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Effect of Coriandrumsativum Leaves Aqueous Extract on Structure and Function of Kidney in Male Albino Mice
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Abstract: Coriandrum sativum leaves are used in folk medicine to treat several diseases such as digestive system disorder, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. This study was designed to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of Coriandrum sativum on the structure and function of kidney, 30 males of white Swiss mice Mus musculus were divided randomly to three groups with 10 mice in each group. Animals of first group (control group) had been given orally 0.1 ml of tap water, animals in the second group had been treated orally with 0.1 of single dose (125 mg/Kg b. w./day) of C. sativum leaves extract and animals in the third group has been treated orally with 0.1 ml (250mg/Kg. b. w./day) of the same extract for 30 days. At the end of experiment, the animals had been scarified and kidney were removed and kept for histological sectioning. The data of body’s weight, organs weight, uric acid and creatinine were measured. The results of the present study showed that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the body’s weight between the control and treated groups, as well as the kidney unchanged in its weight in animals treated with (125 mg/Kg/ b. w.), while there was significant reduction (P<0.01) in the organs weight in animals treated with (250 mg/Kg/ b. w.) aqueous extract compared to control. Results revealed that mice treated with 250 mg of C. sativum extract were increased significantly in uric acid and creatinine while the treatment with (125 mg/Kg/ b. w.) of the extract resulted insignificant increase (P>0.05) in these parameters. Moreover the treatment with aqueous extract of C. sativum leaves extract at dose 250 mg caused abnormal histopathological changes in kidney tissue represented by degeneration in convoluted tubules epithelium, conjestion and glomerular atrophy, while the treatment with extract at dose 125 mg caused slightly changes in kidney tissue. According to above results the daily administration of Coriandrum sativum leaves extract induced a huge damage in the structure and functions of kidney.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multipole Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays From Fe(n,ny Reaction Using Constant Statistical Tensor Method (CST).
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The - M ultiple mixing ratios of -transitions from levels of 56Fe populated in 56 56 Fe n n Fe ( , )  reactions are calculated by using const. S.T.M. This method has been used in other works [3,7] but with pure transition or with transitions that can be considered as pure transitions، in our work we used This method for mixed  - transitions in addition to pure  - transitions. The experimental angular distribution coefficients a2 was used from previous works [1] in order to calculet - values. It is clear from the results that the - values are in good agreement or consistent, within associated errors, with those reported previously [1]. The discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing in the expe

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Aes-atema International Conference Series - Advances And Trends In Engineering Materials And Their Applications,
Back filler friction spot welding of pure commercial copper sheets to AA1050 aluminum alloy sheets (experimental study)
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Extraction of Manganese Element from Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slag (EAFS) by Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method
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This research investigates manganese (Mn) extraction from Electric Arc Furnace Steel Slag (EAFS) by using the Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method. The chemical analysis was done on the slag using X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, and atomic absorption spectroscopy. This work consisted of two parts: the first was an extensive study of the effect of variables that can affect the leaching process rate for Mn element from slag (reaction time, nitric acid concentration, solid to liquid ratio, and stirring speed), and the second part evaluates the extraction of Mn element from leached solution. The results showed the possibility of leaching  83.5 % of  Mn element from the slag at a temperature of 25°C, nitric acid co

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Circularization Technique for Strengthening of Plain Concrete Short Square Columns Subjected to a Uniaxial Compression Compressive Pressure
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This paper presents an experimental study for strengthening existing columns against axial compressive loads. The objective of this work is to study the behavior of concrete square columns strengthening with circulation technique. In Iraq, there are significantly more reinforced rectangular and square columns than reinforced circular columns in reinforced concrete buildings. Moreover, early research studies indicated that strengthening of rectangular or square columns using wraps of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) provided rather little enhancement to their load-carrying capacity. In this paper, shape modification technique was performed to modify the shape (cross section) of the columns from square columns into circular colu

