

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