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On Inference of Finite Mixture of Rayleigh Distribution by Gibbs Sampler and Metropolis-Hastings
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Inferential methods of statistical distributions have reached a high level of interest in recent years. However, in real life, data can follow more than one distribution, and then mixture models must be fitted to such data. One of which is a finite mixture of Rayleigh distribution that is widely used in modelling lifetime data in many fields, such as medicine, agriculture and engineering. In this paper, we proposed a new Bayesian frameworks by assuming conjugate priors for the square of the component parameters. We used this prior distribution in the classical Bayesian, Metropolis-hasting (MH) and Gibbs sampler methods. The performance of these techniques were assessed by conducting data which was generated from two and three-component mixture of the Rayleigh distribution according to several scenarios and comparing the results of the scenarios by calculating the mean of classification successful rate (MCSR) and the mean of mean square error(MMSE). The results showed that Gibbs sampler algorithm yields a better computation results than the others in terms of MMSE and MCSR.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 31 2018
Journal Name
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Excess Molar Quantities of Binary Mixture of Dipropyl amine with Aliphatic Alcohols at 298.15 K
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Refractive indices (nD), viscosities (η) and densities (ρ) were deliberated for the binary mixtures created by dipropyl amine with 1-octanol, 1-heptanol, 1-hexanol, 1-pentanol and tert-pentyl alcohol at temperature 298.15 K over the perfect installation extent. The function of Redlich-Kister were used to calculate and renovated of the refractive index deviations (∆nD), viscosity deviations (ηE), excess molar Gibbs free energy (∆G*E) and excess molar volumes (VmE) The standard errors and coefficients were respected by this function. The values of ∆nD, ηE, VmE and ∆G*E were plotted against mole fraction of dipropyl amine. In all cases the obtained ηE, ∆G*E, VmE and ∆nD values were negative at 298.15K. Effect of carbo

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 26 2018
Journal Name
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Excess Molar Quantities of Binary Mixture of Dipropyl amine with Aliphatic Alcohols at 298.15 K
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Refractive indices (nD), viscosities (η) and densities (r) were deliberated for the binary mixtures created by dipropyl amine with 1-octanol, 1-heptanol, 1-hexanol, 1-pentanol and tert-pentyl alcohol at temperature 298.15 K over the perfect installation extent. The function of Redlich-Kister were used to calculate and renovated of the refractive index deviations (∆nD), viscosity deviations (ηE), excess molar Gibbs free energy (∆G*E) and excess molar volumes(Vm E). The standard errors and coefficients were respected by this function. The values of ∆nD, ηE, Vm E and ∆G*E were plotted against mole fraction of dipropyl amine. In all cases the obtained ηE, ∆G*E, Vm E and ∆nD values were negative at 298.15K. Effect of carbon atoms

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 12 2024
Journal Name
Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics And Optoelectronics
Numerical study of single-layer and interlayer grating polarizers based on metasurface structures for quantum key distribution systems
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Polarization is an important property of light, which refers to the direction of electric field oscillations. Polarization modulation plays an essential role for polarization encoding quantum key distribution (QKD). Polarization is used to encode photons in the QKD systems. In this work, visible-range polarizers with optimal dimensions based on resonance grating waveguides have been numerically designed and investigated using the COMSOL Multiphysics Software. Two structures have been designed, namely a singlelayer metasurface grating (SLMG) polarizer and an interlayer metasurface grating (ILMG) polarizer. Both structures have demonstrated high extinction ratios, ~1.8·103 and 8.68·104 , and the bandwidths equal to 45 and 55 nm for th

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study dealt with the management strategy as an independent variable and the integrated industrial distribution as a variable. The study aimed at finding the integrated industrial distribution that fits with the management strategy in providing the needs of the firm on the one hand and reducing the cost of management that is reflected in increasing its profits.
The researcher selected the data from (130) decision makers in the corporation and used the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data and used a set of statistical tools and tools suitable for the nature of information and were processed using the data analysis system (SPSS version 24) Based on the analysis of the responses of the sample and the test of correlation and

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Planning of Distribution Networks in Baghdad City
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Planning of electrical distribution networks is considered of highest priority at the present time in Iraq, due to the huge increase in electrical demand and expansions imposed on distribution networks as a result of the great and rapid urban development.

Distribution system planning simulates and studies the behavior of electrical distribution networks under different operating conditions. The study provide understanding of the existing system and to prepare a short term development plan or a long term plan used to guide system expansion and future investments needed for improved network performance.

The objective of this research is the planning of Al_Bayaa 11 kV distribution network in Baghdad city bas

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 21 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Non-Smooth Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Extended Finite Element Method
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Flexure members such as reinforced concrete (RC) simply supported beams subjected to two-point loading were analyzed numerically. The Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) was employed for the treatment the non-smooth h behaviour such as discontinuities and singularities. This method is a powerful technique used for the analysis of the fracture process and crack propagation in concrete. Concrete is a heterogeneous material that consists of coarse aggregate, cement mortar and air voids distributed in the cement paste. Numerical modeling of concrete comprises a two-scale model, using mesoscale and macroscale numerical models. The effectiveness and validity of the Meso-Scale Approach (MSA) in modeling of the reinforced concrete beams w

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Finite Element Analysis for The Response of URM Walls Supporting RC Slab
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The aim for this research is to investigate the effect of inclusion of crack incidence into the 2D numerical model of the masonry units and bonding mortar on the behavior of unreinforced masonry walls supporting a loaded reinforced concrete slab. The finite element method was implemented for the modeling and analysis of unreinforced masonry walls. In this paper, ABAQUS, FE software with implicit solver was used to model and analyze unreinforced masonry walls which are subjected to a vertical load. Detailed Micro Modeling technique was used to model the masonry units, mortar and unit-mortar interface separately. It was found that considering potential pure tensional cracks located vertically in the middle of the mortar and units show

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Extended Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Meso-Scale Modeling
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Four simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) beams were test experimentaly and analyzed using the extended finite element method (XFEM). This method is used to treat the discontinuities resulting from the fracture process and crack propagation in that occur in concrete. The Meso-Scale Approach (MSA) used to model concrete as a heterogenous material consists of a three-phasic material (coarse aggregate, mortar, and air voids in the cement paste). The coarse aggregate that was used in the casting of these beams rounded and crashed aggregate shape with maximum size of 20 mm. The compressive strength used in these beams is equal to 17 MPa and 34 MPa, respectively. These RC beams are designed to fail due to flexure when subjected to lo

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavement under Dynamic Loading
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The analysis of rigid pavements is a complex mission for many reasons. First, the loading conditions include the repetition of parts of the applied loads (cyclic loads), which produce fatigue in the pavement materials. Additionally, the climatic conditions reveal an important role in the performance of the pavement since the expansion or contraction induced by temperature differences may significantly change the supporting conditions of the pavement. There is an extra difficulty because the pavement structure is made of completely different materials, such as concrete, steel, and soil, with problems related to their interfaces like contact or friction. Because of the problem's difficulty, the finite element simulation is

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Punching Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Fire using Finite Elements
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The main aim of this paper is studied the punching shear and behavior of reinforced concrete slabs exposed to fires, the possibility of punching shear failure occurred as a result of the fires and their inability to withstand the loads. Simulation by finite element analysis is made to predict the type of failure, distribution temperature through the thickness of the slabs, deformation and punching strength. Nonlinear finite element transient thermal-structural analysis at fire conditions are analyzed by ANSYS package. The validity of the modeling is performed for the mechanical and thermal properties of materials from earlier works from literature to decrea

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