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Assessing Acid Fracturing for Low-Permeability Carbonate Formation to Improve Oil Production
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This study investigates the application of hydraulic acid fracturing to enhance oil production in the Mishrif Formation of the Al-Fakkah oilfield due to declining flow rates and wellhead pressures resulting from asphaltene deposition and inadequate permeability. Implementing acid fracturing, an established technique for low-permeability carbonate reserves, was essential due to the inadequacy of prior solvent cleaning and acidizing efforts. The document outlines the protocols established prior to and following the treatment, emphasizing the importance of careful oversight to guarantee safety and efficacy. In the MiniFrac treatment, 150 barrels of #30 cross-linked gel were injected at 25 barrels per minute, followed by an overflush with 30# linear gel. Laboratory tests confirmed the fluid's stability. The simulation results suggest that the average fracture conductivity is 285 millidarcy feet, with an effective etched fracture length of 109 m, an acid height of 41 m, and a mean etched width of 0.195 inches. The peak injection rate was maintained at 25 barrels per minute, and the peak surface treating pressure reached 9,190 psi. Post-fracturing thermal responses were monitored using High Precision Temperature logs, which confirmed significant enhancements in the productivity of the Mishrif Formation. This comprehensive approach addresses the challenges posed by low permeability and optimizes the hydraulic fracturing process, thereby enhancing hydrocarbon recovery in the region.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion, Passivity and Pitting of Inconel (600) in Sulphuric Acid
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A potentiostatic study of the behaviour of Inconel (600) in molar sulphuric acid has been carried out over the temperature range 293-313 K. Values have been established for the potentials and current densities of the corrosion, active-passive transition, passivity and transpassive states. For corrosion, the current density (ic) and potential (Ec) have been determined from well-defined Tafel lines. The potential and current density prior to the commencement of passivity have been obtained corresponding respectively to the critical potential (Ecr( and to the current density (icr) for the active-passive transition state. The passive range was defined by the respective potentials and current densities for passive film formation and dissolutio

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) with Probiotic Potential from Dengke Naniura
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Dengke Naniura is a traditional food from Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, that is produced through fermenting process, and this food is believed to contain high probiotics. The objective of the current research is to determine the potential of LAB as a probiotic that has been obtained from Dengke Naniura. Dengke Naniura was traditionally prepared from Cyprinus carpio. Four LABs have been successfully isolated from Dengke Naniura, such as D7DA3, D7B3, D7DBF and D7DN3. Those four LAB isolates were identified as Lactobacillus sp. This result has been confirmed by the non-spore forming bacterium, non-motile, and Gram-positive. Also, it has been supported by biochemical test, for the example Voges Proskauer, catalase test, Methyl

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Purification of algnic acid by Local isolate of Azotobacter Vinelandi
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The bacteria Azotobacter Vinelandii  was taken from a central research in Baghdad, The purification of alginic acid which produced from the bacteria by several steps starting with precipitation with isopropanol (3:1) v/v , Washing by ppt with 100ml of isopropanol       : distilled water (3:1) v/v , then the ppt was dissolved in warm distilled water and dialysis against distilled water from 24 h/s . To Complete the purification , gel filtration chromatography was conducted on sephacryl s-100 column followed by ion – exchange chromatography . Using DEAE cellulose column . The molecular Weight of purified al ginic acid was higher than that of blue dextran 2000,It was more than (2) millions Dalton .<

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Evaluation of New Vanillic Acid Derivatives
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, And Environmental Effects
Ultra Deep Hydrotreatment of Iraqi Vacuum Gas Oil Using a Modified Catalyst
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A set of hydro treating experiments are carried out on vacuum gas oil in a trickle bed reactor to study the hydrodesulfurization and hydrodenitrogenation based on two model compounds, carbazole (non-basic nitrogen compound) and acridine (basic nitrogen compound), which are added at 0–200 ppm to the tested oil, and dibenzotiophene is used as a sulfur model compound at 3,000 ppm over commercial CoMo/ Al2O3 and prepared PtMo/Al2O3. The impregnation method is used to prepare (0.5% Pt) PtMo/Al2O3. The basic sites are found to be very small, and the two catalysts exhibit good metal support interaction. In the absence of nitrogen compounds over the tested catalysts in the trickle bed reactor at temperatures of 523 to 573 K, liquid hourly space v

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis the Causal Relationship between Oil Exports and Economic Growth in Iraq
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The oil exports play a vital role in supporting economic development and raise the economic growth. The oil exports can increase the economic growth via three main channels which are supporting the productive, distributive and service sectors; increasing the investment and capital formation; and increasing the employment rate.

