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In this paper introduce some generalizations of some definitions which are, closure converge to a point, closure directed toward a set, almost ω-converges to a set, almost condensation point, a set ωH-closed relative, ω-continuous functions, weakly ω-continuous functions, ω-compact functions, ω-rigid a set, almost ω-closed functions and ω-perfect functions with several results concerning them.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 21 2021
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
A Linguistic Study of Comment Clauses in the American Series “Friends “

The present study is a linguistic study of comment clauses in the American Series „Friends‟ .Comment clauses refer to those clauses which comment on the content of the main clause or the attitude of the speaker towards the way of speaking .The problem of this study is to answer the following questions ; what types of comment clauses can be used in the face- to –face conversations , for what functions these comment clauses could be used , and how these comment clauses are used by the participants of these conversations . This study is a qualitative one . The study aims to investigate the types of comment clauses used in the American Series “Friends‟. The study also aims to investigate the pragmatic functions of these comment clause

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Real-Time Cloth Simulation on Virtual Human Character Using Enhanced Position Based Dynamic Framework Technique

     Cloth simulation and animation has been the topic of research since the mid-80's in the field of computer graphics. Enforcing incompressible is very important in real time simulation. Although, there are great achievements in this regard, it still suffers from unnecessary time consumption in certain steps that is common in real time applications.   This research develops a real-time cloth simulator for a virtual human character (VHC) with wearable clothing. This research achieves success in cloth simulation on the VHC through enhancing the position-based dynamics (PBD) framework by computing a series of positional constraints which implement constant densities. Also, the self-collision and collision wit

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Partial Sums of Some Fractional Operators of Bounded Turning: Partial Sums of Some Fractional Operators

            In this paper, several conditions are put in order to compose the sequence of partial sums ,  and  of the fractional operators of analytic univalent functions ,  and   of bounded turning which are bounded turning too.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
“They’ve damaged your uniqueness”: Technology as a Source of Dystopia in Caryl Churchill’s A Number

This study focuses on the impact of technology on creating a dystopian world as presented by the English playwright Caryl Churchill in her play A Number (2002). This dramatic work came as a reaction to the most crucial and valuable turning point in the scientific achievements of human engineering, namely, the cloning of the sheep called Dolly. Therefore, A Number is a play that presents an analytical stage for imagining the biotechnological and scientific future. This dramatic vignette captures the playwright’s fears towards the abnormal progress of technology and science and how far such technological progress affects human relationships and identity. It also portrays how technological progress results in the feeling of a lack of

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric and Potentiometric Analysis of Calcichrome and Its Complex With Calcium Ion

    It was confirmed in this research that the ligand calcichrome formed stable complex with calcium ion at pH of  8.5 which verified by UV/Vis and FTIR spectral analysis and the complexation occurred via hydroxyl groups .

The stoichiometric ratio of the formed complex was found to be 1:1 by mole ratio and continuous variation methods . Dry ashing method of the complex and flame emission photometric analysis offered a calcium percentage in calcium complex equal 4.5% with an error of 2.41% due to experimental errors .

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 14 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives

The Fylex extract exert a high inhibition effect against A . flavus growth on PDA medium, as the fungus growth was completely inhibited by 100% at a concentration of 0.2 and 0.3% of studied extract, while the lowest inhibition percentage (71%) was found at a concentration of 0.1%. Whereas magnesium oxide nanoparticles showed the highest inhibition ratio of A. flavus (100%) was detected at 0.2% and the lowest inhibition ratio (81.66%) was at concentration 0.5%. Moreover, the addition of G. lucidum powder to PDA medium with a concentration of 2.5 mg increased the inhibition rate of A. flavus growth which was 54.4%, while the lowest inhibition ration (18.22%) was found at a concentration of 1000 mg. The milky liquid (brocade milk) of Calotropi

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Optimized Zero and First Order Design of Micro Geodetic Networks

Precision is one of the main elements that control the quality of a geodetic network, which defines as the measure of the network efficiency in propagation of random errors. This research aims to solve ZOD and FOD problems for a geodetic network using Rosenbrock Method to optimize the geodetic networks by using MATLAB programming language, to find the optimal design of geodetic network with high precision. ZOD problem was applied to a case study network consists of 19 points and 58 designed distances with a priori deviation equal to 5mm, to determine the best points in the network to consider as control points. The results showed that P55 and P73 having the minimum ellipse of error and considered as control points. FOD problem was applie

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Nano ẛـpreـgـOpen Set

      In this work, the notion is defined by using    and some properties of this set are studied also,  and   Ù€ set are two concepts that are defined by using ; many examples have been cited to indicate that the reverse of the propositions and remarks is not achieved. In addition, new application example of nano was studied.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Influence of Turkish Soap Operas in the Behavior and Trends of the Iraqi Audience (A Field Study on Iraqi University's Students)

This research seeks the effects of dubbed Turkish TV series on Iraqi audiences. The chosen sample is about 600 Iraqi students at Baghdad and al-Anbar Universities. This study consists of four sections: section one deals with the theoretical framework of the study. Section two studies the dubbed Turkish TV series. The third section explores the role of mass media in forming tendencies, and the last section seeks the field study by analyzing the tendencies if Iraqi viewers of these series.
The goal of this study is to know the role these series played in affecting the behavior and attitudes of Iraqi people and how it can change their morals.
The research ends with the number of results like the negative effect of these series on the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and purlfkation of B-lactemase from proteus mairbilis local isolates 4TF and 20TF

Proteus mirabilis ? -lactamase of local isolates number 4TF represent karkh side and 20TF represent rusafa side of Baghdad were extracted and purified 23.17, 25.23 fold with yield of 36.66 %, 37.5% and specific activity 11.8, 12.6 of unit/ mg protein by DEAE –cellulose and Sepharose 4B (respectively ).Molecular weight of both enzyme was about 35500 Dalton determined by gel filtration. The study indicated that the isoelectric point of purified ? -lactamase that extracted from isolate number 4TF and 20TF was 5.4.

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