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 21 2022
Journal Name
Peerj Computer Science
Performance evaluation of frequency division duplex (FDD) massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) under different correlation models
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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (massive-MIMO) is considered as the key technology to meet the huge demands of data rates in the future wireless communications networks. However, for massive-MIMO systems to realize their maximum potential gain, sufficiently accurate downlink (DL) channel state information (CSI) with low overhead to meet the short coherence time (CT) is required. Therefore, this article aims to overcome the technical challenge of DL CSI estimation in a frequency-division-duplex (FDD) massive-MIMO with short CT considering five different physical correlation models. To this end, the statistical structure of the massive-MIMO channel, which is captured by the physical correlation is exploited to find sufficiently

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Ridge regression method with some classical methods to estimate the parameters of Lomax distribution by simulation
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In this research provide theoretical aspects of one of the most important statistical distributions which it is Lomax, which has many applications in several areas, set of estimation methods was used(MLE,LSE,GWPM) and compare with (RRE) estimation method ,in order to find out best estimation method set of simulation experiment (36) with many replications  in order  to get mean square error and used it to make compare , simulation experiment  contrast with (estimation method, sample size ,value of location and shape parameter) results show that estimation method effected by simulation experiment factors and ability of using other estimation methods such as(Shrinkage, jackknif

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Comparison of Fatigue Life Behavior between Two Different Composite Materials Subjected to Shot Peening at Different Times
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This paper investigated the fatigue life behavior of two composite materials subjected to different times of shot peening (2, 4 and 6 min).The first material prepared from unsaturated polyester with E-glass reinforcement by 33% volume fraction. While, the second one was prepared from unsaturated polyester with aluminum powder by2.5% volume fraction. The experimental results showed that the improvement in endurance limit was obtained (for the first material) at 2, 4 and 6 min shot peening times where the percentage of maximum improvement was 25% at shot peening time of 6 min. While, the endurance limit of the second material decreased at shot peening times of 2, 4 and 6 min where the percentage of maximum reduction was 29 % at shot peenin

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
First Record of Phoretic Mite from Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugiuneus (Olivier,1790) from Basrah, Southern Iraq
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The red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790), which belongs to the family Curculionidae, order Coleoptera, is one of the most important palm pests, which leads to heavy losses in date palms. In the last few years, it has been recorded in Iraq, from Safwan city south of Iraq, where it was detected on date palm trees (Phoenix dactylifera L, Arecales: Arecaceae). In the current study, specimens of adult weevils were collected from infested date palms (Phoenix dactylifera), that showed signs of infection in Safwan district, south of Basra province. The results of the investigation showed the presence of phoretic mites associated with the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier,

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The measurements of neutron Fermi Age for selected Nuclear Reactor shielding materials using the Indium foil technique
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The Neutron Fermi Age, t, and the neutron slowing down density,   q (r, t) , have been measured for some materials such as Graphite and Iron by using gamma spectrometry system UCS-30 with NaI (Tl) detector. This technique was applied for Graphite and Iron materials by using Indium foils covered by Cadmium and the measurements done at the Indium resonance of 1.46 eV. These materials are exposed to a plane 241Am/Be neutron source with recent activity 38 mCi. The measurements of the Fermi Age were found to be t = 297 ± 21 cm2 for Graphite, t = 400 ± 28 cm2 for Iron. Neutron slowing down density was also calculated depending on the recent experimental t value and distance.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of BASE methods with other methods for estimating the measurement parameter for WEBB distribution using simulations
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  Weibull distribution is considered as one of the most widely  distribution applied in real life, Its similar to normal distribution in the way of applications, it's also considered as one of the distributions that can applied in many fields such as industrial engineering to represent replaced and manufacturing time ,weather forecasting, and other scientific uses in reliability studies and survival function in medical and communication engineering fields.

   In this paper, The scale parameter has been estimated for weibull distribution using Bayesian method based on Jeffery prior information as a first method , then enhanced by improving Jeffery prior information and then used as a se

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