However, the oil exports did not have an important role in increasing the economic growth in Iraq. Therefore, it also did not provide the required support to other economic sectors, neither participated in increase the employees’ skills nor increase the investment rate. It may slightly contribute in enhancement the infrastructure that can attract the public and private investments

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical & Health Sciences
Protecting Oil Flowlines from Corrosion Using 5-ACETYL-2-ANILINO-4-DIMETHYLAMINOTHIAZOLE
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Oil flow lines are used to transport oil and its derivatives from a well over long distances, and because oil wells produce other potentially corrosive products, such as carbon dioxide and Hydrogen sulfide, it is necessary to take methods to protect the pipeline from corrosion. One of these methods is the use of corrosion inhibitors in this study. Prepare 5-acetyl-2-anilino-4-dimethylaminothiazole and test it as a corrosion inhibitor on a sample of the Rumaila flow line at a constant temperature 25°C in (3.5%) NaCl and (3.5%) KCl solution in the absence and presence of different concentrations of inhibitor (0 mM, 0.01 mM, 0.03 M, 0.05 mM). by using liner polarization (Tafel slope). The inhibiter exhibited the best performance at hi

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study and Simulation of Oleic Acid Esterification over Prepared NaY Zeolite Catalyst
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Esterification considers the most important reaction in biodiesel production. In this study, oleic acid was used as a suggested feedstock in order to study and simulate production of biodiesel. The batch esterification reaction of oleic acid was carried out at various operating conditions; temperature from 40 to 70 °C, ethanol to oleic acid molar ratio from 3/1 and 6/1 and a reaction time up to 180 min.
The catalyst used was prepared NaY zeolite, which is added to the reaction mixture as 2, 5 and 10 wt.% of oleic acid.
The results show that the optimum conditions, gives 0.81 conversion of oleic acid, were 6/1 molar ratio of ethanol/oleic acid, 5 wt.% NaY relative to initial oleic acid, 70°C and 60 minutes. The activation energy o

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral &dental Research
The Antibacterial Effect of Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil and 3% Sodium Hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis in Endodontics: An in vitro Study
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Irrigation has significant role in endodontic treatment, many types of antimicrobial irrigation solutions have been used, but due to the ineffectiveness, safety concerns and side effects of this irrigation, the herbal alternatives for endodontic irrigants might be beneficial. Objectives This study compared the in vitro effectiveness of tea tree oil and clove oil as possible irrigants in endodontics against Enterococcus faecalis in comparison with 3% Sodium hypochlorite. Materials and Methods E. faecalis was isolated from patients in need for endodontic treatment; VITEK was employed for E. faecalis isolate conformation. Muller Hinton agar was prepared with 100μl of freshly prepared suspension of E.faecalis. Wells of 6mm diameter and 4mm dep

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral &dental Research
The Antibacterial Effect of Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil and 3% Sodium Hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis in Endodontics: An in vitro Study
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Irrigation has significant role in endodontic treatment, many types of antimicrobial irrigation solutions have been used, but due to the ineffectiveness, safety concerns and side effects of this irrigation, the herbal alternatives for endodontic irrigants might be beneficial. Objectives This study compared the in vitro effectiveness of tea tree oil and clove oil as possible irrigants in endodontics against Enterococcus faecalis in comparison with 3% Sodium hypochlorite. Materials and Methods E. faecalis was isolated from patients in need for endodontic treatment; VITEK was employed for E. faecalis isolate conformation. Muller Hinton agar was prepared with 100μl of freshly prepared suspension of E.faecalis. Wells of 6mm diameter and 4mm dep

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