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Inverting Gravity Data to Density and Velocity Models for Selected Area in Southwestern Iraq

The gravity method is a measurement of relatively noticeable variations in the Earth’s gravitational field caused by lateral variations in rock's density. In the current research, a new technique is applied on the previous Bouguer map of gravity surveys (conducted from 1940–1950) of the last century, by selecting certain areas in the South-Western desert of Iraqi-territory within the provinces' administrative boundary of Najaf and Anbar. Depending on the theory of gravity inversion where gravity values could be reflected to density-contrast variations with the depths; so, gravity data inversion can be utilized to calculate the models of density and velocity from four selected depth-slices 9.63 Km, 1.1 Km, 0.682 Km and 0.407 Km. The depths were selected using the power spectrum analysis technique of gravity data. Gravity data are inverted based on gravitational anomalies for each depth slice or level and the extracted equivalent depth data from available wells using a connection curve between densities and velocities, which were mostly compatible with Nafe and Drake's standard curve. The inverted gravity data images highlight the behavior of anomalies/structures in the model and domain of density/velocity, which can be utilized in the processing of the recorded seismic data and time to depth conversion, in parallel with available well's data information within the intended study area of South-Western Iraq.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
A novel fusion-based approach for the classification of packets in wireless body area networks

This abstract focuses on the significance of wireless body area networks (WBANs) as a cutting-edge and self-governing technology, which has garnered substantial attention from researchers. The central challenge faced by WBANs revolves around upholding quality of service (QoS) within rapidly evolving sectors like healthcare. The intricate task of managing diverse traffic types with limited resources further compounds this challenge. Particularly in medical WBANs, the prioritization of vital data is crucial to ensure prompt delivery of critical information. Given the stringent requirements of these systems, any data loss or delays are untenable, necessitating the implementation of intelligent algorithms. These algorithms play a pivota

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Spectral Analysis of the Effects of Variation in Electrodes' Area for Dielectric Barrier Discharge Actuator

     In this work, one configuration was used to study the electrical discharge resulting from the dielectric barrier. This configuration consists of a sheet of epoxy/Al composite with dimensions of 75 mm in length, 25 mm in width, and 3 mm in thickness. This panel is located at the center of the electrodes, so that the distance between each of the electrodes and the plate is 2 mm and plasma is generated at these distances. The relationship between voltage and current with changing the frequency of the equipment as well as changing the area of ​​exposure to the upper electrode or changing its length has been studied. The length of the top electrode varies at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mm from the center of the electrodes producing exp

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 12 2017
Journal Name
Day 3 Wed, June 14, 2017
A New Practical Method for Predicting Equivalent Drainage Area of Well in Tight Gas Reservoirs
Abstract<p>The tight gas is one of the main types of the unconventional gas. Typically the tight gas reservoirs consist of highly heterogeneous low permeability reservoir. The economic evaluation for the production from tight gas production is very challenging task because of prevailing uncertainties associated with key reservoir properties, such as porosity, permeability as well as drainage boundary. However one of the important parameters requiring in this economic evaluation is the equivalent drainage area of the well, which relates the actual volume of fluids (e.g gas) produced or withdrawn from the reservoir at a certain moment that changes with time. It is difficult to predict this equival</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sections of beliefs and area of endeavor

Research summary


The researcher in theological sects finds that the controversial issues between the owners of the sects are many, filled with the books of the sects, articles and creeds, and when examining these books it became clear to us that the dispute is related, some of it is related to the meaning and some of it is related to the words and it is many, explained to us by rhetorical terminology such as guidance and delegation, Interpretation and others, and part of it is what is called the verbal disagreement, and sometimes it is by using common possible expressions of truth and falsehood, as in the saying of the Kharijites, “The judgment is only for God,” and some of it is related to something outside th

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Charge density distributions for odd-A of 2s-1d shell nuclei

An analytical expression for the charge density distributions is derived based on the use of occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. The derived expression, which is applicable throughout the whole region of shell nuclei, has been employed in the calculations concerning the charge density distributions for odd- of shell nuclei, such as and nuclei. It is found that introducing an additional parameters, namely and which reflect the difference of the occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads to obtain a remarkabl

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Astronomy And Astrophysics
Determination of Velocity and Radius of Supernova Remnant after 1000 yrs of Explosion

Supernova explosions are described as very violent events which transfer a significant amount of energy to interstellar media and are responsible for a large variety of physical processes. This study does not discuss the actual explosion mechanisms but follows the behavior of the dynamical evolution of some selected type I and type II supernova remnant and particularly after a thousand years from their explosion and shows how the density of the medium affects the evolution and the lifetime of each remnant. By studying such behaviors, a simplified model has been proposed here for the velocity and radius of the remnant after thousand years of explosion that depends only on the density of the medium and age of the remnant. It has been found th

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al- Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020

Land use change, particularly the expansion of urban areas and associated human activities at the expense of natural and semi-natural areas, is a major ecological issue in urban areas around the world. Climate change being a very strong additional driver for changing the temperature and habitat in the cities. This also applies to Baghdad, Iraq, where urbanisation and climate change exerts a major pressure on the natural habitats of the city, and thus may affect the ability of city planners to adapt to future climate change scenarios. Here we present evidence of substantial growth in urban areas, increases in temperature, and degradation of natural vegetation within Baghdad city by using Remote Sensing techniques and an assessment for the

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Studyof The Physicochemical Characteristics of Selected Wells of AL-Migdadiyah Town – Dyala/Iraq

          Physicochemical characteristics of groundwater in AL-Miqdadiyah town were studied by taking random water samples from six differents wells from July to December 2010. The results were compared with the international standards for drinking-water of WHO and FAO and the iraqian limits . Fourteen parameters were analysed. It was found that most of studied wells waters in the allowed limits for drinking water . Except W1 & W2 which had the hight values of turbidity during summer  season only . The present study showed clear differents between winter & summer values in (turbidity , TDS , Cl- , NO2 and Na) . While the remaining characteristics showed exigu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Density Distribution in Entrained Plasma

A theoretical investigation is carried out to study the effect of a pencil electron beam propagating inside the plasma region determining the hydrodynamic densities distribution with the aid of numerical analysis finite deference method (FDM).The plasma is generated and trapped by annular electron beams of fixed electron density 1x1014 m-3. The result of the study shows that the hydrodynamic density behaves as the increase in pencil electron beam. The hydrodynamic density ratio goes to more than double as the increase in pencil electron beam density to 1x1018 m-3.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparative analysis of Median filter family for Removing High-Density Noise in Magnetic Resonance Images

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical indicative test utilized for taking images of the tissue points of interest of the human body. During image acquisition, MRI images can be damaged by many noise signals such as impulse noise. One reason for this noise may be a sharp or sudden disturbance in the image signal. The removal of impulse noise is one of the real difficulties. As of late, numerous image de-noising methods were produced for removing the impulse noise from images. Comparative analysis of known and modern methods of median filter family is presented in this paper. These filters can be categorized as follows: Standard Median Filter; Adaptive Median Filter; Progressive Switching Median Filter; Noise Adaptive Fuz

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